Jupiter Talisman Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Limited edition! Assembled on June 3rd 2021 between  0:32 - 0:50 GMT with Jupiter in the second degree of Pisces

Enjoy the powers of the ”Great Benefactor“ - Jupiter, giving us abundance, success, guidance and support in every action
$4,092 USD     (Preis in Silver: $458)
3.50cm/3.50cm -  1.4Inch/1.4Inch
     Dieses Produkt ansehen in Silver
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Dieses Produkt kann kostenlos mit EMS (2 - 5 Tage) versendet werden


Jupiter Exaltation Talisman Gold (*Limited Edition*)

Limited edition! Assembled on June 3rd, 2021 between  0:32 - 0:50 GMT.  

Jupiter had recently entered the water sign of Pisces, and we are more than happy to celebrate this special astrological event! After a year and a half that Jupiter was travelling in the signs of Saturn, entering Capricon (the sign of its “fall”) in December 2019, right with the first cases of Covid in china, and we know what happened next… all of 2020, Jupiter’s signification of freedom and abundance were lowered to the minimum, as fear, isolation, rules and regulation etc (Saturn significations) were taking over the world stage. After entering the sign of Aquarius on 21st December 2020, with the powerful grand conjunction with Saturn, Jupiter was speeding up in anticipation of regaining his powers in the Sign of Pisces. Jupiter has entered Pisces on May 14th and will stay there until July the 28th, when he will retrograde back into Aquarius and will enter Pisces for good only at the end of the year.

We will be making this edition of Talismans with Jupiter in the second degree of Pisces, in two consecutive elections, featuring the same auspicious configuration - The Jupiter-Venus Trine with Mutual Reception by Exaltation  (Each in each other exaltation sign).
Election for Jupiter Talismans - June 3rd, 2021 between  0:32 - 0:50, Givataim, Israel). Features Jupiter in Pisces rising (on the Asc) at its own planetary hour, trining Venus in the 5th house (her house of “joy”), and the Moon also in Pisces in the face/decan of Jupiter. 

On The Powers of Exalted Jupiter Talisman

This is a description of "The Seal of Jupiter” from the ancient magical text "The book of Alexander”. The text describes its uses, both physically and circumstantially:
"How to make the Seal of Jupiter which diminishes weakness and ends physical discomfort”
The text continues:
“He who uses it will be loved by all people, who will praise and compliment him. If you have a dispute with an adversary you will be able to dominate him and yet also be on good terms with him. It is powerful in controlling judges and religious men. Whoever uses it will conquer anything he is confronted with, be saved from any danger and even in transactions of great risk he will gain.
(Translation - Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold )

This is THE Talisman for success and prosperity, guidance, healing and spiritual truth. Jupiter has always been considered to be the ‘great benefactor’. It is the largest planet in our solar system and presides over the principles of expansion growth and synthesis. Jupiter brings us the gifts of abundance and success and provides us with spiritual guidance, support and protection.
Jupiter is also the planet that influences the higher faculties of the mind, our ability to synthesize and to have a deep understanding of concepts and experiences.
Because of this, Jupiter rules philosophy, religion (in the open and liberal sense) and spiritual insight. Jupiter also controls moral ethics and justice and our inherent capability to discern between good and bad. People who were born when Jupiter was strong, are always seeking truth, justice and faith in life. They are teachers, visionaries and word spreaders.
In Indian astrology, the name for Jupiter is 'guru' which means guide or teacher. Jupiter is a guide for wisdom and expansion of consciousness, it lifts our spirit with joy, enthusiasm and optimism gives us a feeling of the magic in life and the gentle guiding hand of fate. Most important, Jupiter's influence helps us trust in our path and above all have hope!

The magus Cornelius Agrippa writes on talismans for Jupiter:
“...From the operations of Jupiter, they made for prolongation of life...increaseth felicity, riches, honor and conferreth benevolence and prosperity, and frees from enemies gives a religious and glorious life and advancement of fortune.

Talisman Design Explanation
The central image in this talisman was taken from the Greek and Roman mythology. It is the Aquila - the Roman/Greek symbol of Zeus/Jupiter’s powerful eagle who served him as a messenger. It is a replica of an ancient Roman coin from my private collection. The symbols on the outside ring are some of the ancient magic seals of Jupiter. The three symbols in gold are of course the symbols of Jupiter the Sun and the Moon.

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    • Verwenden Sie regelmäßig das KA GOLDSCHMUCK Poliertuch, um Ihren Schmuck effektiv zu reinigen.
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  • What Do I Get?

    Each of our items are sold in a decorative package embossed with our original symbol, a string for the pendant and a paper scroll explaining the jewel meaning and authenticity.

    What Do I Get?

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

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