What David is Working on?

New Guardian Angels Designs
New Guardian Angels Designs

“For he will give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” This verse is taken from Psalms 91:11 This chapter serves to protect Jewish tradition. The verse hints at the heavenly protection and the messengers of G-d - the angels that accompany the man. Heavenly protection like Jacob received on his hard and long road


The New Serenity Pendant
The New Serenity Pendant

God grant me the Serenity. To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the Wisdom to know the difference.


The Ancient Kingdom of Judea
The Ancient Kingdom of Judea

The Ancient Israeli nation were the twelve tribes that cultivated this land as one nation, the Israeli nation that later became the Jewish nation after Israel "assimilated" with the tribe of Judah; thus, this land became known as Judea, and its people are the Jews/Judeans.


Joseph, the Mango and the Coffee Machine
Joseph, the Mango and the Coffee Machine

About two months ago, I made myself a special Venus talisman. It represents abundance, creativity, beauty, harmony, etc… At the moment, this entire region is in turmoil, not to mention the world's status with all the geopolitical and economic tremors.


Hot from the Workbench
Hot from the Workbench

We're happy to share some of the latest creations from David Weitzman's workbench! These beautiful pieces are now finished and making their way to their new homes - discover the meaning behind each unique design.


Sun and Sirius Talismans - New Edition
Sun and Sirius Talismans - New Edition

This year Sun in Leo Talisman election places the Sun in Leo on the Midheaven during its planetary hour. The Sun is in a bisextile configuration (sextile on both sides) with the Moon and Jupiter, supported by their benefic rays, while they are in a trine aspect with each other.


New Courage Pendant
New Courage Pendant

New Courage pendant with a unique text written by David to understand the nature of fear and overcome it for the sake of self-development and success.


Dvora Pearlman Designs
Dvora Pearlman Designs

Hebrew is a sacred language which, in its essence, is a living, kinetic language, and its letters serve as building blocks of creation. As we learn how to connect to them internally, we see that it's possible to influence our lives and create ourselves for a better mutual flow


The Light Pendant and Related Designs
The Light Pendant and Related Designs

Contains two known symbols – The Vesica Pisces and the Tetractis. This structure is known as the Vesica Pisces or the first day of creation. It is a symbol of the infinite consciousness which is in all of us.


New - Handwoven Winged Scarab Bracelet
New - Handwoven Winged Scarab Bracelet

The winged Scarab is one of my all-time favourite symbols. This ancient symbol, found in Egyptian culture, symbolizes rebirth, renewal, resurrection, transformation, and growth.


New Editions - Emerald Tablet
New Editions - Emerald Tablet

This election features Mercury in Gemini on the Midheaven, conjunct Jupiter and the Moon. Mercury rules the rising Sign of Virgo (ruler of the 1st in the 10th), and as both luminaries and benefics (Jupiter and Venus) are in Gemini, he is undoubtedly the most powerful ruler of this chart (both Oikodespotes and Kurios, according to the ancient system). Additionally, Mercury is also in his own terms/bounds and is the planetary ruler of the day.


New Editions - Venus Talismans
New Editions - Venus Talismans

The Talisman's election features a conjunction of the Moon and Venus in Taurus. Taurus is not only the sign ruled by Venus, it is also the exaltation sign of the Moon, therefore this conjunction reinforces both the significations of the Moon and Venus


New John Dee Pendant and Ring
New John Dee Pendant and Ring

John Dee was a fascinating figure from the Elizabethan era, born in 1527 and passing away in 1609. The symbol of the Hermetic Monad was first introduced in his work titled "The Hieroglyphic Monad," which was published in 1564. The Hermetic Monad is a complex symbol representing the unity of all things in the universe


New Jupiter Uranus Talisman
New Jupiter Uranus Talisman

We are excited to announce our new and rare astrological Talisman, capturing one of the most significant astrological events of the year - the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction!


Mother's Day Special
Mother's Day Special

This year Mother's day will be celebrated on the 12th of May 2024. Show your love to your Mother with one of David's inspiring designs. This is a wonderful gift that your mom will cherish for many years to come.


Lunar Related Designs
Lunar Related Designs

On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse moved across North America, passing over Mexico, United States, and Canada. It was a very unique event and we dedicate this special for designs related to the moon.


New Inlaid Christ Consciousness
New Inlaid Christ Consciousness

An inlaid version of one of your favorite models, "The Christ Consciousness Grid" pendant. This beautiful sacred geometry structure is a combination of two of the Perfect Platonic Solids, the Icosahedron and the Dodecahedron.


Spring Equinox 2024
Spring Equinox 2024

The equinoctial points are the places on the ecliptic (the Sun’s path) which in relation to the earth make night and day of equal length. This means that the Sun is in the plane of the Earth’s equator. Astrologically, these are very important times, where a tremendous shift of energy takes place.


