カルマペンダント シルバー


$207 USD     (価格 in Gold: $2,968)
1.50cm/4.50cm -  0.6Inch/1.8Inch
Solid Sterling Silver 925     でこの商品を見る Gold



Karma - Thought precedes action pendant

The Karma Pendant helps in Understanding the massive power of thought to create a reality and bring focus and awareness to your decisions.

This pendant was created to imprint its possessor with the understanding that his thoughts and every decision you make aware or unaware has massive power and the ability to create a reality. The idea behind the pendant is treating ideas as a seed planted in the earth. If this seed is nurtured, respected and cared for it will grow to be a massive tree that is strong and difficult to deforest. This principle is relevant to positive as well as to negative thoughts or decisions.

The Hebrew writing on the pendant states “Sof Maase Bemachshva Techila" which can be translated to "The end of a deed is in its first thought” the phrase is adapted from a 13th-century kabbalistic book called the "Systems of Divinity" (Ma'arekhot ha-Elohut) whose author remains anonymous. The phrase expresses the principle that all things are a product of a divine thought, which sees the result or outcome at the origin of its thought. This understanding as well as the ability to link and differentiate between cause and effect, allows us to execute our thoughts in a complete and harmonious manner.
The pendant contains a live olive seed. The seed symbolized the initial idea thought and potential that will eventually turn and become a materialistic body only if we nourish it. The use of a live seed is also intended to remind us that our thoughts and plans must be harmonious with the environment and all of creation in order for it to be fruitful.

The idea for the design came from a fascinating story that transpired in 2005. In an archeological dig at Masada during the 20th century, some date seeds were discovered. Carbon 14 dating that was performed 30 years after the discovery dated the seeds to 65 BCE. The cultivation of dates was terminated in the land of Israel 2000 years ago after the failure of the Bar Chochba rebellion against the Romans and the deportation of the Jewish people from their homeland. The dates grown in Israel today are not of the original strain of palm dates that were grown, but rather a strain that was brought from Iraq at the beginning of the 20th century. Out of curiosity, an expert researcher of desert vegetation requested a sample of the Masada seeds and after some formalities were granted three seeds. To everyone's astonishment, one seed had sprouted and today stands tall an original Israeli strain palm tree which has been named “Methuselah”.

The pendant is a reminder to its bearers to nourish their thoughts and dream their dreams with the outcome in mind. The pendant is excellent for the fulfillment of dreams and generation of strength and motivation.

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    • KAゴールドジュエリー用ポリッシングクロスを日常的に使うと、ジュエリーを効果的に清掃することができます。
    • ジュエリーは、箱や変色防止加工の袋などで、常に別途保管するようにしてください。
    • 水泳、入浴、家事、または研磨剤を用いた洗剤を使用する前には、常にジュエリーを外してから行うようにしてください。
    • 香水、ヘアスプレー、デオドラントなどの化粧品を使用する場合には、ジュエリーを身につける前に行うようにしてください。これらの製品に含まれる一部の化学成分は、表面の仕上げに悪影響を与える可能性があります。

  • What Do I Get?

    Each of our items are sold in a decorative package embossed with our original symbol, a string for the pendant and a paper scroll explaining the jewel meaning and authenticity.

    What Do I Get?

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