Not what we have but what we enjoy constitutes our abundance
John Petit-Senn

Abundance pendant Abundance pendant Abundance ring Abundance ring

The SHEFA (Abundance) Symbol

Received in  transmission from Archangel Metatron by Dvora Pearlman.

Finding Abundance

This symbol was received in direct transmission from Archangel Metatron by Dvora Pearlman. It was received as a teacher and a tool - to learn, to use and to connect with the divine flow and its manifestation in three-dimensional realities. The Hebrew word for abundance is Shefa.   

Abundance Mindset

A crucial part of inviting abundance to our life is developing the right mindset for it. A mindset that believes in the existence of abundance for you and for others. A mindset that embraces change and understands that change is the very nature of life. Understanding that abundance requires being proactive and not reactive. And last but not least being open and willing to take a step outside our comfort zone.

Sacred Hebrew Language

In the Jewish tradition, Hebrew is the sacred language of creation. The Hebrew language is so sacred that it wasn't spoken for the day-to-day actions. Aramaic and later Yiddish, were used as the spoken languages while Hebrew was dedicated only to prayers and holy work. In the Kabala, Hebrew is a language of creation. It is a language that can be used to create reality.  In fact, it is believed to be the tool used by the Creator to create this universe.

Abundance Pendant Gold

Price: $701 USD

Abundance Pendant Silver

Price: $111 USD

The Power of Words

The sacredness of spoken language is not singularly Jewish. The Indian sacred language - Sanskrit, holds the same power and holy attributes. It is the innate ability to create that makes both Hebrew and Sanskrit holy languages. This is what the SHEFA symbol comes to teach.

SHEFA is a word in its highest most profound meaning, a tool for creating abundance. It holds powerful kinetic energy that when coupled with intent for the highest good and aligned with Divine will, can move mountains or feed the world.

Abundance Ring Gold

Price: $983 USD

Abundance Ring Silver

Price: $118 USD

Abundance Meditation

Close your eyes and find a peaceful quiet place inside yourself. Ground yourself well and open your Crown charkas to allow the energy of higher light to come into your body. See the SHEFA symbol with your inner eye and allow it to enter your body. Start rotating it, this way creating a 3-D object. Allow it to move up and down in your body. Let it shrink so it can rotate in your cells and let it grow so it can imbue your whole auric field with SHEFA. Let it teach you the ways to work with it, let it answer your questions. Let it be the kinetic force behind your actions.


Spiritual wind inflating the personal sails that each one of us holds
Fire of God igniting and exciting our hearts
Water that contains and embraces, carrying us onwards on our path
Earth, Mother of man, supporting and nourishing, receiving and giving in an endless dance with all Beings.
Light of Unity rejoicing its infinite colors
A Living name who, on its way back to the sacred language with the code of fire gets ignited and with the source united.
An endless Divine Abundance to the one who receives without grasping

Cat's Eye Abundance Ring Gold

Price: $1,673 USD

About the Author

David Weitzman

The jewelry artist David Weitzman combines ancient and sacred knowledge into a unique line of jewelry designed to bring people both beauty and inspiration. David's artwork harnesses the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry from around the world to bring those wearing this sacred jewelry happiness, vitality, excitement, and love.

David Weitzman Jewelry artists

Our Current Special:

New Guardian Angels Designs

The Designer - David Weitzman

David Weitzman is the force behind Ka Gold Jewelry. David has a vast knowledge in the fields of Kabbalah, Sacred Geometry, Ancient Egyptian wisdom, Jewish tradition, Tibetan Buddhism and other sacred concepts. David's work harnesses the power of spiritual symbols to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement, success, and love.

The Artist - David Weitzman

  • Sigil
  • Metatron's Cube
  • Metatron's Cube
  • Merkaba
  • 7 metals Chaldean Astrology talisman
  • Genesa Crystal
  • Emerald Tablet Pendant
  • Emerald Tablet Bracelet
  • Flower of Life
  • Venus in Pisces
  • Venus in Pisces

Making the Light Pendant

The Light Pendant Silver
Price: $143

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David Weitzman Workshop

Phone: 052-7457224

Mailing Address: Flowers of Life Jewels LTD P.O. box 633 Ha-Lamed Hei St. Givataim 5310601 Israel

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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