About the Author

David Weitzman

The jewelry artist David Weitzman combines ancient and sacred knowledge into a unique line of jewelry designed to bring people both beauty and inspiration. David's artwork harnesses the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry from around the world to bring those wearing this sacred jewelry happiness, vitality, excitement, and love.

David Weitzman Jewelry artists



The idea of the Genesa Crystal was developed in the 1950's by Dr. Derald Langham, an agricultural geneticist. He found that the crystal reflects the cellular pattern of an embryonic living organism. Dr. Langham saw this eight cell cluster as a point of full, infinite potential. He felt that it held "The full potential for infinite love, for infinite wisdom, for infinite form, for infinite energy, for infinite power, for the soul, for eternal time, for infinite velocity, for infinite faith. It has all your goals, your desires, your motivations, even life itself".

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Personal Creation

Personal Creation

The Personal creation shape appeared in the year 1991 in Wessex, England, in a wheat field. On the morning of July 11 the at the foot of a Neolithic hill fort named Barbury Castle lay an enormous design, some 12,000 sq. yards in area. Local residents had reported mysterious lights the night before, accompanied by a loud rumble more intense and prolonged than thunder.

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Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower

The lotus flower is one of the most ancient and deepest symbols of our planet. The lotus flower grows in muddy water and rises above the surface to bloom with remarkable beauty. At night the flower closes and sinks underwater, at dawn it rises and opens again. Untouched by the impurity, lotus symbolizes the purity of heart and mind. The lotus flower represents long life, health, honor and good luck.

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Alchemy symbols

Alchemy symbols

Alchemy is the practice of transmutation of base metals into precious metals (gold or silver) with the aid of an esoteric substance called the "philosopher's stone". Alchemy is the ability to convert and exchange one matter for another through the use of human consciousness. The word alchemy is taken from the word Chem which is the ancient name of Egypt.

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Age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius simply means that we are leaving the age of Pisces and entering into the Age of Aquarius. This change in the Age happens every two thousand years - the last one coincided with the arrival of Christ. Alternative medicine, astrology, vegetarianism and other subjects previously considered weird are growing rapidly in popularity, and are all subjects associated with the sign of Aquarius.

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Flower of Life

Flower of Life

The "Flower of Life" can be found in all major religions of the world. In Egypt, the source of all the monotheistic religions, the "Flower of Life" can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. In Israel it can be found in ancient synagogues in the Galilee and in Mesada. The "Flower of Life" contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the "Great Void". Everything is made from the Creator's thought.

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Tree of Life

Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is one of the most familiar of the Sacred Geometry Symbols. The structure of the Tree of Life is connected to the sacred teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah but can be seen 3,000 years earlier in Egypt. It is possible to see the Tree of Life structure in many places around the conscious universe. The structure is represented in nature and relates to the Flower of Life.

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Seed of Life

Seed of Life

The Seed of Life is a symbol for the seven days of creation. The first step was the creation of the Octahedron. The next step was to spin the shape on its axes. In this way a sphere is formed (see diagram 7). Bear in mind that the creator's consciousness exists within the Sphere, and the only thing that really exists is the membrane of the sphere itself.

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The variety of benefits of using the Merkaba are greatly varied: As the most powerful healing and protection tool. By utilizing the ancient Prana breathing technique we are able to restore the Prana flow through the pineal gland at the center of our brain.

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Merkaba meditation

Merkaba meditation

This meditation is an excellent tool for any kind of manifestation both spiritual and physical. When you start this meditation you have to keep in mind that the true nature of creation is unconditional love...

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 The Enneagram is one of the most ancient cosmic symbols. It can be seen all over the world. Its immense popularity is due in part to Gurdjief’s use of this symbol to categorized psychological and spiritual human prototypes...

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 The Ka was the concept of life force, the difference between a living and a dead person. Death occurs when the ka leaves the body. The Egyptians believed that the ka was sustained through food and drink. For this reason food and drink offerings were presented to the dead.

