Кулон "Весы",серебро (*Sold Ou

Кулон "Весы",серебро (*Sold Ou

Количество ограничено! Кулон изготавливается во время оптимального влияния Солнца в знаке Весов.

Для рожденных под знаком Весов. Прикоснитесь к источнику жизненной энергии Солнца, чтобы создать в своей жизни гармонию и процветание.

Кулон "Весы",серебро (*Sold Out!*)

Sold Out!The Libra pendant is a genuine "Libra talisman". The Talismans were assembled on the 12th of October between 11:34AM to 12:00 PM which is the time of the greatest sun influence on Libra.

It is a known astrological principle that we aspire to embody the fully the energy of the sun as the sun is the generator of the life force, of great inner power. It is a way to tap into our most basic force of being. When we stand at the centre of our 'life' (sun) everything starts orbiting around us in clarity, all our planets (different life expressions) act in harmonious way. When we say - I am an Aries/I am Libra etc… we mean that in the time we are born the sun is in that zodiac sign.

The bottom of the pendant contains the Lotus Flower which closes in the night and opens to the sun during the day. It is a symbol of accepting the power of the sun.

The talisman contains peace of Copper inside which is the metal that represents the Libra sign.

Zodiac Pendants Series
The Libra talisman is part of the series of Zodiac Talismans. There is a basic Talisman and each month I make the specific sign Talisman with the relevant Egyptian Zodiac glyphs and the metals of the sign. Each month the pendant will be made during the optimal time of higher solar energy to help enhance life force and reconnect with our creative energy.