New Philosopher's Stone Pendant
New Philosopher's Stone Pendant

Designed as a powerful symbol of manifestation and the ability to use the ancient knowledge of transmutation to change ourselves and our reality. The main symbol in this pendant is the ancient symbol of Alchemy, a combination of the four classical elements - earth, wind, fire, and water.


New Small Metatron's Cube Version
New Small Metatron's Cube Version

A new smaller version of one of our most loved designs - The Metatron's Cube. The Metatron's cube describes a hidden structure within the Fruit of Life structure, a 13 spheres can be produced from the Flower of Life. It is the key to every molecular structure and geometrical law in the universe.


New Sacred Charms Necklace
New Sacred Charms Necklace

Sacred Charms Necklace has various sacred symbols of love, unity, healing, and abundance. The idea came from ancient amulets from an archeological exhibition in the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem. A few ancient artifacts that caught my attention were sacred charms worn together to provide different remedies and protection to the person who wore them.


New Small Flower of Life Versions and AHAVA Earrings
New Small Flower of Life Versions and AHAVA Earrings

After years of endless requests from customers who wanted a smaller version of the Flower of Life Pendant, I‘ve decided to add a few more sacred symbols that will be available in a smaller version in the form of a pendant and earrings


Jewelry for Love - 14% off
Jewelry for Love - 14% off

Celebrate LOVE and connection with David's inspiring designs. Infused with powerful meaning and strong intention. A meaningful gift for your loved ones. 14% off until February 14th.


Meaningful Jewelry Rings
Meaningful Jewelry Rings

A collection of Powerful Jewelry Rings with deep Meaning. Designed by the Artist David Weitzman.


2023 New Designs
2023 New Designs

Summary of David's 2023 New Designs including the Lion Cub of Judah, Ancient Egyptian Zodiac the Four Elements and more. Now on special 15% off.


Gifts for People in Need Project
Gifts for People in Need Project

The Gift for People in Need Project aims to help people who feel desperate and need of hope and courage to overcome life's hurdles. We will accept entries until December 15th, 2023.


Lion of Judah New Designs
Lion of Judah New Designs

New Lion of Judah pendant and ring and a collection of related designs such as the rebel pendant and ring, 72 sacred names and Star of David.


Inlaid Sacred Geometry Designs
Inlaid Sacred Geometry Designs

A collection of some of the most well-known Sacred geometry Designs Like the Flower of Life, tree of Life and Seed of Life, enhanced with Gemstones of your choice.


Jewelry For Healing Special
Jewelry For Healing Special

Jewelry Based on Healing and Harmony Symbolism. Designs like the Merkaba, Genesa Crystal, Venus pattern, Healing RAFA and copper snake Talisman.


Personalized Talismans Special
Personalized Talismans Special

Our personalized talismans take time to craft with care. If you're considering one as a heartfelt gift for the upcoming holidays, we recommend ordering early. We're offering a discount for those who wish to purchase personalized items as a gift to a loved one for the upcoming holidays.


Fall Equinox Special
Fall Equinox Special

The fall equinox is about finding balance and manifesting abundance. This time of equal day and night is marked by the peak of harvest season, which can be interpreted as the physical harvest of food or the energetic harvest of the fruits of your spiritual labor.


New Libyan Glass Tektite Stone and Mayan Jewelry Special
New Libyan Glass Tektite Stone and Mayan Jewelry Special

New Libyan Glass Tektite stones for the Star Children's pendant. Also on special is our Mayan Jewelry Collection.


New Royal Winged Scarab Bracelet & Related Designs
New Royal Winged Scarab Bracelet & Related Designs

Introducing the Royal Winged Scarab, a truly special design that holds a one-of-a-kind meaning, crafted with care and a personal touch. Each piece takes me a few weeks to create...


Aperiodicity in Mathematics and Sacred Geometry
Aperiodicity in Mathematics and Sacred Geometry

We recently stumbled upon a fascinating talk that delves deep into the world of mathematics, art, and anthropology, all centered around the mesmerizing Penrose tiling. As lovers of sacred geometry and its profound connection to our jewelry designs, we felt compelled to share this discovery with you.


Ana BeKoach & 72 Names Collection
Ana BeKoach & 72 Names Collection

Within the Kabbalistic tradition, it's believed that the 42-letter name derived from the Ana B'Koach prayer is a kind of conduit or bridge to the more expansive 72 Names of God. While the 72 Names are seen as individual energies or attributes, the 42-letter name is seen as a more compact, unified form.