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 In the book "Dune" the author Frank Herbert, describes the rise of the Messiah 8000 years from now. Herbert who studied among others ecology, psychology and eastern philosophies, created a reliable world that describes in minute detail the rise of "Qfitzat Haderech" - the messiah (Qfitzat Haderech is an ancient kabalistic term that describes the ability to be in two places at once).

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Vesica Pisces

Vesica Pisces

The shape of the Vesica Pisces is derived from the intersection of two circles, the Pythagorean "measure of the fish" that was a mystical symbol of the intersection of the world of the divine with the world of matter and the beginning of creation. The Vesica Pisces is used in a wide range of symbolism.

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God's Word

God's Word

God's Word pendant contains the concept for the creation of the universe based upon the Kabala and cosmic consciousness principals. God's Word pendant is in the shape of a hollow sphere or bubble that represents the process used by the Creator...

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Mobius Strip

Mobius Strip

There is no difference between the inside and the outside of the Mobius ring. This is a representation of the mysterious one, the creative force that exist in everything and is everything. Man perceives reality in a dualistic manner of good and evil.

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Golden Spiral

Golden Spiral

The Golden Spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the golden mean (phi) spiral and the Fibonacci spiral. It is a based on a crop circle shape known as the "Hackpen Hill Formation" and it appeared in an English wheat field in 1999.

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Gordian knot

Gordian knot

The Gordian knot can be made on a Torus tube which looks like a donut or a sphere that turns in from one side and comes out the other in a perpetual motion. The Torus Tube contains many mathematical formulas and equations. Science began using this model as a geometric\mathematical model of the universe.

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Christ Consciousness

Christ Consciousness

The concept of the planetary grid is not new. Plato spoke about this in his work Timaeus as "The ideal body of cosmos" and explains the grid as the synthesis of the platonic solids. The grid that covered the earth was formed of the five platonic solids, as emanation of creation.

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Abundance Jewelry

Abundance Jewelry

The Abundance symbol was received in direct transmission from Archangel Metatron by Dvora Pearlman. It was received as a teacher and a tool - to learn, to use and to connect with divine flow and its manifestation in three dimensional realities. Shefa is a word in Hebrew literally meaning Abundance.

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Star of David

Star of David

The name David in ancient Hebrew (during the time of King David) is made up of three letters "Dalet", "Vav" and "Dalet". The letter Dalet in ancient Hebrew is actually a triangle. King David used the six pointed star as his signature (the two triangles of his name).

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Talismans meaning

Talismans meaning

The word "Talisman," derived from the Greek verb "teleo," means, primarily, to accomplish, or bring into effect. The Talisman is an object marked with magic signs and is believed to confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection.

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The Kabbalah

The Kabbalah

The Kabbalah (also known as kabala, cabala) means in Hebrew "reception" in the meaning of "received tradition" and indeed the term historically referred to all Judaism's oral law such as the words of the ancient prophets from the bible...

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 The Hamsa (also known as Khamsa) is a hand shaped amulet used for protection by both Jewish and Muslim people. Its name comes from a Semitic root and literally means "five". The Hamsa is usually shaped in the form of a symmetrical hand...

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Nautilus shell

Nautilus shell

The Nautilus (in Greek 'sailor') has survived relatively unchanged for 450 million years and is one of the only shells to survive from the Dinosaurs era. This is why the Nautilus is sometimes referred to as a "living fossil". The Nautilus is a nocturnal creature and spends most of its time in the great depths of the ocean.

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Seven-fold labyrinth

Seven-fold labyrinth

This labyrinth is an ancient symbol and can be found in many places in the world. Spiritually, this labyrinth symbols the growth and development of men. The seven stages of the labyrinth represent the stages in spiritual development as well as the 7 chakras and energetic centers of our bodies.

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I Ching

I Ching

I CHING, also called Yi Jing. ‘Yi’ as an adjective means ‘easy and simple and as a verb it means ‘to change’ or to substitute one thing for another. ‘Jing’ here means classic text which says that things are not going to change with passage of time. I CHING combines three meanings. They are ease, simplicity, variability and persistency.

