Кулон "Победа",серебро

Богиня Виктория на передней стороне и надпись "Не стесняйся быть великим" на обороте

Этот кулон вдохновит вас на пути к победе и успеху
$139 USD     (Цена in Gold: $982)
1.70cm/1.70cm -  0.7Inch/0.7Inch
Solid Sterling Silver 925     Смотрите этот продукт в Gold
     Посмотреть на цепочки

Бесплатная доставка EMS (2-5 дней)при покупке на сумму свыше 150$

Описание украшения

At the centre of the pendant appears the symbol of Victoria – the goddess of victory (She is the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Nike). On the back of the pendant (or sides of the ring) is the engraved sentence – "Dare to be Great," chosen from a contest at Facebook between my fans and friends. The sentence was brought by Mr. Andrew Kaminski.

I've gathered for you some of the basic principles which led me time and again to meaningful achievements in many fields such as art, music and the many aspects of my personal life. These rules are the secret and the knowledge that I use on a daily basis.

The next set of principles will help you to achieve your goals and fulfil your destiny, whether it is to become a successful writer, skilful musician, athlete, starting your own world peace movement or raising a healthy family.

Achieving Victory – The Rules:

Define the Goals

The first rule is that we must define a goal to which we want to reach. If you don't have a goal, how will you get there? Here are three questions that may help you define your goals (Thank you Mr. Amir Hardoof for the clear definition):
Where am I today?
Where do I want to be?
How will I get there?
Finding your goals is a process which sometimes takes refinement. We must stop and ask our self – what is really important to us in life? Layer by layer we may find the true answer that will supply a decent and deserved cause. One must learn to define long term goals and short term goals which are more realistic.

A Need to Succeed

The urge to succeed does not come from wanting but from being in a state of need. You must find what motivates you and find the factor that creates a need to succeed. Many times in life the need comes from a negative experience that enhances the need to succeed and to prove the world and to ourselves that we can.


After we have defined our goals we must strive for it with constant persistency. In that context one must beware from persistency that lacks the love to what we do. This will lead us in the end to becoming indifferent and to inertia – which are the greatest enemies of victory and success.


You must love what you do!

Find Your Destiny

I believe our destiny is revealed to us in our childhood and is forgotten by most of us as a result of the "education system" and the influence of our close environment. Our destiny appears during our childhood as a certain talent and as our fields of interests as children. I remember my love of nature, art and ancient cultures and archaeology and my tendency towards art – all of these factors led me to what I do today.

Our Environment

"The loneliness of the distance runner……"

Our environment is one of the greatest barriers of victory and success. The people we love most and care for us are often the ones who will stop us from achieving our goals. I remember when I made my first design and showed it to someone. He declared knowingly that "You don't have a chance to sell even a single piece…" since that day my jewellery has reached every corner of the world and made huge impact on people's lives. When I examined the reason for this repetitive behaviour I have discovered that most people have a basic fear of failure - so they don't even try and prefer to stay in what is known as a "comfort zone" which leads to mediocrity which is the biggest barrier to success.
When someone from the outside tries to achieve something meaningful in his/her life or to reach an important goal it threatens the other people's "comfort zone," they will try to stop you. Therefore you must change the environment and always take advice from those who are exactly where you want to be.

1+1=10 - Recruit People to Your Goal

Recruit people to your goal. Fruitful cooperation can bring great results. Team work will promote you to your goals with great power. One of the best examples of team work was the last the last US elections. Obama used the internet and social networks and encouraged the people to join him and donate a small amount of money for his campaign. McCain on the other hand used the conventional ways and asked the financial elite –a small number of billionaires for donations. The result was that Obama created a team of millions and recruited them for his goal. Eventually the numbers and amounts that Obama received from the people for his campaign where much higher and lead Obama to Victory.