Seven Becomes One Special
Seven Becomes One Special

This special Talisman Is based on this famous alchemical axiom which states that the great work is finished only when the seven active principles, as are reflected by the seven visible planets, are returned to the one, which is analogous to the Sun itself.


The Making of the New Winged Scarab Bracelet
The Making of the New Winged Scarab Bracelet

This winged scarab, a treasure coveted by pharaohs and commoners alike, is a talisman of power and protection. It was an amulet of passage, guiding souls through the perilous journey into the afterlife.


Special - Selected Designs from the Workbench
Special - Selected Designs from the Workbench

Some beautiful design making there way to happy customers. Also, features videos from the process and of the final results. Among the designs are the four elements, Genuine egyptian scarab, Merkaba earrings and more.


New What Were You Made For Ring
New What Were You Made For Ring

This is the ring version of one of your favourite pieces of jewelry that I designed a few years ago. I heard this phrase from Haim Algranati (a great luthier who crafts brilliant guitars and lives in London). In a documentary movie, he said that each day he stops for 5 minutes and focuses on those five words - What were you made for? This ritual helps him find happiness and meaning in his life.


Most Reviewed Designs
Most Reviewed Designs

A collection of some of our most reviewed designs. Emerald Tablet pendant and ring, the Flower of Life, Metatron's Cube, Venus Pentalpha, Five metals rings and the 7 metals Chaldean Astrology pendants and rings.


Graduation Jewelry Gifts
Graduation Jewelry Gifts

hese finely crafted pieces make for the perfect Graduation Gift, encompassing far more than beauty - they are tools for life. When choosing a gift from this collection, consider the attributes that will deeply resonate with the recipient. Be it WILL POWER, COURAGE, ABUNDANCE or INSIGHTS to LIFE, David’s jewelry is here to inspire and empower the journey ahead.


New Four Elements Alchemy Pendants
New Four Elements Alchemy Pendants

In the realms of mysticism, the four classical elements hold profound significance, embodying the fundamental forces that shape our universe and our own individual self. Originating from ancient philosophies and mystical traditions, these elements weave a tapestry of divine energies, each possessing unique qualities and symbolic representations.


Abundance Jewelry Special
Abundance Jewelry Special

In Kabbalah, the mystical tradition of Judaism, Abundance is deeply intertwined with the concept of "Shefa," a Hebrew word that translates roughly to divine flow or bounty. This idea posits that an unlimited flow of spiritual and material blessings descends from the Ein Sof (Infinite Divine Source) to the physical world.


New Venus Moon in Taurus Talismans
New Venus Moon in Taurus Talismans

Venus Moon in Taurus Talismans features the highly dignified Venus in her own sign of Taurus, in conjunction with the Exalted Moon in Taurus, while both are culminating on the Midheaven. Both Venus and the Moon share in essential dignity in Taurus, which is not only strengthening both their significations but also powerfully helping in drawing them down to earth


Some of David's Favourite Models
Some of David's Favourite Models

Tesseract, Vector Equilibrium and Sphere of Consciousness. Three models that challenge our perception of reality and the world around us. Inspired by Buckminster Fuller.


New Shamash Talisman and March 2023 New Editions
New Shamash Talisman and March 2023 New Editions

We are adding another beautiful design for the equinox collection. The new design Shamash Talisman is a cooperation with Devorah Pearlman. Also, this Friday (March 24th), we have a unique planetary configuration; with the Exalted Sun in Aries, the newly born crescent Moon Exalted, and in conjunction with Venus in Taurus!


New Ancient Egypt Zodiac Talisman
New Ancient Egypt Zodiac Talisman

A few weeks ago I read an archeological essay about the planets in ancient Egypt and their meaning. The beautiful images of both the zodiac signs and the planets can be found at the ceiling of the ancient Denera temple complex


Five Metals Rings
Five Metals Rings

The ring is made only once a month on the first Saturday night of the Hebrew calendar month and, on some rare occasions, on the 2nd Saturday night of the Hebrew calendar month.


Royal Hanwoven Beads Necklace Gold Version
Royal Hanwoven Beads Necklace Gold Version

We are adding a gold version and some beautiful beads options to our new Royal Handwoven Beads Necklace. The design is based on ancient handwoven necklaces that were found in ancient royal archeological sites.


Jewelry for Love Special
Jewelry for Love Special

David’s Love Jewelry collection are made as a celebration to love. Weather it is a romantic love between a couple, family and relatives or the universal unconditional love.


2022 New Designs Summary
2022 New Designs Summary

Special on our 2022 new designs. Happy new year!


New Royal Hanwoven Beads Necklace
New Royal Hanwoven Beads Necklace

We are happy to share with you our new Royal Handwoven Beads Necklace. These designs are based on ancient handwoven necklaces that were found in royal ancient archeological sites throughout the ancient world.


