Mother’s Day Jewelry Collection - 2024

Empowering and Meaningful Jewelry Crafted by David Weitzman

Express gratitude for your mother's unwavering love and commitment by presenting her with a unique piece from David Weitzman. Every design merges aesthetic appeal with deep, meaningful symbolism inspired by an array of world traditions.

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Seed of Life
Hunab Ku
Mayan World Tree
Divine Love Talisman (Venus In Pisces)
Genesa Crystal
Egyptian Childbirth Talisman
Flower of Life
Spica Talisman
Royal Handwoven Beads Necklace
Shechina Famulet
The Four Angels Amulet
Drop in the Ocean
Nefertiti Lotus Earrings

Flower of Life Pendant
Sacred Geometry Symbol of Healing and Unity

The flower of life shape contains a secret shape known as the fruit of life. It consists of 13 spheres that hold many mathematical and geometrical laws. These laws represent the whole universe. Giving the Flower of Life to someone is like giving them the whole universe in one jewel.

Pattern of Life Ring

Seed of Life Pendant
The Symbol of Creation and Fertility

The Seed of Life pendant is the perfect gift for mothers-to-be, offering protection during pregnancy. The jewel is also ideal for those looking for a change, fostering the creation of new ideas and new paths in life.

Hunab Ku pendant
Mayan symbol for the Mother Womb"

Hunab Ku is the "Mother Womb" which is constantly giving birth to new stars and it gave birth to our own Sun and Planet Earth. The Hunab Ku pendant represents the symbol of the Creator God in the Mayan culture. The meaning of the name Hunab Ku is “The Only God”. 

Mayan World Tree Pendant
Ancient Symbol of the universe and the Cosmic Awareness

The Mayan World Tree represents the four directions of the world, where the tree itself is the center -The Mondi axis is the point where earth and sky meet with the perpendicular and horizontal axis of the world.

Divine Love Talisman (Venus In Pisces)
Assembled on 21st of February 2018 between 06:32-07:10 GMT+3 during an exact conjunction of Venus with Neptune in the sign Pisce

Powerful archetype of Unconditional love and beauty. The Pisces energy is modifying Venus's qualities in underlying the spiritual aspect of love, beauty and harmony. It is an Ideal perception of unconditional love and gentle unifying, even cosmic, compassion.

Genesa Crystal
An Excellent Tool for Healing and Self-Balance

Fill your mother’s life with good health, positive energy, and balance with the  Genesa crystal. The crystal purifies environments, and is believed to amplify the energy of any stone it holds.

Spica Talisman
For Unbounded good fortune, happiness and fertility

Spica is associated with Šala the Babylonian goddess of agriculture and fertility. The image on the Talisman is a depiction of the goddess giving wheat to humans.

Royal Handwoven Beads Necklace Silver
Handmade Beads necklace with various Beads options

Shechina Famulet
Special Feminine Amulets, pendants and talismans, expressing feminine qualities

The Famulets represent original symbols inspired by ancient Goddess cultures and created by the artist Nona-Lila Megged. Each Famulet is charged with positive feminine energy, contributing to your empowerment, creativity, healing, balance and oneness. 

Shechina Famulet Silver

Preis: $120 USD

Shechina Famulet Gold

Preis: $469 USD

The Four Angels Amulet
Comprised of four facets, each carrying one of the names of the four angels and engraved with the name of the bearer of the Talisman and his/her mother's name.

Talisman for healing, protection guidance, and justice. A Wonderful gift for mothers or to those who lost their mother and wish to have her memory close to their heart.

The Four Angels Amulet Silver
15% Off

The Four Angels Amulet Silver

Preis: ($200) $170

The Four Angels Amuletn Gold
15% Off

The Four Angels Amuletn Gold

Preis: ($2158) $1834

Drop in the Ocean
With the Sufi Phrase - “You are not a drop in the Ocean, you are the ocean in a drop”

The pendant is meant to inspire the wearer to experience oneness with the universe. It also serves as a powerful reminder of our endless ability of creation.

The Labyrinth - Tapuat
Hopi symbol for mother earth

The Labyrinth is identical to the Hopi symbol of mother earth. Also viewed as the symbol for mother and her child. The lines represent stages of life, umbilical cord, and the path of moving - always within the watchfulness of the Mother. The center symbolizes - the center of life - the beginning.

Labyrinth Goldanhänger

Preis: $1,661 USD

An Ancient Egyptian Mother and Child Protection Amulets
Original designs for Mother's Day

The first Talisman is a Knife symbol that can be found in various cultures to symbolize defence, to keep away nightmares and for protection during childbirth. In ancient Egypt, the knife was a symbol of protection and strength.

The second Talisman is an Amulet of Taweret (Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility) which were popular and used by pregnant women to protect their pregnancies and to invoke Taweret's aid in a successful birth. She was believed to assist women in labor and scare off demons that could harm the mother or child.

Inlaid Egg of Life

A Symbol of Health, Fertility, and Balance

The Egg of Life perfectly symbolizes the deep connection between mother and child – it is the shape of the multi-cellular embryo in its first hours. It also brings the wearer good health, fertility, and balance.

Lioness Motherhood Pendant
Ultimate motherhood symbol with Tri Spiral (triskele) and Lioness

At the top right there is one lioness figure that represents wisdom and compassion and the top left there is a second lioness figure - symbol of strength and power. At the center of the pendant there is the Tri Spiral, an ancient symbol of motherhood.

Queen Alexandra Shlomzion earrings
Made originally, by David to his beloved mother as a gift to Mother's Day 2013.

The earrings are an exact copy of earrings that were discovered in Archaeological excavations in the city of David in Jerusalem in the year 2008. The earrings that were discovered were gold earrings inlaid with emeralds and pearls. This design was customary with aristocratic families at the time of the Roman Empire between the first century BC up until the fourth century AD.

Queen Alexandra Shlomzion earrings Explained:

Nefertiti Lotus Earrings
The sacred blue lotus is one of the most common symbols in the Egyptian art. It can be found in ancient temples and tombs of the ancient kingdom.

The Book of the Dead, Papyrus of Hunefer - a spell of being transformed into a lotus:
"I am this pure Lotus which went forth from the sunshine, which is at the nose of Re; I have descended that I may seek it for Horus, for I am the pure one who issued from the marsh"
The image that accompanied this prayer was that of the deceased head emerging from a lotus flower with this prayer, where he asks to become a lotus flower so that he will gain eternal life...

Nefertiti Lotus Earrings Explained:

The Merkaba
A Powerful Symbol of Healing and Protection
Your mother has always protected you. Now you can give her the gift of healing and protection with the Merkaba, which represents your unconditional love.

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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