Jupiter Saturn Talisman Silver (*Limited Edition*)

Talisman for the GREAT CONJUNCTION! Once in 200 years.

Saturn in Aquarius brings practical and mental clarity, stamina and perseverance while Jupiter is a powerful life-giving energy bringing abundance, higher vision, philosophical and spiritual wisdom.
$550 USD     (価格 in Gold: $3,197)
3.50cm/3.50cm -  1.4Inch/1.4Inch
Solid Sterling Silver 925     でこの商品を見る Gold



Jupiter Saturn Talisman Silver (*Limited Edition*)

Talisman for the GREAT CONJUNCTION!
Capturing the Rays of the Historical Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.

LIMITED EDITION - Assembled on the 21st of December 2020 at 13:30-14:15 (exact 13:50) (Givataim, Israel). The elected time feature the exact conjunction culminating at the Midheaven in Saturn’s Planetary Hour. Designed and Created in Cooperation with the Astrologer Micahel Ofek.

Inlaid with beautiful Blue Sapphire which shares in the virtues of Saturn and Jupiter by traditional sources.

The symbols on the Talisman are the glyphs of Jupiter (left) and Saturn (right), and in the middle is the ancient Egyptian image of the sign Aquarius - the water bearer.

Just as 2020 is about to end, the cosmos is gifting us with a majestic Grand Finale, an event that was not witnessed in this way in 800 years.

Jupiter and Saturn will align so closely in the night sky (close by latitude) you need to go back as far as 1226 to see something similar. This conjunction is sometimes referred to as the "Christmas Star”, as it is theorized that this bright conjunction in the sky was the eastern "Star of Bethlehem" signalling the birth of Jesus for the three Magi (astrologers). And if this is not enough of a rarity, this conjunction also falls On December 21st! Exactly when the Sun ‘stands still’ (solstice), a major turning point in the yearly cycle, ending 2020 and beginning 2021.

Jupiter and Saturn meet in the skies around every 19-20 years while completing a string of conjunctions in the same triplicity (element) in about 200 years, timing important ages in the world's history. After 200 years at which the Great Conjunction occurred almost always in earth signs, this rare and important conjunction begins a new era of 200 years in the Air Signs.

To further single out this auspicious conjunction from the other Saturn Jupiter conjunctions, is that it happens in the first degree of Aquarius, which is classically ruled by Saturn and is considered its preferred sign by traditional sources (diurnal sign). Furthermore, both Jupiter and Saturn are also enjoying triplicity rulership over the Air Signs, and as both are traditionally considered diurnal planets they are also considered in “Hayz” at the elected time, which means they have all the additional supporting conditions of their ‘Sect’ (an ancient term denoting the contrast between day and night).

This conjunction ushers powerful cosmic energy and bestows great gifts, as it has the potential to balance these two creative powers in complementary ways owing to the shared dignity and Sect (see 3 sentences before). Saturn in Aquarius expresses his airy masculine side (which modern astrologers don’t tend to talk about much) denoting practical and mental clarity, stamina and perseverance, practical thinking, bringing order and structure and deep theoretical and practical wisdom. Jupiter is a powerful life-giving energy, denoted growth, expansion, abundance, higher vision, philosophical and spiritual wisdom.

Jupiter Saturn
Credit: Pete Lawrence

"When Saturn and Jupiter are together, they are in agreement with each other, and they bring about many benefits” ~ Vettius Valens - 2nd-century Hellenistic astrologer

Both planets are the great teachers of mankind, and hold the two aspects of wisdom.
Saturn is the sober philosopher, contemplating existential questions, having a true understanding of the necessities of life, working with time and the laws of the physical world, he holds strategic clarity and a realistic perspective and bestows patience and pragmatic wisdom. Jupiter is the laughing philosopher, he is full of positive and optimistic inspiration, contemplating dimensions of faith and devotion, he bestows high spiritual powers and intuition, seeking truth and meaning, having a higher vision and Ideas of justice and truth. Jupiter gives a sense of awe, spiritual receptivity and abstract wisdom.

Together they express the two poles of wisdom, the practical and spiritual. Jupiter fuses his higher vision with the intellect of Saturn’s strategic clarity and realistic perspective. In this way, Saturn gives roots and foundations to the Jupiterian higher Ideas and brings them into concrete forms in the world. Saturn and Jupiter complement and compensate for each other's weaknesses.

Together they also bring right and balanced judgment, being objective and realistic yet full of inspiration and optimism. Traditionally it confers positions of wealth and power, success in business and law makes masters of their art, and brings the ability to excel in any pursuit. With this talisman, you will get in alignment with this powerful 20/200-year wave, and gain the power of restructuring your life, being the master of your path, dreaming and executing your goals.

Jupiter Saturn
Credit: Michael Ofek

Jupiter Saturn

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    Each of our items are sold in a decorative package embossed with our original symbol, a string for the pendant and a paper scroll explaining the jewel meaning and authenticity.

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