Schlüssel für ein langes Leben - Silber

Schlüssel für ein langes Leben - Silber

Ein Jüdischer Talisman für ein langes Leben

Leben Sie ein langes und glückliches Leben

This pendant is a talisman for health and long life. The inscribed verse on the back of the pendant is a good luck saying for exactly this purpose. Proverbs 3:18 "She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her, and happy is every one that holdest her fast" 3:17 "Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace." "Tower of strength, where God's name stream through, is righteous and exalted"

The teeth of the key form the letter "Peh" and the inner space of the PEH forms the letter BET. This is the form in which the letter appears in the Hebrew Bible. The reason for this being, that PEH, the divine speech creates the Briya (Creation). The Bet. The one who understands and experiences the cosmic language navigates his life in accordance with the heavenly plan.