Jupiter in Pisces New Edition
Jupiter in Pisces New Edition

Limited Edition! Will be assembled on November 24th, 2022. In this election, Jupiter is the ruler of both the Sun and the Moon (and Venus and Mercury) which are situated in Sagittarius.


Personalized Talisman Special
Personalized Talisman Special

Personalized Talismans capture your full strength, balance, potential and the true essence of who you are and what is your destiny.


The Cosmic Tree
The Cosmic Tree

The tree is one of the most revered and common symbols in endless ancient cultures. From a philosophical perspective, it is a living embodiment of the cosmos. Each part of the tree contains the blueprint of the entire tree in all its glory. The fruit, the seed, the flower, the tree.


Mercury Emerald Tablet Special
Mercury Emerald Tablet Special

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is one of the most mysterious, cryptic and enigmatic texts. The text is actually derived from the Hermetic tradition - an ancient Greek and Egyptian philosophical texts which are attributed to the mysterious figure known as Hermes Trismegistus- a combination of the Egyptian god of wisdom, Thoth and the Greek god Hermes.


Christ Grid and /Vector Equilibrium
Christ Grid and /Vector Equilibrium

The Christ Consciousness and the Alchemy/Vector Equilibrium Pendant are based on the five platonic solids mostly on the cuboctahedron. Both designs are related to Buckminster Fuller's inspiring work. Other related designs are the Flower of Life and Sphere of consciousness pendants.


Pitum Haketoret Pendant and Related Designs
Pitum Haketoret Pendant and Related Designs

Each one of these unique talismans contains a genuine scroll with the traditional accurate entire text of the incense offering formula written by a “Sofer Stam” (literally with a feather) using the exact Assyrian fonts of the Torah.


Sirius New Edition and Related Designs
Sirius New Edition and Related Designs

New Edition of Sirius Talisman was assembled on Aufust 7th. Also on special, Ka Bracelet, Sun Talisman, Sun in Leo and Regulus Talismans


Ancient Priestly Blessing Talismans
Ancient Priestly Blessing Talismans

The Priestly blessing is an ancient Hebrew prayer recited by the Hebrew priests - the Kohanim who are the direct descendants of Aaron (Each one that carries the name Cohen in different variations is a direct descendant with ancestry that goes back thousands of years).


Metatron's Cube and Flower of Life Special
Metatron's Cube and Flower of Life Special

Two of David's most loved designs - the Metatron's Cube and the Flower of Life. Interestingly, they are actually related and symbolizes different steps of creation.


Mars in Aries New Edition
Mars in Aries New Edition

Our newly created Mars in Aries Talismans. Mars visits its fire sign, Aries, once in two years. There he ignites the passionate flames of active power, vitality and the raw and fresh energy of new beginnings.


June 2022 New Editions
June 2022 New Editions

June 2022 New Limited Editions. The 7 Metals Chaldean Talismans were assembled on June 21st and Emerald Tablet Mercury and Alchemical Wedding will be assembled on the 27th of June.


Venus in Taurus New Edition
Venus in Taurus New Edition

Our first in this month’s series is Venus in Taurus, the giver of material prosperity, enduring love, sensual pleasures, and physical beauty. For this occasion, we have recreated The Horn of Plenty, and Venus In Taurus Canister Talisman designs.


Hot From the Workbench
Hot From the Workbench

Hot from David's workbench. Emerald Tablet Bracelet, Merkaba prana, Nefertiti earrings, Dragon pendant and more.


A Magnificent Celestial Event! Jupiter Venus
A Magnificent Celestial Event! Jupiter Venus

Last week, we reached the climax of Jupiter's sojourn in Pisces with a magnificent celestial event! Quadruple conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, and the Moon in Pisces. This was a very powerful energetic moment when four planets that share so many significations with each other.


Jupiter in Pisces and Jupiter Neptune Rings
Jupiter in Pisces and Jupiter Neptune Rings

Another great election time for Jupiter in Pisces and for the Jupiter Neptune conjunction Talismans. This edition of Talismans was made in two consequent elections during the weekend of 8th - 9th of April.


New Edition - Sun and Solar Talismans
New Edition - Sun and Solar Talismans

The elected time for this Talisman features the Sun Exalted in Aries, in its Exaltation degree, and rising in the eastern horizon, with Jupiter and Venus as guardians protectors (Doryphory-Spearbarers), rising before it as morning planets.


Spring Equinox 2022
Spring Equinox 2022

On Sunday 20th of March the day became longer than night for the Northern Hemisphere. This marks the beginning of the spring's equinox which is the time when the sun's rays shine directly on the Earth's equator.


