Mercury Conjunct Bungula Silver and Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Limited Edition. Symbol of inner higher knowledge and intellectual illumination

Gives powerful mental abilities, deep thought and perception, memory and the ability to grasp and understand complex philosophical ideas.
$1,089 USD     (Цена in Silver: $243)
3.50cm/3.50cm -  1.4Inch/1.4Inch
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Mercury Conjunct Bungula Silver and Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Designed together with Astrologer Michael Ofek.

Limited Edition. Assembled on December 12th 2018 between 04:35-05:01 GMT + 3.

The basic symbol that appears on the talisman is the ancient symbol of Alchemy which represents the transmutation of the four classical elements. At the center appears the symbol of mercury and on each corner, I've placed Mercury's magical characters from the picatrix and Mercury's "intelligence".

Together with Mercury Bungula tonifies the mind and gives powerful mental abilities, deep thought and perception, memory and the ability to grasp and understand complex philosophical ideas and experience the dynamic of unseen realms. With Bungula, the deeper aspects of mercury are activated and profound understandings emerge, and a control of the mind is gained. It is the symbol of inner higher knowledge, gnosis, and intellectual illumination.

Mercury is the planet ruling the active ‘logos’; discursive thought, speech, writing/reading, articulation, study, rhetoric, dialog, memory and mental understanding. Mercury is related to the ability of the mind to gain knowledge through differentiation and connection, through logical delineation and understanding. It is through Mercury we gain mental knowledge and understanding and the tools to communicate it to others.

Bungula (or Toliman) Is the Centaur’s left foot. Bungula is the closest star to the earth and the third brightest stars in magnitude. It is the principal star of Centaurus, the Southern Centaur and is represented as centaur’s left foot (also called Rigel Kentaurus). This star is not just a single Sun, But a system of three Suns encircling each other around a common gravity point. It is understandable that there is not a much astrological doctrine on this Star in the west, as it is much less visible in northern latitudes (only above 29° latitude) so it didn’t gain the same popularity as his more visible brothers. 

In the Zodiac,Bungula is located at 29° Scorpio 30′ by ecliptic projection and is said to be of the nature of Venus and Jupiter. The bright star has a marked beneficial influence due to its brightness and association with both benefics, it assists in gaining its native power, authority and success, benevolence, friends, refinement, and an honorable position (Obama has him culminating on his midheaven degree). Bungula also has a much deeper power, that of a pricing mind, seeing through the veil of illusion, gaining understanding of deep and hidden mysteries, a passion to explore the occult, understand and control magical procedures, shamanic journeys, states of consciousness, also entheogenicaly inspired states (Terence McKenna’s Rising degree).

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