Royal Handwoven Beads Necklace Silver

Handmade Beads necklace with various Beads options

Wear this necklace with any of our pendants
$176 USD     (prezzo in Gold: $1,207)
45.72cm/45.72cm -  18Inch/18Inch
Solid Sterling Silver 925     Vedi questo prodotto su Gold
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Royal Handwoven Beads Necklace

This is a handmade chain made according to your choice of beads. The chain is available in three lengths 18 inches, 19.7 inches and 21 inch.

The Necklace can be combined with any pendant on our website. To do so, please add both items (the Necklace and the pendant) to the cart and add a note for us to combine them together. Here are some samples:

Necklace with Pendants

Ruby Zoisite
Bead Size - 7.4mm

Ruby Zoisite

Lava Stone
Bead Size - 10.4mm
Lava stone beads pack the double punch of looking beautiful and allegedly possessing healing properties. Lava stones are formed when volcanoes erupt, much like obsidian stones. The lava shoots out of a volcano and runs down its side. Once this incredibly hot liquid rock dries, it becomes a lava stone. Because of these processes, lava stone is considered a stone of rebirth.

Lava Stone

Sardinian Coral
Bead Size - different sizes.
The Sardinian coral has a bright red or pink colour and creates branched colonies that may exceed 20-30 cm in height and live in distinct living conditions: constant salinity and reduced movement of the water, and attenuated illumination.

Sardinian Coral

Bead Size - 6.4mm
Amethyst helps to calm fears and reduce stress. It dispels both doubts and negativity while it relieves depression. Amethyst promotes good judgment and induces vivid dreams. It increases mental powers, which makes it incredibly useful in psychism. Amethyst draws pure and true emotional love as well.


Bead Size - 6.2mm
Labradorite, a mystical and captivating stone, has been revered by ancient cultures for its beauty and powerful energy. With its mesmerizing flash of colours, it has been considered a stone of magic, bringing light to the darkness and illuminating the unknown.

In ancient times, the Inuit people of the Arctic believed that labradorite was a stone of the Northern Lights, imbued with the power of the aurora borealis. They believed that it held within it the secrets of the universe and that by carrying a piece of labradorite, one could be closer to the spirit world. They cherished the stone for its ability to bring clarity and insight to help them navigate through life's challenges.

Labradorite is also associated with ancient spiritual beliefs, among many spiritual practices around the world. Some cultures believed that it could stimulate intuition, psychic development, and spiritual insight, helping to connect the individual with the spiritual realm. It was often used during meditation, helping to bring inner peace and transcendence and to access higher states of consciousness and inner wisdom.

In general, labradorite is said to be a powerful tool for self-discovery, it helps to reveal the truth and uncover hidden talents and abilities. It is a stone that has the ability to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, to help us to see the beauty and magic in the world around us. It is a reminder that within each and every one of us lies a unique light that shines bright and true and that with the right guidance, we can access that light and allow it to guide us on our journey through life.


Bead Size - 9.3mm
The Romans thought that the Moonstone was formed of moonlight and began wearing it in jewelry around 100 A.D. This gemstone has always been considered sacred in India, and Europeans of the Middle Ages thought that by looking into a Moonstone, one would fall into a deep sleep and see the future.


The Larimar is a rare gemstone that can be found only in the Dominican Republic. It is considered a stone that brings harmony and balance. And has beautiful colours varying from light green or light blue to bluish-white, indigo and deep blue. In the photo, you can see it with the Lioness pendant.



Turquoise, a blue-green mineral that shimmers like the oceans and skies, has been revered for centuries in ancient cultures as a powerful and sacred stone. It is said to hold within it the essence of the earth, imbued with the healing energy of the natural world.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the mere presence of turquoise could bring healing and restoration. They carved it into the shape of the sacred scarab, a symbol of rebirth and renewal, and placed it in tombs to guide the dead on their journey to the afterlife. It was believed that turquoise had the power to protect and guide the soul, ensuring a peaceful transition to the next world.