New Pisces Pendant
New Pisces Pendant

Celebrating Pisces! Happy birthday, fellow Pisceans! This month I'm celebrating my birthday, and for that occasion, I'm adding a new Pisces pendant to the Ka Gold collection.


New Mars in Capricorn Talismans
New Mars in Capricorn Talismans

Mars, the red planet of raw power, energy and passion, has recently entered its exaltation sign of Capricorn (late January). This is a once in two years opportunity, to tune in and align with the elevated powers of Mars.


New Jupiter in Pisces Talismans
New Jupiter in Pisces Talismans

On February the 3rd between 07:24-08:10 GMT +3 I will assemble the new Jupiter in Pisces Pendant and Bracelet. The Talismans will be available on the website next week but until then, here is a taste of the upcoming designs


New Guardian Angel Five Metals Ring
New Guardian Angel Five Metals Ring

New Guardian Angel Five Metals Ring and related design special. The Five Metals Ring is an ancient remedy for success and protection which can be found in the Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah remedies and also in the ancient Vedic traditions.


2021 New Designs Special
2021 New Designs Special

Another year is coming to an end. We want to wish all of that the year 2022 will be a year full of love and compassion. A year of good health and living life to its fullest.


30 Gifts for People in Need
30 Gifts for People in Need

The gift for people in need project purpose is to help those of you who feel desperate and in great need of hope and courage to overcome life's hurdles. We started this project back in 2013 and it has now become a yearly tradition. We will accept entries until December 10th 2019.


New Minor Arcana Pendant
New Minor Arcana Pendant

we are happy to share with you the new Minor Arcana pendant. The pendant was designed by Neil Evans as part of our Jewelry Design Contest. It is a beautiful design with an interesting meaning.


Flower of Life and Kabbalah
Flower of Life and Kabbalah

ancient cultures used the structure of the Flower of Life as the sacred formula of the universe, the key to the higher dimensions of reality and the blueprint of creation. his structure can be found on the columns of the Osirion temple of Abydos in Egypt with Greek letters surrounding it.


Hot From the Workbench
Hot From the Workbench

Hot from David's workbench. Thor's Hammer, Journey of life Ring, Emerald Tablet bracelet and more.


Venus Spica New Ring and Related Designs
Venus Spica New Ring and Related Designs

Assembled on September 5th, 2021 between 14:45-15:20. A very powerful time to recreate the Venus Spica Talisman. The elected time features Venus conjunct the fixed star Spica, culminating on the Midheaven and receiving a sextile (harmonious relationship) from the Moon in Leo. This election is also in the planetary hour of Venus.


Genesa Crystal Special
Genesa Crystal Special

The idea of the Genesa Crystal was developed in the 1950's by Dr. Derald Langham, an agricultural geneticist. "Genesa is the coded matrix of your own life force and is directly related to the living energy moving in spirals in all forms of growth, development, and change".


New Alchemical Cosmic Tree Bracelet
New Alchemical Cosmic Tree Bracelet

The New Alchemical Cosmic Tree Bracelet is a unique symbolic piece. The inspiration for this design came from the rich emblems and mysterious symbolism of ancient Alchemy. Now on special until August 17th together with some wonderful related designs.


Jewelry Design Contest
Jewelry Design Contest

We are happy to announce the reopening of our Model design contest. You are welcome to submit the design you always dreamed of. If your design is selected David will create it and you will receive a 14K jewel of your design.


Sirius Talisman New Edition
Sirius Talisman New Edition

New Limited Edition! Assembled and Consecrated on August 6th, 2021 at 3:40 AM and between 5:05-5:25. This is the annual rising of Sirius from the solar rays (heliacal rising), reappearing at dawn. This time we were fortunate to have beautiful cosmic synchronicity, which makes this Sirius Talisman very unique!



Sacred Geometry Symbol of the Great Beauty of Oneness. Manifested from a Vision and Buried within its Lines are many Treasures.


Jupiter Talismans New Edition
Jupiter Talismans New Edition

We will be making this edition of Talismans with Jupiter in the second degree of Pisces, in two consecutive elections, featuring the same auspicious configuration - The Jupiter-Venus Trine with Mutual Reception by Exaltation (Each in each other exaltation sign).


New Mercury Limited Edition
New Mercury Limited Edition

This is truly a powerful Talisman for increasing mental perception and communication skills, language articulation, writing, speaking, learning, memory, business dealings, fast-thinking, and acting on one's thoughts. In its deeper manifestations, Mercury is considered to be the ‘revealer of mysteries’, and can help in gaining a very high understanding of the occult and abstract truths, with the ability to define and communicate them.


