Ouroboros Pendant Silver with Zircons

Powerful Symbol of Renewal, Creativity and Endless Change

Empowers the wearer with courage to accept life changing decisions. Awakens creativity and renewal. Encourages healing process.
$164 USD     (Цена in Gold: $1,214)
3.00cm/3.00cm -  1.2Inch/1.2Inch
Solid Sterling Silver 925     Смотрите этот продукт в Gold
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Описание украшения

The Ouroboros Pendant

The Ouroborus is the ultimate symbol of renewal, creativity and endless change.
The Ouroboros symbol has accompanied me for many years and represents for me the courage to accept life changing decisions.

The Ouroboros often represents self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, and other processes perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end . It can also represent the idea of unity. The Ouroboros has been important in religious and mythological symbolism, but has also been frequently used in alchemical illustrations, where it symbolizes the circular nature of the alchemist's opus.

The Ouroborus symbolizes on a personal level the ability to create ourselves a new and to inspire us to make long lasting changes in our lives. On the cosmic level, it is the symbol of the universe itself that creates itself a new from itself, or as Stephen Hawking says - The force of gravity that allows in fact the universe to create itself a new infinitely.

One of the most surprising place where I encountered this symbol in its deepest personal meaning is with Neil Peart, The drummer for Rush. Peart is a well known musician and one of the world’s greatest drummers. His intelligent lyrics as well as his complex rhythm pieces on the drums led to him being called “The professor”. One day while searching online for auto parts for a vintage car I ran into a blog on motorcycles.

One of the songs from the album “Moving Pictures”, is called "Red Barchetta". The song is based on a story written by a young student for a car magazine in 1973 and describes a future where government regulations cause the extinction of old cars in favor of awkward vehicles without any joy of the driving experience. The song was a metaphor for a society that compels the creative individual to surrender to its mediocrity. For years Neil looked for the author of the story to no avail, until he eventually found him and invited him on a motorcycle trek that is documented in the blog.

Only later did I discover that in 1997 he lost his only daughter in a car accident and then his wife ten months later to cancer. As a result of the tragedy, he set out on a motorcycle trek throughout north and central America, where he covered a distance of 55000 miles as a journey of self-healing. In the end, he returned to the band and while I was watching their concert recently I noticed that his entire drum kit and the stage was covered with the Ouroborus symbol…

Here is the a letter received regard the Ouroboros ring:

Refence to the above, I would like to share something with you.
I am disabled, with spina bifida, cervical spondelosis, emphasemia, chronic arthritus plus angina, following two heart operations. Just over 3 years ago I was told I would never walk again. I prayed to THE LORD GOD to heal me, in addition to my prayers many friends throughout the world were also praying for me. On 9/23,my prayers were answered and I took my first few small steps with the aid of a walking stick. I have made steady progress since then and now have a buggy, which enables me to travel away from the care home where I live.

I was very apprehensive about going out on my own, my confidence in myself was lacking, and I was pleased that I could walk but worried about being out on my own. Then the OUROBORUS RING arrived, and upon putting it on my finger, within a matter of just a few minutes, I felt mentally, physically and spiritually uplifted. I felt my confidence coming back and took a taxi into the city, something I had never done since becoming wheelchair bound. I felt good and in complete control of whatever transpired.

By coincidence, a few days later I had an appointment with my doctor for my 6 monthly check up. He remarked on how well I was looking, confirmed my blood pressure was
normal and my breathing test proved clear. He further remarked that my walking has improved, my posture was erect and gave me a clear bill of health.

My health problems (detailed above) are still with me, but I don't seem to notice the pain so much. I attribute all of this to the OUROBORUS RING. I have since gone out to the local shops on my little buggy and felt quite secure.

In conclusion I would just like to say thank to David for this beautiful and powerful ring.

Many Blessings

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  • What Do I Get?

    Each of our items are sold in a decorative package embossed with our original symbol, a string for the pendant and a paper scroll explaining the jewel meaning and authenticity.

    What Do I Get?

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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