In ancient Mesoamerica, the Aztecs and other pre-Columbian cultures held turquoise in the highest esteem. They believed that it held spiritual power and could provide protection to the wearer, keeping them safe from harm and evil spirits. They adorned themselves with turquoise, decorating their bodies and clothing with intricate designs and patterns, allowing the stone to become an extension of their own soul.

Turquoise is also deeply entwined with the spiritual beliefs and traditions of the native people of North America. The Navajo and Pueblo tribes, who consider it a symbol of the sky and water, would use turquoise in ceremonies to bring healing and good luck. The stone was passed down through generations, becoming a part of their cultural heritage and identity.

In Tibet and Nepal, turquoise is traditionally worn as a powerful talisman against evil spirits and for healing. It is considered a symbol of wealth and status, a cherished possession passed down through the ages.

Turquoise, with all its beauty and mystery, has been a powerful source of inspiration and protection for ancient cultures. It is said to hold within it the power of the earth, connecting us to the natural world and reminding us of the healing and transformative energy that surrounds us.

Chinese Turquoise
Bead Size - 6.4mm

Chinese Turquoise

Arizona Turquoise Barrel Beads
Bead Size - 6.7mm

Arizona Turquoise Barrel Beads

Arizona Turquoise
Bead Size - 6.2mm

Arizona Turquoise

Arizona Turquoise with Venus Venus Moon in Taurus Talisman

Arizona Turquoise

Bead Size - 10.3mm
This gem promotes level-headedness, encouraging clarity of thought and a neutral, cool attitude during turbulence. It can be used to decrease nervousness and irritability. It can drive off unreasonable fears and illusions, soothe emotions and create peace.


Bead Size - 8.4mm
This gleaming gemstone owes its brilliance to high refraction of light, one of the Garnet's most appealing characteristics. Garnets have been widely used for thousands of years. According to legend, Noah suspended a finely cut, glowing garnet to illuminate his ark and steer it through the dark nights. Garnets are also found in jewelry from the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans and have been best known as the “warrior's stone”.


Bead Size - 6.5mm
Lapis Lazuli, a deep blue stone flecked with gold, has been revered for centuries for its beauty and powerful energy. This precious stone has been considered a symbol of wisdom, truth and protection.

Lapis Lazuli has always been considered a powerful and protective stone. It is said to bring truth to the wearer and to stimulate wisdom, helping one to see through the illusions of the world so that one can find the inner truth and to live authentically.

It is also said that it has the power to release stress and negative thoughts, bring tranquility and inner peace, and help to achieve spiritual awareness. Carrying or wearing a piece of lapis lazuli, is a reminder that wisdom, truth, and spiritual growth are within our reach if we only open our hearts and minds to the possibilities.



Bead Size - 7mm
pearls are symbolic of wisdom gained through experience. The gems are believed to offer protection and attract good luck and wealth. They are well-known for their calming effects. Pearls have a way of bringing balance to your karma.


Note: The following pictures are taken with Gold Necklace for demonstration only. You will receive Silver Necklace as described above.
Bead Size - Various sizes.
Ametrine is a variety of quartz that is a combination of amethyst and citrine. It was first discovered in the 17th century in the Anahi mine in Bolivia, which is still one of the main sources of ametrine today.

In ancient times, amethyst was believed to have healing powers and to be able to protect the wearer from drunkenness and other vices. Citrine, on the other hand, was said to bring prosperity and good fortune. So, ametrine, with its combination of amethyst and citrine, was believed to have the powers of both stones and to be particularly powerful.

In some ancient cultures, ametrine was also believed to have spiritual and psychic powers and was used in meditation and spiritual practices. It was also believed to help balance the yin and yang energies within the body. It is still considered by many people today to have metaphysical properties and is often used in crystal healing and energy work.