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Mokume Gane

Mokume Gane

Mokume gane is a Japanese term that literally means “wood eye metal.” It is an old method of metalworking that was invented in the 1600s by master metalworker Denbei Shoami and was used to create adornments on the handles and the hilts of katana, the swords used by the samurai class in medieval Japan.

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The Tsuba is the katana’s sword guard. Its function is to keep the sword balanced as it is held in a fight, and to prevent the wielder from slipping his hand across its blade and injuring himself. In a lot of sword fighting techniques, the tsuba is also used to block an incoming slash from the opponent’s sword.

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Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry

The spiritual viewpoint involved in Sacred Geometry tries to go beyond the mathematical and algorithmic formulas. They use sacred geometry to find meaning and significance in the pattern of the universe.

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Crop Circle

Crop Circle

 Ever since the first one was sighted in the 1960s, crop circles have held the fascination and curiosity of the public. Almost always, the appearance of new crop circles gets attention from the media, the scientific community and New Age believers.

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Odin's Knot

Odin's Knot

The main feature of Odin’s knot comes in the form of three interlocked triangles, showing a total of nine points. Flanking each side of these triangles are the two ravens associated with Odin: Huginn or “thought” and Muninn or “memory.”

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The Tetractys is one of the symbols in sacred geometry that is made very interesting by its complex layers of meaning. It is a design that is very mathematical in structure and yet holds mystical significance among the Pythagoreans and the followers of the Kabbalah.

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Healing jewelry

Healing jewelry

The idea that some pieces of jewelry can heal and protect its wearer may sound preposterous to some, but this idea is not some notion that New Age practitioners came up with. Amulets and talismans, after all, have been used by man since the dawn of time. In fact, many of us have been using jewelry for this purpose without knowing it.

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Self Development jewelry

Self Development jewelry

 “My jewelries are the keys meant to help people reach self fulfillment, abundance, mental balance and happiness. When I give somebody a piece of my jewelry, my goal is to give them freedom from the illusion of troublsome thoughts, to help them achieve physical balance and to give them the ability to look clearly at reality.” David Weitzman

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Runes jewelry

Runes jewelry

The origins of the Runic alphabet are hidden in the mists of time and was used by ancient Germanic tribes and nomads. The early Runic style is known as Futhark following the phonetic spelling of the first six letters in the Runic alphabet of which the oldest known example is found around 150 CE.

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Meaningful jewelry gifts

Meaningful jewelry gifts

Talisman jewelry has different deep meanings, which are meant to energize and inspire the wearer. In choosing which talisman jewelry to give your loved ones, you have to keep in mind the value that will influence or inspire the wearer the most.

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The Four Elements

The Four Elements

The Four Elements as a doctrine that explains the structure and the essence of matter and the world of phenomena were first explained in the fifth century BC by the preSocratic philosopher Empedocles. He called the four elements "roots".

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Marriage of Lights Talismans

Marriage of Lights Talismans

The 'marriage of the lights' talismans are a combination of astrological, alchemical and magical concepts and symbolism coming from the arcane world of the ancients. The roots of the talismans are extensive and profound in their uses and meanings.

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Zodiac Jewelry Talismans Series

Zodiac Jewelry Talismans Series

The Zodiac astrology jewelry Talismans line includes a basic talisman with specific variation for every sun sign. The talismans are made one on each month in an optimal astrological time, to give the wearers an energetic link and reinforcement of their higher solar qualities, this will help enhance life force and help to reconnect with our creative, expressive, unique zodiac sign qualities. 

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Origin of Buddhism

Origin of Buddhism

The Prince Siddhartha became an ascetic and a seeker of alms. He became the disciple of several teachers from whom he learned spiritual practices. Although he took these teachings and practices to the pinnacle of his abilities, each time he left the teacher for he did not find that solution he was seeking.

