Over the years I've received numerous thank you letters and testimonials from all over the world. Many shares with me various experiences with different designs, however the ones that still puzzle me are the reactions to geometrical structures such as the Grid of Consciousness, the Vector Equilibrium and the Sphere of Consciousness. 

Vector Equilibrium and Christ
My first "encounter" with the mysterious effect of these structures on the human psyche took place twenty years ago: During 2001, there were many attacks by suicide bombers in a certain area of Jerusalem. One day I received a phone call from a guy from Norway who told me that he saw my work and had to give me information regarding the Christ Consciousness /Grid of Human Consciousness pendant. curious, I invited him to my workshop and during the meeting, he told me that if I will place 30 pendants in different locations in Jerusalem the violence will end. Though I was skeptical, I found myself a week later with a group of people from all around the world conducting a ceremony and a prayer for peace. After the ceremony, I gave each one of them one of the 30 pendants I brought with me. The next day the attacks stopped. I never saw this person again and to this day I wonder if all of you out there wearing this symbol are not part of something much bigger on a cosmic level...

Vector Equilibrium
This design was based on the brilliant concepts of Buckminster Fuller who came up with a brilliant understanding and concept of what he called Synergistic or the study of systems in transformation, with an emphasis on total system behaviour unpredictable by the behaviour of any isolated components, including humanity's role as both participant and observer.

He believed that everything can be found in the structure of the Cuboctahedron which he called The Vector equilibrium. I designed this pendant as a stellated cuboctahedron in order to emphasize the endless change and different perspectives that can be seen by looking at this structure from different angles and because of its connection to the Platonic Solids - the building blocks of our reality. Fuller actually called it the "Wellspring of Reality" and in his own words "The integration of geometry and philosophy in a single conceptual system providing a common language and accounting for both the physical and metaphysical.
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With all vectors being exactly the same length and angular relationship, from an energetic perspective, the VE represents the ultimate and perfect condition wherein the movement of energy comes to a state of absolute equilibrium, and therefore absolute stillness and nothingness. As Fuller states: "Because of this it is the zero-phase from which all other forms emerge. The vector equilibrium is the zero starting point for happenings or nonhappenings. It is the empty theatre and empty circus and empty universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience"

Christ Grid
This beautiful sacred geometry structure is a combination of two of the Perfect Platonic Solids, the Icosahedron and the Dodecahedron.

Each facet of a dodecahedron is actually a pentagon/pentad. The pentad was so revered by early Greek philosophers and the disciples of Pythagoras that its construction and its divine proportions were kept secret. The Pythagoreans used it as a symbol to recognize one another. They learned its relation to the Divine Proportion (The Golden Mean) which is one of nature’s basic mathematical/geometrical laws, and they discovered how this proportion affects the human psyche (we respond/react to this proportion as harmonious and beautiful with a deep tranquillizing effect).

This structure is considered by many as the structure of what is known as “The Human Consciousness Grid”

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Related Designs (Also on Special)

Also on special, the Flower of Life, the Sphere of Consciousness, the Tesseract pendant and the Divine Reflection Pendant.
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Thank you for reading
With Great Love
David and Ka-Gold Team

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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

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