Jupiter-Spica Talisman Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Limited Edition was assembled on the 13th and 15th of September 2017

Enjoy the powers of the ”Great Benefactor“ - Jupiter together with Spica giving us abundance, success, guidance and support in every action
$1,700 USD     (prezzo in Silver: $215)
2.80cm/2.80cm -  1.1Inch/1.1Inch
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Jupiter-Spica Talisman Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Only 3 Items Left
The long-awaited Jupiter-Spica Talismans - once in twelve years!

Limited Edition was assembled on the 13th and 15th of September 2017 (See exact times below).

Made on a very rare and auspicious astrological event, while Jupiter was in a conjunction to the fixed star Spica, this conjunction happens once in twelve years! 

This is a powerful alignment between two of the most fortunate celestial bodies; 
The planet Jupiter which is considered astrology's “greatest benefic”, signifying growth, abundance, success, luck and protection. The fixed star Spica (of the Virgo constellation) which is considered one of the most luckies, nost good giving, glorifying, healing and protective stars (situated in the tropical sign of Libra).

Not only is this a very powerful Talisman for all the good things mentioned (and much more) - at the time of the conjunction, The beneficent planet Venus (which is also the ruler of Libra, where Jupiter and Spica have their conjunction) is joining Jupiter with a sextile aspect. This even furthers the connection and beneficial powers of this Talisman. Adding the Venusian flare of beauty, love, pleasure, success in and through partnership and romantic relationships. 

We made the Talisman in two dates, both in the rising and culmination of the Jupiter Spica conjunction. In the first date, the 13th of September 2017 between 8:50-9:15 and 14:25-15:00 GMT+3 the - The Moon was in Gemini aspecting Jupiter by a trine and Venus in sextile (together forming a b-sextile figure). The Gemini Moon amplifies and reflects the Jupiter spica energies in social connections, communication, success in business, writing speaking, media and alike.

Two days later at the 15th of September 2017 between 8:37-9:15 and 14:10-14:45 GMT+3 - the Moon was in Cancer which is its own natural sign and the exaltation of Jupiter. The Cancer Moon Amplifies and reflects the good expression and success through the emotional inspiration, connection and support, healing, empathy, community, family and alike.

Pendant design explained:

The front of the talisman bears the image of the ancient goddess Sala giving the wheat to humans. this depiction comes from an ancient cylinder seal. While the outer frame bears the magical ancient alphabet of Jupiter.

The magus Cornelius Agrippa writes on talismans for Jupiter:
...From the operations of Jupiter, they made for prolongation of life...increaseth felicity, riches, honor and conferreth benevolence and prosperity, and frees from enemies gives a religious and glorious life and advancement of fortune.

This is an extremely rare opportunity to get one of these sought-after Talismans since the last Jupiter Talismans I’ve made were sold out two years ago and I’ll have to wait another 12 years for the next Jupiter-Spica conjunction.

More about Spica
The Star Spica is probably one of the most famous fixed stars known for its abundant beneficial and protective powers. This star is also called Alpha Virginis, as it is the brightest star in the constellation of Virgo the maiden. As this constellation signifies an abundance of harvest and a fruitfulness of agriculture, this star is said to provide all sorts of good things, from material good, success in career and achievements, to different artistic talents and magical charisma.

More about Jupiter
The Planet Jupiter It is the largest planet in our solar system and presides over the principles of expansion, growth and synthesis. Jupiter brings us the gifts of abundance and success and provides us with spiritual guidance, support and protection. Jupiter is also the planet that influences the higher faculties of the mind, our ability to synthesize and to have a deep understanding of concepts and experiences. Because of this, Jupiter rules philosophy, religion (in the open and liberal sense) and spiritual insight. Jupiter also controls moral ethics and justice and our inherent capability to discern between good and bad. People who were born when Jupiter was strong, are always seeking truth, justice and faith in life. They are teachers, visionaries and word spreaders.

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  • What Do I Get?

    Each of our items are sold in a decorative package embossed with our original symbol, a string for the pendant and a paper scroll explaining the jewel meaning and authenticity.

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