Ciondolo quadrato magico - oro

Ciondolo quadrato magico - oro

An ancient Jewish symbol of healing and protection

Find healing and protection through ancient Jewish traditions

The Magic square ring is inspired by old Jewish traditions that created magic squares from Hebrew letters for protection and healing.

A magic square is a square table in which the letters in each row and column, add up to the same numerical value.In Hebrew, each letter also has a numerical value. In the magic square ring, the numerical value of each column and row is 15 which is equivalent to the sum of letters YOD, HE, which when combined form one of the Hebrew names of G-D.

This magic square is made of 3 letters in each row. If you multiply all three dimensions you get 3*3*3= 27 which is the number of Hebrew letters.

The magic square ring protects and heals the wearer.