Key of Love Silver

Key of Love Silver

An Excellent Tool for Love and Acceptance

Fill your life with love and wholeness with the world around you

In Deuteronomy 6:4-9 it is written:
Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One. You must love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Take these words with which I command you this day. Impress them upon your children and recite them, when you stay at home and when you are on your way, when you lie down and when you get up...

Most people are not aware of the true meaning of these sentences. When Jacob was about to die, he called upon his sons and swore them to believe in one G-d. The name of Jacob is Israel, and the first sentence is the oath of the sons.

The perception unity is the highest value that one should strive to contemplate in his life. The whole creation is one body that multiplies itself into numerous shapes of existence. The laws of geometry, physics, mathematics, and biology prove the existence of this oneness. Creation exists for each one to experience the highest of all – love.

The meaning of creation is placed inside the word love (AHAVA). The word consists of the Hebrew letters Alef (1) and Beit (2) meaning that one splits into two. This process is required, as one cannot experience oneself without a point of reference.  At the moment of fertilization, the cell divides itself into two which bring us to three – creator, creature, and creation. The Lord commands us to love him three times, which are expressed in the three spheres of the pendant and the three engraved words – heart, soul, and might.

The value of the word love (AHAVA) is 13, which is the same as the word one…