Uranus in Aries Talisman Ring Gold (*Sold Out!*)

Powerful Symbol of Rebellious spirit and Individualization

Open new vistas and awake the inner need for freedom and individuality
$1,650 USD     (Preis in Silver: $196)
1.80cm/1.80cm -  0.7Inch/0.7Inch
     Dieses Produkt ansehen in Silver
  US Standard      Ringgröße suchen & konvertieren

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Uranus in Aries Talisman Ring Gold (*Sold Out!*)

Sold Out!

This Talisman was created On April the 2nd 2014 between 6:15 - 06:55 AM  when the Sun is making a bodily alignment (conjunction) with Uranus in Aries in the same zodiac degree. This alignment activates the Uranian energy with a strong solar force (The Sun is very strong in Aries, the place of its exaltation).

The ancient coin on top of the ring is an accurate replica of an ancient Roman coin bearing the Image of Sol the Roman Sun god with the "Sol Invictus"- Sol the Unconquered" symbolizing the rebellious spirit of the Uranus/Sun combination.

The Sun Uranus combination has a strong, freedom-oriented, rebellious spirit. It is the “I” that acknowledges uniqueness and dares to shine in its true colors! Not yielding to external power manipulations, but reclaiming its own power and holding its own individual center. 
It is a symbol of a highly individualized life force with an uncompromising expression of 'The will to be' and live the most authentic truth of the self, in spite of outer limitations and social pressures to conform.

Uranus represents the breaking of limitations that inhibit growth and change. It represents the spirit’s need for freedom, excitement and novelty. Uranus is the Prometheus in every one of us, the passion for the “fire of the gods” and the need to share it. It is the spark of our uniqueness and ingenuity.
It is the power of change, of the radically new and enlightened, the power of revolution from conformity and narrow perspectives that pushes us to evolve!

A few words about the Uranus-Aries combination.

Since March 2011 Uranus is in the sign of Aries (in its cycle of 84 years).
Uranus has a cycle of 84 years, and its entry to zero point degree Aries is very important. This degree marks the beginning of the tropical zodiac, it symbolizes a new beginning, a birth of a new cycle, an opening of new possibilities.
Aries is a cardinal sign, the first of the cardinal four (Aries, cancer, Libra, Capricorn). Those four signs and there beginning is called AXIS MUNDI or the axis of the world. All life and world events hinge on this cardinal cross, it is the main moving energy that initiates action and change.
Uranus represents liberation, Individualization, change and rebellious spirit. It is a sign of breaking of the old, receiving insights, inventiveness, genius and higher mind. Uranus is the power of freedom from any limiting factor, physically or mentally. It is the power to be what we are in the most unique way, acting from within and not in conformity with how other people think we are supposed to act.
Uranus in Aries denotes the energy of the rebel; it gives the power to break any pattern that limits the spirit’s expression. It instills pride in being different and unique and accelerates individualized energy expression. 
This Talisman will help in opening new horizons and awake the inner need for freedom and individuality. It can help to reclaim our power by cutting the old patterns and stand firm against oppression and intervention. 
The Talisman's design was created and captures it's entry to Aries in 2011 and is composed of the geometry of three planetary cycles; the inner one is Jupiter and the outermost one is Uranus, with Saturn in the middle. It is a geometric seal of heavenly proportion. This is a fitting image because during the beginning of it's 84 years cycle Jupiter was also in Aries and Saturn was in Libra opposing Aries. These three planets are interacting together in this planetary picture, with the emphasis on Uranus that encapsulates the others.


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