Lotus Flower Jewelry Special (Ended)
Lotus Flower Jewelry Special (Ended)

Lotus Flower Jewelry Designed by the artist David Weitzman. Lotus Flower is a symbol of spiritual unfoldment. The lotus has its roots in earthly mud, but as it grows upward in aspiration toward the light, its petals open out into a beautiful flower.


Mother's Day 2021 Specials (Ended)
Mother's Day 2021 Specials (Ended)

Inspiring Jewelry Gifts for Mothers - By the Artist David Weitzman. Each design is composed of an empowering meaning, strong intention and the endless love of the artist that makes it.


New Philosopher's Stone Ring
New Philosopher's Stone Ring

The Philosopher's Stone Ring is a powerful symbol of the eternal forces of the cosmos, the elusive substance behind reality and matter and the ancient philosophical concepts of transmutation.


Four Element Jewelry Special
Four Element Jewelry Special

The four elements as a doctrine that explains the structure and the essence of matter and the world of phenomena were first explained in the fifth century BC by the preSocratic philosopher Empedocles.


March 2021 New editions
March 2021 New editions

We have some powerful new editions like the 7 metals Chaldean Astrology talismans, Image of the cosmos, Solar power and Equinox.


New Chaldean Order Talismans
New Chaldean Order Talismans

Pre order of the sold-out powerful 7 Metals Chaldean Astrology Talismans. New Edition will be assembled on March 24th.  This time we are adding a gold option for the first time! During the pre-order phase, we will also offer other gold options like 18K and 22K. 


2020 Summary - New Designs
2020 Summary - New Designs

Another year is coming to an end. 2020 was certainly not an easy year. This year with all the lockdown, restrictions and school closures David had limited time but still managed to create four wonderful new designs.


Jupiter Saturn - The Great Conjunction
Jupiter Saturn - The Great Conjunction

Jupiter and Saturn meet in the skies around every 19-20 years while completing a string of conjunctions in the same triplicity (element) in about 200 years, timing important ages in the world's history.


Holiday Jewelry Gifts
Holiday Jewelry Gifts

David's designs make a perfect and loving gift to show someone how much you care. The timeless sacred symbols will be treasured for years.


New Alchemical Cosmic Tree Pendant
New Alchemical Cosmic Tree Pendant

Many think of Alchemy as an ancient quest to transform metals into precious gold and obtain eternal life, but it is much more than that. The concept of Alchemy encapsulates the ancient beliefs and teaching of the ancient Egyptians, the Greek philosophers, the origins of chemistry, medicine, physics, and modern science.


Journey Related Jewelry Special (Ended)
Journey Related Jewelry Special (Ended)

Due to all the lockdowns and travel restrictions around the world, we have decided to dedicate this newsletter to the concept of the journey, but not the one that actually requires us to hop in on an airplane, a different journey. The journey inwards.


Selected Designs Special (Ended)
Selected Designs Special (Ended)

A collection of items from David's workbench on their way to their new owners. Hope they bring them great joy, love, hope and good spirit.


Tibetan Knots Special (Ended)
Tibetan Knots Special (Ended)

The Tibetan knot (Srivatsa or the endless knot) is one of the eight symbols of the Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan knot can stand for karmic consequences


Solar Talismans New Edition
Solar Talismans New Edition

This year the Sun in Leo Talismans packs a truly potent Solar energy. Limited Edition. Assembled on the 14th of August 2020 between 5:32-06:15 and 12:10-13:15 GMT+3. This Edition also includes the 7 metals chaldean order and Alchemical wedding Talismans.


Sirius New Edition and Related Designs
Sirius New Edition and Related Designs

New Edition of Sirius Talisman. Also on special, Spica Talisman, Ka Bracelet and Venus in Libra talisman.


Light Pendant and Related Designs
Light Pendant and Related Designs

The Light pendant is composed of two very special symbols. The Vesica Pisces and the Tetractys. It is designed as an ancient symbol of knowledge, wisdom, and love.


Jewelry for Protection Special
Jewelry for Protection Special

Talismans and Amulets for protection, by the artist David Weitzman, based on well known symbolism from various traditions. Some examples are the Eye of Horus, the Hamsa, the Ana becoach prayer and the Star of David.


Christ Consciousness (Grid)
Christ Consciousness (Grid)

Wonderful Sacred Geometry Symbol for Healing and Self Balance. This beautiful sacred geometry structure is a combination between two of the Perfect Platonic Solids, the Icosahedron and the Dodecahedron.


New Thor's Hammer Talisman
New Thor's Hammer Talisman

The Mjölnir was a symbol of protection and symbolized among other things the cosmic order and a symbol of defence against the forces of evil and chaos. The second thing is that the Vikings were a nation of seamen, sailing across the ocean in their glorious Dragon ships, so it is a symbol of protection during one's journey against all sorts of evil, mayhem, and calamity.


