Newsletter June 2011

A Unique One of a Kind Jewel that you Won't Find Anywhere Else...

In this newsletter, we are launching the most original and unique jewel you can find.
It is a unique tool that we make personally for the wearer and is meant for realizing your potential and fulfilling your destiny. Also, we have expanded our four elements project, in addition to rings, we now offer pendants in this line.

15% Discount on the four elements and Cosmic Sigil Talisman
Valid until 28/6/2011. No need for coupon code. You can find the discounted items at the four elements article and at new designs page

The Cosmic Sigil Personalized Astrology Talisman
I am very excited to share with you a creation that for me has been one of most complex and interesting pieces that I have worked on in my life. My desire to bring you a jewel that is meaningful and personal to each and every one of you, inspired me to live up the challenges that this jewel presents.
Personalized Cosmic Sigil Talisman
How does it work?
At the time of ordering the talisman, you send us your date, time and place of birth as accurate as possible. Our in-house astrologer - Michael Ofek prepares your birth chart and analyzes it to find the exact time that the configuration of the planets is in it's most balancing , empowering and strengthening state in correlation with your birth chart and contains your maximum potential. I will assemble the pendant at that exact point of time when the configuration of the planets is in an optimal position according to your birth chart and in a celestial window of opportunities that stress your full potential and resolves difficult combinations.

The parts of the Talisman are :
  • A figure of an astrological chart
  • In the outer circle, the zodiac signs
  • In the middle circle there is a representation of your personal optimal representation of the Wheel Of Houses
  • In the inner circle, we will embed gems that represent the exact placement of the Planets (Ruby for The Sun, Diamond for The Moon and Emerald for the planets).
  • On the backside of the pendant, one of the four elements (Earth, Water, Air and Fire) according to the element that you need in correlation to your birth chart.
This is a true one of a kind Talisman that you can not find anywhere else...

In order to understand the unique significance of the jewelry piece, one has to understand what is a talisman. The word talisman comes from the Greek word "telein" which means "to complete". In ancient times, when someone was interested in a talisman, he/she would go to the priest/priestess or to the wizard/sorceress, or to a community elder who had an astrological/astronomical and esoteric knowledge ; and would request from him/her a talisman. The priest/ess would check his/her birthchart and check, with the help  of astronomical knowledge, what are the weak points,the strong aspects and the perfect correlation of star alignment and exaltation that will bring this person to his/hers full potential and strength. After that, the priest/ess would look for a future star alignment that that will capture this specific empowering state and will create a sacred object at that spesific celestial window of oppotunities with a unique combinations of stones sigils or symbols.  Today, we do not have anything similar, that represents in a personalized and detailed way of a personalized sacred  and esoteric tool for power strength realising one's destiny and self fulfilment. This is the reason that despite the difficulties, I persisted and created a jewel of this type.

The Price
I know that a some of you may not be able to afford the jewel due to its price - the jewel is made up from many parts, an astrologer's insight, embedded precious stones, and many hours of work. For this reason, out of consideration for you and out of gratefulness for your support that comes from all over the world, I created a separate series of pendants that is based on the four elements that also appears on the back of the new Cosmic Sigil pendant. The four elements series is an affordable version for realizing your own potential and fulfil your destiny. We are also offering a 15% discount for a limited time.

The making of the talisman - Part 2

The making of Cosmic Sigil Talisman - Part 2

The Four Elements Project
As part of the Cosmic Sigill project, I have prepared The Four Elements Pendants as well. These pendants join The Four Elements Rings - Air, Water, Earth and Fire. The goal of this project is to give the wearer a tool to focus and strengthen his potential or the quality that you would like to guide your life. For instance, The Water Element which symbolizes flow, change, adaptability, and creativity. The Fire Element, which symbolizes, desire, will power, and rebirth. Each element brings with it different qualities, and wearing the pendant helps us to connect to these qualities. I created these pendants after a secret technique was revealed to me. It all started with a moving story from a few years back. To read the story and to choose your personal element click here

The air element pendant
The Air Element symbolizes qualities of connection to the soul or to the breath of life. It represents the inclination towards spirituality, and the ability to see life’s big picture

The earth element pendant
The Earth Element represents qualities of stability, routine, security, abundance, fertility, and balance. The pendant carries a unique symbol, four circles that cross over one another and represent The Third Day Of Creation from the structure of The Seed Of Life - this is the day the Earth was created..

The fire element pendant
The Fire Element brings emotional qualities of excitement, happiness, creativity and rebirth. The pendant adorns the symbol of the Phoenix. The Fire Element also represents the burning of the past,  creating things anew and rebirth.

The water element pendant
The Water Element represents flow, emotion, intuition and imagination.; The three circles that cross over one another represent the well known second stage of the seed of life- this is the Second Day of Creation, when water was created, the three circles also represent the triple molecule of water.

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Phone: 052-7457224

Mailing Address: Flowers of Life Jewels LTD P.O. box 633 Ha-Lamed Hei St. Givataim 5310601 Israel

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David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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