King Solomon's ring with the G-D four letters name on it. A powerful ring for protection and a reminder of the true nature of life.
Recently I have encountered an article about archaeologists from the Tel Aviv University who discovered an ancient ring (back at 2013) with engravings of the sacred name of God in ancient Hebrew letters - the original Phoenician fonts.
One of the things that always fascinated me was the parallel between the "revealed name" of G-d in Judaism, the Tetragrammaton - the name with the four letters YHWH and the Tetractys of Pythagoras. The Tetragrammaton incorporates basically the abstract idea that G-d is space-time itself, existence and consciousness. The explanation of this is that these four letters in Hebrew make up the word “being”, meaning to be, and also the words: was, is, will be-HAYA, HOVE, YEEHIYE.
These ancient amulets were used for protection. The belief in forces that can bring negative influence into your life is as old as human history. The uncertainty in our lives, the lack of ability to comprehend different phenomenon and our fragile existence, led our ancestors to lean on such things as divination, the belief in the existence of dark forces and the ability to control these forces by using different amulets.
King Solomon's ring reminds me of The Tale of King Solomon and Ashmedai. A tale with many Buddhist concepts hidden in it.

My Own Personal Story About Protection
As for my personal story - it happened about fifteen years ago. At that time I had a few distributors, and one of them had a sort of a new age store with all sorts of crystals, and stuff you can usually find in such a place. One day when I came to the store, he showed me a ring with a peculiar engraving, told me he brought it from Brazil and that it was “powerful”. Then he gave it to me as a gift and to my surprise, it fitted perfectly. As I was wearing it, I had this strange feeling, but I dismissed it and left it on my finger.
At night I had a dream. In the dream, I found myself in a sort of a house full of people at what seems to be some kind of an event. Someone approached me and offered me a small box. On top of the box appeared the ancient Hebrew word for “world” - ”TEVEL” written in gold letters. I looked at the box and tried to look at the figure only to realize that in a strange way I wasn’t able to see who he was. He told me that inside the box, there’s a ring and that if I will take it, the entire world “will be mine”.
I opened the box, and inside there was a plain ring, I thought that the entire thing was ridiculous and decided to take the ring bragging my “bravery”. I put it on my finger looked up and there was no one. I noticed that each time I gazed at the ring it looked different, and an eerie feeling took over.
At that moment I woke up. The room was dark and I’ve noticed that I was wearing the ring that was given to me this morning. I took it off and fell asleep.
The next day everything seemed normal, though I left the ring on the chest of drawers near the bed, and looked at it from time to time suspiciously. In the evening there was a loud knock on the front door. I opened it and there was Yosi. Now, I met Yosi through a mutual friend, after Yosi claimed to have the ability to foresee things and to see the “hidden realms and dimensions of existence” of the higher worlds. He said that from an early age he was diagnosed as an autistic child, but he simply was able to see things that other people weren’t able to see. Because of that it looked as if he was leaving in a world of his own - hence the diagnose.
I was quite skeptic, and I used to test him from time to time.
At that particular evening he came to my house, and as I opened the door he rushed inside and acted strangely. he opened the cupboards in the kitchen, went into the different rooms without talking. “Oh, come on, what is it now???” I said - Then he looked at me and said: “There is something in this house, that you brought, someone gave it to you, it’s sinister, you should get rid of it”.
I looked at him, and most of my skepticism vanished, I haven't told anyone about the dream and the ring. I showed him the ring and he was shaken, “get rid of it”. We went to the beach in Tel Aviv, at night, where things became surrealistic, and I threw the ring to the sea, and that was it.
A few days later I paid a visit to a friend of mine, a fashion designer, and while we were chatting, I looked at his modellist ,a guy by the name of Simon, as he was working on a new design, cutting a piece of fabric, there was something familiar on his finger. The same ring! at first, I thought it was a copy of something similar, so I asked Simon to show me the ring. It looked exactly the same. “Where did you get it?”, “I found it yesterday at the beach”. I tried my best to convince him to get rid of the ring, but he refused…
This story is one of the reasons I decided to
create this ring, both
as a reminder for the unknown and unseen realms of our reality, an
amulet for protection and also
a realization and understanding of the lessons and wisdom of a wise ancient king.