Venus In Pisces Talisman Gold With Diamond (*Limited Edition*)

The Talisman's election features a conjunction of the Moon and Venus in Taurus.

Brings endless unconditional love and radiates harmony and beauty.
$1,194 USD     (Prix in Silver: $265)
1.80cm/3.00cm -  0.7Inch/1.2Inch
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Description du Produit

Divine Love Talisman (Venus In Pisces) Gold With Diamond (*Limited Edition*)

Assembled on May 7th, 2024, between 8:36-09:36 GMT +3.

The Talisman's election features a conjunction of the Moon and Venus in Taurus.

Taurus is not only the sign ruled by Venus, it is also the exaltation sign of the Moon, therefore this conjunction enhances both the significations of the Moon and Venus while powerfully highlighting the extremely beneficial Venusian/Taurian virtues of beauty, prosperity and pleasure.

This Venusian and Lunar combination is further reinforced by the rising sign Cancer in the Talisman election. Cancer is ruled by the Moon which is conjoining Venus, and also in a sextile aspect to the rising degrees( from the beneficial 11th house). Finally, this election time is also the planetary hour of Venus.

Venus Talismans help bring love and romance into our lives and strengthens our existent emotional and romantic connections. It heightens our sensitivity to beauty and our artistic abilities and inspiration. Venus increases personal charm, attractiveness and popularity (In general and In our profession-10 house) and also helps to calm the mind and body, and gives a more soothing energy to our daily lives. This Talisman is also helpful in increasing fertility.

An exalted placement means that the essential nature of a planet is strongly heightened in all its respects, with an addition of modifying factors that do not exist in its signs of rulership. The Pisces energy is modifying Venus’s qualities in underlying the spiritual aspect of love, beauty and harmony. It is an Ideal perception of unconditional love and gentle unifying, even cosmic, compassion.

In Pisces, Venus is not bound to material needs and satisfaction; it is much more interested in the harmonizing and unification of spirits. It brings out a higher love and receptivity, a real authentic connection.

Video of David making the jewel back in 2012

The talisman will help to attract those higher 'exalted' qualities of love, and partnership, but also higher intuition and sensitivity to beauty, and creative inspiration. It is a true symbol of divine and absolute love beyond its physical boundaries; therefore it radiates the state of love not only in regard to a relationship, but also to nature and the universe.

The talisman itself contains the astrological sign of Venus. The Pentagon pattern in the upper circle is actually the celestial beautiful and magical pattern that she creates on her 584 day journey when she passes between the earth and the sun on her path around the sun. At this moment, she creates a fifth of the wheel of the celestial zodiac and forms a pentagram of closeness. This pattern forms a Fibonacci series. The times of the cycles of Venus and Earth create a Golden Relationship that is known as the relationship that describes beauty and harmony in nature. The cyclical relationship between the Earth and Venus shows something of the quality that was always associated with that which Venus represents in astrology.

Venus is the star of beauty and harmony; she governs the wholeness and harmony of nature. That which we see as beauty is the perfect combination of proportions that flow smoothly together in a wonderful dance.

The stone at the center of the pattern is a diamond which is the stone that represents Venus.

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