You are Your Most Valuable Asset

 Since you are your most valuable asset your time is your most precious resource. You can check if you are using your time wisely with the following exercise:
Divide your time to four parts:
1. Urgent and important (for example finishing a project on schedule; taking care of a health issue, helping our children and family...)
2. Not important and urgent (unimportant phone calls, emails, meetings etc…)
3. Important and not urgent (setting our goals, learning, making plans, spending quality time with our family and children...)
4. Not urgent and not important (watching TV, spending our time on endless shopping, or addictive online games…)
Among all four number 3 is the only one which will lead us to our goal –only there will we find the factors, elements and the process that will lead us to our destiny and goal.
Number 1 is important but these are immediate assignments.
The reason that we spend so much time in number 2 is because of the sense of urgency – we build ourselves an artificial world of pavlovian reactions that we tend to forget to focus on the things that are really important to us.


It is the lighthouse that shows us the way. Without knowledge we will never know how to get to our goal. Attaining relevant knowledge to our field is a must.


Surround yourself with inspirational resources like books, stories, movies of people who did it. The reason I create these jewels in the first place was to share and bring inspiration and to remind us what we strive for.


We fear failure. That fear can paralyse us and prevent us from reaching our goals. We must overcome our fears through the process of growing toward success. I find the obstacle lacking courage to be the biggest barrier of all. That is why I have chosen the sentence "Dare to be Great" and engraved it on the ring and pendant…

  • Доставка и отгрузка

    Все изделия отправляются из Израиля.
    Давиду необходимо несколько дней, чтобы выполнить Ваш заказ.

    Способы доставки:
    Стандартная доставка – 6 $, 10-21 раб. дней.
    EMS – 23 $, 3-5 раб. дней.
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ доставка заказов на сумму свыше 150 $!

    Если у Вас есть пожелания по крайней дате доставки, пожалуйста, сообщите нам! Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы доставить Ваш заказ вовремя.

  • Гарантия

    30-дневная гарантия 100% возврата денег
    Мы гарантируем возврат денег в течение 30 дней. Мы возвратим Вам средства, как только Ваш заказ будет обратно доставлен нам. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами, прежде чем отправить Ваш заказ обратно, чтобы получить необходимые инструкции по отправке.

    Подлинность золота и серебра
    Давид является членом Института стандартов Израиля и проводит периодические проверки своих материалов на подлинность золота и серебра. Институт проверяет, чтобы проба серебра была равна 925, а золота – 14K или 18K. Давид по гарантии бесплатно починит или заменит на новые те изделия, которые поломались в ходе их обычного использования.

    Гарантия от потери заказа
    Мы покрываем любые заказы, которые были потеряны во время доставки, и отправляем Вам заказ повторно.

    Изменение размера кольца
    Если Вы заказали кольцо, и его размер Вам не подходит, то Вы можете отправить его обратно к нам, и Давид изменит его размер бесплатно.

  • Уход за изделиями

    Все изделия Давида созданы с особой тщательностью и любовью. Следуйте этим простым шагам, чтобы сохранить Ваши драгоценности в лучшем их виде:

    • Регулярно используйте для полировки специальную ткань KA GOLD JEWELRY, которая эффективно очищает и полирует золотые и серебряные ювелирные изделия.,
    • Всегда храните ювелирные изделия отдельно в коробке или в антикоррозийной сумке.
    • Всегда снимайте украшения перед плаванием, купанием, домашней работой или перед использованием абразивных чистящих средств.
    • Косметику и парфюмерию, такие как духи, лак для волос или дезодорант, наносите до того, как собираетесь надеть ювелирные изделия, так как некоторые химические вещества в этих продуктах могут повредить отделку.

  • What Do I Get?

    Each of our items are sold in a decorative package embossed with our original symbol, a string for the pendant and a paper scroll explaining the jewel meaning and authenticity.

    What Do I Get?

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David Weitzman Workshop

Phone: 052-7457224

Mailing Address: Flowers of Life Jewels LTD P.O. box 633 Ha-Lamed Hei St. Givataim 5310601 Israel

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

Jewelry at Work

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