Das magische Quadrat - Goldring

Das magische Quadrat - Goldring

Ein altertümliches Jüdisches Symbol der Heilung und des Schutzes

Finden Sie Heilung und Schutz durch altertümliche Jüdische Traditionen

The Magic square ring was inspired by old Jewish traditions that used to create magic squares from Hebrew letters for protection and healing.

A magic square is square table in which each all numbers columns, from all directions, have the same numerical value. In Hebrew each letter has also a numerical value. In the magic square ring the numerical value of each column is 15 which is equivalent to the letters YOD, HE, used as one of Hebrew names of G-D.

This magic square is made of 3 letters in each row. If you multiply the column of one dimension you get 3*3*3= 27 which is the number of Hebrew letters.

The magic square ring is made to protect and heal the wearer.