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Inspiration Jewelry

Inspiration Jewelry

David Weitzman says, “My jewelries are the keys meant to help people reach self fulfillment, abundance, mental balance and happiness.” David Weitzman is an exceptional and inpired jewelry craftsman. Each piece he makes is infused with his passion and his love for his work and it is combined with the beauty and meaning of the ancient history or inspiration with which the piece is associated.

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Yin Yang Jewelry

Yin Yang Jewelry

The Yin Yang is an ancient Asian philosophical outlook that sees polar opposites or opposite powers as powers that complete and define each other. Opposite powers constitute a point of relationship and they complete and balance each other. Every power grows from the other, for example, light and dark or male and female.

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The Ouroboros

The Ouroboros

The earliest known appearance of this image was in Egypt in the year 1600 BC. From there it eventually got passed on to Greece. This is the ancient symbol Ouroboros, from the Greek word “oura” meaning “tail” and “bόros” meaning “eating”.  

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Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller

 ‘More for less’ was the philosophy that guided Fuller’s designs, the most famous among which is the Geodesic Dome. A light-weight, easy to assemble, very strong and cost-effective part-spherical structure created out of a network of icosahedrons

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Jupiter Exaltation Talismans

Jupiter Exaltation Talismans

The virtues and qualities mentioned below are inherent in different degrees in all the Jupiter Talismans; Jupiter Exaltation, Exaltation degree, and Sirius/Jupiter Talismans. THE Talisman for success and prosperity, guidance, healing and spiritual truth. Jupiter has always been considered to be the ‘great benefactor’.

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Venus in Pisces

Venus in Pisces

An exalted placement means that the essential nature of a planet is strongly heightened in all its respects, with an addition of modifying factors that do not exist in its signs of rulership. Venus exaltation in Pisces is special because the Pisces energy is modifying Venus’s qualities while emphasizing her spiritual aspects of love, beauty and harmony.

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Metatron's Cube

Metatron's Cube

Metatron’s Cube is the name given to a complex three-dimensional geometric figure made from 13 circles of the same size, with lines extending from the center of every circle to the center of all the other twelve circles. It is considered a geometric variant of the ‘Fruit of Life' symbol that is, in turn, derived from the Flower of Life, a powerful Sacred Geometry symbol believed to hold all the patterns of creation.

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The Ana Bekoach

The Ana Bekoach

 Known as the 42 letters name, the ancient and mysterious Ana Becoach prayer (pronounced ANA BE' KO-AA-KH) was written in the 1st century by Rabbi Nehonia Ben Hakana. It is composed of seven lines with six words in each line.

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Buddhist Symbols

Buddhist Symbols

 One of the most prominent and auspicious Buddhist symbols, the Dharma Wheel represents Buddha himself, his teachings and different aspects of Buddhist practice. It symbolizes the Samsara’s or the material world’s endless cycle of life, death and re-birth.

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Eye of Horus

Eye of Horus

In ancient Egypt, the Eye was a predominant magical symbol and religious image seen in temples and tombs. It was also worn by many as lucky charm or amulet.

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Eye of Horus

Eye of Horus

In ancient Egypt, the Eye was a predominant magical symbol and religious image seen in temples and tombs. It was also worn by many as lucky charm or amulet.

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Tibetan Knot

Tibetan Knot

 The Tibetan knot (Srivatsa or the endless knot) is one of the eight symbols of the Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan knot can stand for karmic consequences

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Horn of Plenty

Horn of Plenty

 The Horn of Plenty, also known as The Cornucopia is a classic antiquity that assumes a horn-like shape and is believed to symbolize nourishment and limitless abundance. It shape in a large container overflows with produce such us flowers, nuts, grains and fruits. The name takes roots from Latin language with the term Cornu meaning horn while Copiae represents abundance or plenty

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Ficino Talisman

Ficino Talisman

This Talisman was inspired by the famous Renaissance Philosopher and Astrologer Marsilio Ficino. In his revolutionary work (for his times) "De Vita" (the Book of Life) published in 1489 where Ficino synthesizes Medicine, Astrology and Magic, In the chapters dealing with the subject of magical Talismans he suggests a Talisman for the cosmos:
"How to Construct a Figure of the Universe."

