Wedding and Engagement Rings

The Wedding ring Circle represents eternity and never-ending love. Gold wedding rings symbolize divinity and purity and Silver wedding rings represent modesty and humility.

David’s wedding and engagement rings symbolize unity, love, fertility, and harmony. Every ring is composed of unique symbolism, inspiring design, and authentic artist intention.

Mobius ring

The ultimate symbol of unity and oneness
The ring which has only one facet (if you move your finger from one point around the ring you will circumnavigate the sides and reach to the same spot you started from...). The Mobius ring will deepen your feeling and understanding of unity and will always remind you that you are two - which are one.

Mobius Ring mit zirkons

Preis: $171 USD

Mobius Ring Gold

Preis: $755 USD

Mobius Ring Silber

Preis: $128 USD

"Hello Yaron!
We received the rings today, they fit perfect! Thanks to david you for the rings and to you for your special care.
Warm regards,

Personalized Magical Couples Rings

Made according to couple’s birth charts. These rings are intended to strengthen the bond of love and compassion, helping couples unite and act together in harmonious partnership, while maintaining each person's uniqueness and individuality.

Oversoul Rings

This ring is normally engraved with the bearer's name in Hebrew but in the case of couple's, each wearer can have the name of the partner. The name is engraved in between the letters of the Hebrew word Neshama (soul).

The Four winds ring

This ring is for the truth seekers.
It blesses your mutual journey of life and guides you to find the way through the illusions of life.

Vier-Winde Ring - Gold

Preis: $1,690 USD

Vier-Winde Ring - Silber

Preis: $147 USD

I Love Therefore I Am

The “I Love therefore I am” ring is a paraphrase of the famous expression by the French philosopher, Descartes – “I think therefore I am” when he tried to prove, by using logic, the reality of his existence. The design changed the sentence engraved on this ring to something that expresses the very essence of life, something we cannot grasp with thoughts but only with our hearts - “I Love therefore I am”...

The "I love therefore I am" ring different design:

Diligo Ergo Sum Rings

Lotus Ring

Spiritual symbol of humility, compassion and unity. The lotus ring will always remind you of bringing those qualities into your marriage life; allowing them to flourish. you that you are two - which are one.

Lotus Ring Gold

Preis: $761 USD

Lotus Ring Silber

Preis: $137 USD

"Good Day and Happy New Year!
I do not remember if we told you how we received the rings…. on Saturday Dec 22, we were expecting the rings to arrive. In our minds we imagined their arrival so that we could have them for the ceremony.
We had gone out for a couple of hours. When we returned there was a note that the Postal Service had attempted to deliver the package and that we could pick it up the next business day…. too late for the ceremony!! So Judy went to the back of the Post Office, got the emergency phone numbers and began calling. The first 3 were not valid, but the 4th was the cell phone number of the person in the post office where the package was taken! His number was “definitely not supposed to be listed as an emergency number!”)… so he said…. :) And….. they were just about to close! We grabbed some holiday “goodies” (nuts, cookies), jumped in the car, and zoomed over to the Post Office, 30 minutes from our home.
Well, he met us at the door with our package!! We laughed and laughed at the unlikely series of events that allowed us to have our rings for our sacred wedding ceremony! You had first told us that the rings would be made by the 24th or 25th…. then we found out that you shipped them on Thursday, the 20th, with “2-5 day shipping”.
Then, as unlikely as it first seemed (except to our imaginations!) the rings arrived in time! Woo-hoo! Divine Intervention at work!! :) What fun!!
Thank you for these wonderful rings! We are happy to know of your beautiful products and the magnificence of your character!
We happily recommend you to all, Dear Ones!
Blessings All-Ways,
Phil & Judy 

Pattern of Life Rings

Cosmic pattern of endless love and wisdom. The shape the pattern of life ring consists of is the central pattern of the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life. This geometrical pattern is the basis for all reality and is a part of everything that exists in our world - light, color, sound, shape, molecular structures, electromagnetic fields and many more.

The Equilibrium Ring

Represents two individuals in relationship; maintaining his/her identity while keeping strong and powerful mutual basis. The original model was forged from iron and was hammered in the same technique and tradition of the ancient blacksmiths and goldsmiths .The ring was forged and born from fire which is the element of passion and creativity.

Equilibrium ring gold

Preis: $1,408 USD

Equilibrium ring silver

Preis: $135 USD

Wedding rings

The Ring of Love

Engraved on the ring of love is the sentence “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”. The ring is a great symbol of true love and one of the highest commandments of all.
Great wedding and engagement ring to celebrate your union.

Ring der Liebe Silber

Preis: $130 USD

Ring der Liebe Gold

Preis: $1,766 USD


A secret harmonious symbol of love. Received by Dvora Perlman
The symbol in this Ring was created from the Hebrew word for love-"AHAVA". Hebrew is the holy language of the Old Testament scriptures The Hebrew language is a language with unique and strong kinetic attributes that influence our consciousness.

AHAVA Ring Silber

Preis: $128 USD

AHAVA Ring Gold

Preis: $872 USD

I am My Beloved Ring

Epitome of love from “song of songs” of king Solomon. “I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me”

The Four Elements Rings

Use the symbol of the four elements as a guiding or complementary quality in your marriage and life together. You can choose complementary elements such as Earth and water or the element that you want in your marriage such as fire for passion and creativity.

The Earth Element - symbol of abundance, connection to earth and the basic element of life.
The Water Element - represents flow, abundance and the ability to adapt to life’s changes.
The Air Element - symbols of spiritualism and inspiration.
The Fire Element - represents passion and creativity.


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David Weitzman Workshop

Phone: 052-7457224

Mailing Address: Flowers of Life Jewels LTD P.O. box 633 Ha-Lamed Hei St. Givataim 5310601 Israel

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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