Powerful New Editions
Powerful New Editions

created under the very powerful planetary configuration that took place on March 28th - which featured 5 planets in their ‘essential dignities' at the same time


Venus Talismans New Editions
Venus Talismans New Editions

On the 28th of March, we had a very powerful planetary configuration in the night sky. There were 5 planets in ‘essential dignity' at the same time (Sun, Moon & Mars in Exaltation, Saturn & Venus in their own Signs). Most notably was the remarkable conjunction of the waxing crescent Moon with Venus as an evening star, as bright as she can get near her maximum elongation.


Jewelry for Love Special
Jewelry for Love Special

David’s Jewelry for LOVE collection is made to celebrate the universal unconditional love. Behind each jewel exists a powerful meaning, a strong intention and the endless love of the artist that makes it.


New Saturn Pluto Talismans + Related Designs
New Saturn Pluto Talismans + Related Designs

Pluto and Saturn are conjoining in Capricorn which is Saturn’s natural Sign, so Saturn is very dignified (essential power) and has a very stable and constructive “signal”. The last time this happened was on January 5th, 1518!!! 500 years ago!


2019 New Designs Summary
2019 New Designs Summary

Another wonderful year reached its end. It was a great year with many, many happy customers and lots of love and appreciation for David’s artwork.


Mars in Scorpio
Mars in Scorpio

Mars has recently entered its nocturnal sign of Scorpio (19/11) which is traditionally said to be the sign he ‘rejoices’ the most. This is befitting the internal quality of this fixed water sign. In this sign, Mars is deep and intense, passionate and full of emotional stamina and continuous motivation.


Viking Jewelry
Viking Jewelry

One of my favorite journeys is with the Viking culture. Embarking on a journey in an ancient dragon ship to find new lands, a wonderful route of escapism during a dull day or a tiresome office meeting... Viking jewelry meant to spark your imagination and encourage you to set a course and sail away to find new adventure, freedom, and magic.


Drop in the Ocean and Related Designs
Drop in the Ocean and Related Designs

Contains the phrase "You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop" by the 13th-century Persian poet - Rumi. The pendant is meant to inspire the wearer to experience oneness with the universe and as a reminder of our endless abilities of creation.


Jupiter and Spica Talismans New Editions
Jupiter and Spica Talismans New Editions

This week brings with it some wonderful and auspicious, rare opportunities to recreate some of our most loved and asked for Talismans. We will be recreating Jupiter Talismans (Jupiter exaltation and Jupiter in Sagittarius) and also the Spica (with Venus) Talismans. This is the last opportunity to recreate these unique, limited edition talismans that can be made once in 12 years.


New Lunar Talisman
New Lunar Talisman

This Talisman is designed and timed to draw and capture the Exalted Lunar essential powers. Moon Talismans are considered to have a very general range of helpful and supportive influences. The Moon is mostly known to represent emotional tides and biological rhythms, but it’s much much more than that...


Metatron's Cube + Christ Grid Special
Metatron's Cube + Christ Grid Special

The Metatron’s cube structure contains bidimensional drawings of all the 5 Platonic Solids: the cube, the tetrahedron, the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and the Icosahedron. These structures are unique in having all their vertexes tangent with the surface of a sphere.


New Regulus Talisman
New Regulus Talisman

Regulus - the “Heart of the Lion” is one of the four bright royal stars which are positioned along the ecliptic (path of the Sun). He is said to be the most royal of them all, and as the name suggests, his emanations hold the nectar of the Leonian energy - a very positively charged life energy


New Sacred Waters Pendant and Ring
New Sacred Waters Pendant and Ring

Limited Edition consecrated in the Sacred Waters of the Jordan River. The sacred waters pendant and ring are a powerful symbol of life, purification, and healing. It connects the wearer with the water element which represents represents change, flow, and adaptation.


Tao Related Jewelry
Tao Related Jewelry

Taoism (also known as Daoism) is a Chinese philosophy attributed to Lao Tzu ( 500 BCE). Taoism emphasizes doing what is natural and "going with the flow" in accordance with the Tao, a cosmic force which flows through all things and binds and releases them.


Added 22k option
Added 22k option

We are very happy to announce the addition of 22 Karat option to most of our gold designs. This is a wonderful option that gives the power and beauty of almost pure gold (91.67%), together with very good strength. To Select 22K visit any gold product and select from the metal option.


Special Sri Yantra and Related Designs
Special Sri Yantra and Related Designs

Yantra is a mystical Hindu concept that describes a structure or diagram used to balance or focus the consciousness in order to achieve spiritual comprehension. Wearing the Yantra as a pendant or observing a picture of it is intended to endow one with mystical or spiritual abilities.