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The Moon Mansions Talismans

The Moon Mansions Talismans

As the Moon is the earth’s satellite, it is the fastest of all the celestial bodies, and therefore regulating the most daily and specific of astrological currents. Suppressed only by the much faster rotation of the earth on it’s axis (diurnal cycle) which is reflected by the astrological movement of the Asc (and the other angles) and the wheel of houses which is derived from it.

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The Platonic Solids

The Platonic Solids

There are five key sacred patterns making up all matter in this universe. Known as the Platonic Solids, these shapes are tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron. The Platonic Solids are called the perfect solids because, in each of them, every facet has equal side length, equal facet size, and equal angle. Moreover, all these structures fit perfectly within a sphere.

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Chaldean Astrology

Chaldean Astrology

The Chaldean order is really a hierarchy of the forces represented by celestial bodies. This order expresses itself in a timeline and is taken from the orbits of the seven visible planets, and their relative distance, therefore every one of the planets in its turn rules a stage in the linear process of time. The hierarchy is from the slowest of the visible seven - Saturn, all the way through to the fastest and closest - the moon.

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Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox

Equinox is the time when every place on the Earth experiences 12-hour day and 12-hour night. It happens when the Sun’s center and the Earth’s equator are in the same plane, that is, the Sun is positioned exactly above the equator. It is the time when the Sun is at either of the two points of the celestial sphere where the celestial equator and ecliptic seem to intersect. Derived from Latin ‘Aequus’ (meaning equal) and ‘Nox’ (meaning night), the equinox is called so because around it, the day and the night are of equal length.

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Egyptian Symbols

Egyptian Symbols

Egyptian symbolism has its origins in their most ancient creation mythologies. There may be quite a few creation myths, as diverse as the many different parts of the country from where they came, but what they have in common is the belief that in the beginning, there was nothing but the chaos of violently flowing, bubbling water called Nu. This in itself is a symbolism for the great river Nile. Out of this great river, everything came to be.

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Spiritual Metaphysics

Spiritual Metaphysics

the definition of “spiritual metaphysics” is not etched in stone. It is a pop culture term or buzzword used by theologians and scholars of today to describe how the spiritual and physical realms meet. It is a combination of philosophical, scientific and religious concepts.

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Planets Gemstones

Planets Gemstones

Through the ages and across all cultures the world over, humankind has always believed in the supernatural power of gemstones. Many of these beliefs existed before recorded history, long before these gemstones were ever used solely as personal adornment or as symbols of social standing. All the great ancient cultures have some ritualistic, religious or healing purposes for these colorful sparkling stones. One of these great cultures includes the Vedic civilization.

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Energy Healing

Energy Healing

The human body has a natural ability to heal. Some people seem more attuned to this internal energy than others, but this powerful force is just there waiting to be tapped. It is generally referred to as energy healing, widely considered now as a type of alternative medicine.

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Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing

Healing crystals and stones have been around for thousands of years. The earliest recorded use of crystals can be traced back to the Ancient Sumerians from the 4th millennium BC, who used crystals in their magic formulas. Traditional Chinese Medicine as early as 3rd millennium BC also used crystals for healing.

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Ultimate Jewelry Gifting Guide

Ultimate Jewelry Gifting Guide

In this guide, we will give you some practical tips on how to successfully give jewelry as a gift. The guide is based on our experience of providing service to thousands of customers who purchased jewelry as gifts from us over the past 15 years.

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Alchemy Cosmic Tree

Alchemy Cosmic Tree

Many think of Alchemy as an ancient quest to transform metals into precious gold and obtain eternal life, but it is much more than that. The concept of Alchemy encapsulates the ancient beliefs and teaching of the ancient Egyptians, the Greek philosophers, the origins of chemistry, medicine, physics, and modern science.

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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