Bead Size - 3mm
Aquamarine enhances the utilization of psychic powers and makes the mind more alert. It is excellent for cleansing and purifying. Aquamarine can be used in rituals to ensure good health. It soothes and calms emotional problems and promotes peace, happiness, and joy as it halts fear. Aquamarine is a gemstone of psychism, and courage.


Bead Size - 3-5mm
Opals have been prized for their beauty and mystical properties for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks believed that opals were the tears of joy cried by the gods and that the stones could endow the wearer with the power of prophecy. The Romans associated opals with hope and purity and believed that the stones could ward off disease and bring good luck. In the Middle Ages, opals were thought to possess the powers of all other precious gems and were considered a symbol of hope, purity, and truth. Some ancient cultures also believed that opals had healing properties and could protect the wearer from harm.


Black Opal
Bead Size - 3-6mm

Black Opal

Raw Opal
Bead Size - Various sizes

Raw Opal

Bead Size - 2.5-5mm
Emeralds have been highly valued for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, for example, believed that emeralds had healing powers and would often wear them as jewelry or carve them into amulets. The ancient Romans also prized emeralds and used them in jewelry, as well as in signet rings used to make seals. The Incas of South America also highly valued emeralds, and they were used in religious ceremonies and buried with important figures as a symbol of wealth and status. In ancient Greece and Rome, it was said that Emeralds could ward off drunkenness and improve eyesight.

These cultures and many others in the past believed that emeralds had magical powers, such as the ability to foretell the future or to protect the wearer from harm. Additionally, Emeralds were thought to possess medicinal properties and were used in elixirs and potions to treat a wide range of ailments.



Multicolor Sapphire
Bead Size - 3mm
Sapphires were considered to possess spiritual properties for thousands of years and have a long history of use in many different cultures. In ancient Greece and Rome, sapphires were believed to possess healing powers. They were also thought to bring wisdom, good fortune, and protection to the wearer and were often worn by scholars and leaders as a symbol of their wisdom and power. In ancient India, sapphires were associated with the god of wisdom, Lord Vishnu and his consort Goddess Sri, and were believed to bring good fortune, spiritual insight, and protection to the wearer. In the ancient middle east, sapphires were associated with the heavens and were believed to bring protection and good luck. Sapphires have always been deeply associated with the spiritual and religious beliefs and customs of ancient cultures and continue to be a symbol of wisdom, protection, and good fortune.

Multicolor Sapphire

Bead Size - 5mm
Tourmaline has been used in ancient traditions and beliefs across many cultures. In ancient Egypt, it was believed that the stone, when worn on the body, had the power to ward off evil spirits. In ancient China, tourmaline was thought to have healing properties and was used to treat a variety of ailments. The ancient Chinese also believed that tourmaline could protect against negative energy and promote good luck. In India, tourmaline was used in Ayurvedic medicine to balance the three doshas (biological energies) in the body. It was also considered a powerful talisman for spiritual protection. In ancient Africa, tourmaline was believed to have the power to protect against curses and bring good luck. The Native Americans also believed that tourmaline had healing properties and was used to treat various illnesses.


Ruby Button
Bead Size - 2.5-5mm
Many ancient cultures believed that rubies had powerful healing properties and could bring good luck and prosperity. In Sanskrit, the ruby is known as "ratnaraj," meaning "king of precious stones." In ancient India, rubies were thought to bring inner peace and protect the wearer from negative energy. In Burmese culture, rubies were believed to possess a spirit and were worn by royalty as a talisman to protect against physical harm. The ancient Chinese also valued rubies for their protective powers and believed that the gemstone could bring the wearer good fortune. The Romans also associated rubies with power, passion, and vitality.

Ruby Button

Ruby Button

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  • What Do I Get?

    Each of our items are sold in a decorative package embossed with our original symbol, a string for the pendant and a paper scroll explaining the jewel meaning and authenticity.

    What Do I Get?


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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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