• kosmischer Schmuck

    Authentische Heilige Schmuckstücke und Talismane

    Meisterhaft vom Künstler handgefertigte heilige Symbole für Heilung, Selbst-Ausgewogenheit und Einigkeit
  • Authentische Heilige Schmuckstücke und Talismane

    Meisterhaft vom Künstler handgefertigte heilige Symbole für Heilung, Selbst-Ausgewogenheit und Einigkeit
  • Authentische Heilige Schmuckstücke und Talismane

    Meisterhaft vom Künstler handgefertigte heilige Symbole für Heilung, Selbst-Ausgewogenheit und Einigkeit
David Weitzman Jewelry artists


Mein Name ist David Weitzman. Ich bin ein Künstler, der kosmischen Schmuck per Hand herstellt. Meine größte Inspiration für den Entwurf heiliger und symbolischer Schmuckstücke kommt vom Wissen, dass ich einen Einfluss auf das Leben der Menschen haben kann. Meine Arbeit macht sich der Kraft spiritueller Symbole und heiliger Geometrie aus aller Welt zu Nutze, um denjenigen, die meine heiligen Schmuckstücke tragen, Glückseeligkeit, Lebenskraft, Ereiferung und Liebe zu bringen.

New Courage Pendant

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New Courage Pendant
Dvora Pearlman Designs
The Light Pendant and Related Designs

New Courage Pendant

New Courage pendant with a unique text written by David to understand the nature of fear and overcome it for the sake of self-development and success.

Dvora Pearlman Designs

Hebrew is a sacred language which, in its essence, is a living, kinetic language, and its letters serve as building blocks of creation. As we learn how to connect to them internally, we see that it's possible to influence our lives and create ourselves for a better mutual flow

The Light Pendant and Related Designs

Contains two known symbols – The Vesica Pisces and the Tetractis. This structure is known as the Vesica Pisces or the first day of creation. It is a symbol of the infinite consciousness which is in all of us.

Am meisten geschätzte Designs

Blume des Lebens - Silber

Blume des Lebens - Silber

Blume des Lebens – Gold

Blume des Lebens – Gold

Silberner Genesa Kristall mit Kristall

Silberner Genesa Kristall mit Kristall

Genesa Kristall -  Gold mit Kristall

Genesa Kristall - Gold mit Kristall

Vier-Winde Ring - Silber

Vier-Winde Ring - Silber

Christus Bewusstsein - Silber

Christus Bewusstsein - Silber

Metatron Würfel Silber

Metatron Würfel Silber

Geschlungener Anhänger Silber

Geschlungener Anhänger Silber

Die Sieben Metalle der Astrologie - Ring (*Limited Edition*)

Die Sieben Metalle der Astrologie - Ring (*Limited Edition*)

Merkaba Prana Sphäre Medium, Gold

Merkaba Prana Sphäre Medium, Gold


"I have recieved my beautiful new pieces and have attached a pic of me in all 3 the designs I currently own. They are all BEAUTIFUL and I am grateful to wear them each and every time I put them on. The very first day I wore the ring my Mother immediately noted it and complimented its beauty. There is a good chance I will be ordering her one in the near future. Thank you for sharing your beautiful and uplifting gifts. Namaste"
Sheryle Blasko


"From the moment I received my special jewelry piece, I felt in my heart that my life would begin to align. Today, I took a significant and successful step in my journey which solidified my choice of what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. I am so happy and grateful to have had this opportunity and to have been chosen to receive my jewelry piece. I cannot thank you all enough for choosing me to be apart of a movement in making a difference in the lives of the people who live in this world."


"Hi Yaron! I received my WONDERFUL pieces and I just cannot be happier. I have missed these two magical pieces of jewelry like you couldn’t imagine, and I am so grateful to David for gifting me these replacements. As a matter of fact, when I opened the package this morning after I woke up, I immediately put them both on while still in my pajamas! There is such a powerful, loving energy flowing from David’s work and I thank all of you for blessing me. Best always,"


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Email: [email protected]

US Phone: 1-888-215-6036

David Weitzman Workshop

Mailing Address: Flowers of Life Jewels LTD P.O. box 633 Ha-Lamed Hei St. Givataim 5310601 Israel

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

Jewelry at Work

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