Alchemical Wedding Talisman Ring Gold (*Limited Edition*)

The talisman is made ('born') under specific astrological times.

offers the opportunity to balance the opposites of our nature and "alchemize" them together
$1,928 USD     (Цена in Silver: $398)
1.30cm/1.30cm -  0.5Inch/0.5Inch
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Alchemical Wedding Talisman Ring Gold (*Limited Edition*)

New Limited Edition assembled on June 27th, 2022 between 10:35 - 12:10 (GMT+3)

About the Assembly Time
The Moon’s conjunction with Mercury and both were also aligned with the fixed star Rigel! Rigel is the brightest of the Orion constellation and the 7th brightest in the night sky. In the ancient world, Rigel was considered a very fortunate fixed star, denoting benevolence, honour, fame, wealth, happiness, renown, and intellectual, inventive and mechanical abilities. According to an ancient text attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, Rigel and Aldebaran are the most fortunate of all fixed stars.

Together, the very dignified Mercury in Gemini aligned with Rigel, greatly enhances mercurial abilities and their manifestation powers in the world. Their combined utility can bring great powers to the mind, and also achieve great success in their worldly affairs and activities. This Talisman is great for enhancing learning skills and communication, memory and deep understanding and inventiveness. It is great for business success and for achieving fame and wealth in general, and also through one’s knowledge, writing, teaching and communication abilities.

The Mercury Talisman election features Mercury in his own sign of Gemini, culminating at the Midheaven, while also ruling the rising sign (Virgo). Mercury is conjunct the Moon and the Fixed Star Rigel.

We have made these Talismans when the Exalted Sun was rising and when it was culminating, capturing the whole sky through the vantage point of the powerful spring Sun, sitting at the throne of increasing power and vitality, radiating its light to the other planetary bodies.

The Talisman:
This Talisman combines the metals ruled by the two lights: Gold - Sun, Silver - Moon. It includes their ancient astrological glyphs and is created under specific astrological times to draw out, intensify, reinforce and bring to life those symbols. The Lights are “wedded” by Mercury the androgynous universal spirit that is in charge of mediating these polarities (symbolized by his Astrological glyph together with the symbol of the caduceus).

This event is such a time, It features both lights in their exalted positions. Strongly Highlighting both sides of our soul and human experience. Offering the opportunity to balance these opposites of our nature and 'alchemize' them together.

This Talisman is intended to enhance the “marriage” of both principal energies, strong in themselves but ultimately the strongest when united. This is portrayed by the alchemical interweaving of these opposing forces by the Mercurial element (represented by mercury’s glyph and the winged caduceus) uniting body and soul, feminine and masculine, initiating the Androgyny, or the state of unified duality, which is the culmination of the alchemist's Great Work, producing the alchemical tincture/philosopher's stone.

The marriage of the Sun and the Moon causes the emergence of our most pure, androgynous essential self, and acts to transform the raw and chaotic and polarized material - attached self (Prima Materia) into gold (spirit) by way of purification and unification of our basic elements.

Read more about Emerald Tablet of Hermes

  • Как узнать свой размер кольца?

    Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что у каждого Вашего пальца может быть свой собственный размер. Поэтому не стоить думать, что кольцо, которое подходит вашему безымянному пальцу левой руки, будет также подходить вашему безымянному пальцу правой руки.

    Есть два варианта подбора размера:
    Первый (самый точный способ!) – пойти в местный магазин ювелирных изделий.
    Второй способ – скачать и распечатать наше Руководство по подбору размера кольца. . Пожалуйста, не забудьте распечатать его со 100% масштабом.

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  • What Do I Get?

    Each of our items are sold in a decorative package embossed with our original symbol, a string for the pendant and a paper scroll explaining the jewel meaning and authenticity.

    What Do I Get?

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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