Venus Seashell Talisman Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Venus Seashell Talisman Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Assembled on May 7th, 2024, between 8:36-09:36 GMT +3

Universal Symbol of Fertility, Beauty, Relationships in general and Intimacy in particular. Developing Esthetic Sense and Artistic Abilities

Venus Seashell Talisman Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Only 3 Items Left
Assembled on May 7th, 2024, between 8:36-09:36 GMT +3 Givataim Israel

The talisman's election features an applying conjunction of the Moon to Venus in Taurus.

Taurus is not only the sign ruled by Venus, it is also the exaltation sign of the Moon, therefore this conjunction enhances both the significations of the Moon and Venus while powerfully highlighting the extremely beneficial Venusian/Taurian virtues of beauty, prosperity and pleasure. This Venusian and Lunar combination is further reinforced by the rising sign Cancer in the Talisman election. Cancer is ruled by the Moon which is conjoining Venus, and also in a sextile aspect to the rising degrees( from the beneficial 11th house). Finally, this election time is also the planetary hour of Venus.

Venus is the star of beauty and harmony; she governs the wholeness and harmony of nature. That which we see as beauty is the perfect combination of proportions that flow smoothly together in a wonderful dance.

Venus is the universal symbol of fertility, beauty, relationships in general and intimacy in particular. Venus is the expression of our female aspect and creates compatibility, unity and compromise. She characterizes the urge for connection, for merging, cooperation and flow, for pleasantness, softness and joy. She is also connected to a well developed esthetic sense and artistic abilities.

The symbols decorated in the upper part of the Talisman are the astrological symbols of Taurus (beneath the bail) and Venus (in the middle), while the seashell below is one of the ancient symbols of Venus, which was mythologically born from the sea. There are also two pearls on both sides, which are traditionally ruled by the Moon and Venus