Friedensengel Silberring

Friedensengel Silberring

Ein Jüdischer Talisman für Erfolg und Akzeptanz des Gebets

Füllen Sie Ihr Leben mit Erfolg

The verses inscribed on the back of the key are good luck sayings for success and for one's prayers being answered. The power of the utterance the verses is mentioned in the book of the Zohar, which is associated with Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. These are the verses:
"And the lord blessed us and we shall live, Grace surrounds He who trusts in God, praise the lord for his grace is eternal, and Noah pleased G-d "

The teeth of the key form the letter "Peh" and the inner space of the PEH forms the letter BET. This is the form in which the letter appears in the Hebrew Bible. The reason for this being, that PEH, the divine speech creates the Briya (Creation) the Bet. The one who understands and experiences the cosmic language navigates his life in accordance with the heavenly plan.