New Venus in Taurus and Moon Talisman
New Venus in Taurus and Moon Talisman

The Talismans contains a piece of copper (the metal that represents Venus), carnelian, malachite, and rose petals which is the plant that represents Venus. The talisman is set with a diamond which is also the stone of Venus. The talisman is decorated with the ancient magic sigils of Venus...


New Silver Genuine Egyptian Scarab
New Silver Genuine Egyptian Scarab

The Genuine Scarab beetle design is an accurate and luxurious representation of the ancient Egyptian belief in the afterlife and the eternity of the soul. It is also a perfect and unique symbol of the ancient Egyptian creation myth and religion.


April 2019 New Limited Editions
April 2019 New Limited Editions

The beginning of April brings with it an abundance of opportunities to re-create new editions for some of our most loved designs. Also, after more than two years of being sold out, we get a wonderful chance to re-create the Sold Out Planetary Exaltation Talisman.


New Pleroma Pendant
New Pleroma Pendant

Pleroma is derived from the ancient Greek meaning “fullness”. It is a concept from early Christianity, Gnosticism and in a way similar to the concepts that can be found in early Kabbalah.


New Solar Flower Equinox Talisman
New Solar Flower Equinox Talisman

New Design and several new editions for equinox related talismans. This year we have a very powerful equinox energy, as the Sun's entry to the first degree of Aries is accompanied by a full Moon on the first degree of Libra.


New Small Alchemy Pendant
New Small Alchemy Pendant

The Alchemy Pendant (along with the Sphere of Consciousness) symbolize for me the essence of the fascinating concepts of Buckminster Fuller.


New Fifth Element Pendant
New Fifth Element Pendant

A simplistic yet sophisticated design that incorporates the strongest shape with the letters of the word LOVE in Hebrew. Connect the wearer with the power of endless love and Bring harmony and unity.


Videos of some of our most loved designs explained
Videos of some of our most loved designs explained

The Emerald Tablet Bracelet, Alchemical Wedding, Personalized Trinity Talisman, Inlaid Victory ring and Emerald tablet ring.


New Mars in Aries Talisman
New Mars in Aries Talisman

This is a Talisman for new beginnings, for rekindling the inner power, the primordial animating fire of the soul, giving drive and engaged intent, physical energy, and acute mental powers.


Jupiter in Sagittarius Talisman
Jupiter in Sagittarius Talisman

This new Jupiter in Sagittarius Talisman was made when the Moon was in tight conjunction with Jupiter, while both were on the powerful Midheaven. Jupiter is also the day ruler, and Venus rules the hour. Jupiter is also the ruler of the rising sign (Pisces) further navigating the intention of the Talisman to its culminating point in the sky, where it is placed, fulfilling its actions in the world, bringing success and good fortune


New Key of Ascension Pendant and related Designs
New Key of Ascension Pendant and related Designs

This is creation is connected to the ancient source of the Jewish mysticism and is a powerful symbol of healing, divinity and a door that might take you to some interesting journeys outside this realm.


New Mercury Bungula Talismans
New Mercury Bungula Talismans

We are happy to share with you a wonderful new Talisman designed for mental abilities, deep thought and perception, memory and the ability to grasp and understand complex philosophical ideas. It is a Limited Edition assembled during the conjunction of Mercury with the fixed star Bungula.


New Jupiter in Sagittarius Talismans
New Jupiter in Sagittarius Talismans

Once in 12 years! The new limited edition Jupiter in Sagittarius Talismans. Assembled on November 8th 2018 between 21:01-22:10 GMT+3. planet of success and abundance, giving an optimistic sense of meaning and hope, and inner (and outer) drive for fulfillment, happiness, and adventure.


New Four Angels Amulet and related Designs
New Four Angels Amulet and related Designs

The Four Angels amulet design consist of four facets, each carrying one of the names of the four angels. Each one of these angels stands on one side of God’s throne with the divine spirit at the center.


Platonic Solids Related Designs Special (Ended)
Platonic Solids Related Designs Special (Ended)

The platonic solids are the Tetrahedron, the Cube, (or hexahedron), the Octahedron, the Dodecahedron and the Icosahedron. The facets of a Platonic solid are congruent regular polygons, with the same number of facets meeting at each vertex; thus, all its edges are congruent, as are its vertices and angles.


Mars and Spica Talismans New Editions
Mars and Spica Talismans New Editions

Two powerful new editions of the Mars Exaltation Talisman and Spica in Venus. Also on special selected related designs.


New Venus in Libra Talisman
New Venus in Libra Talisman

This month we are honoring Venus, the Goddess of love and sensuality, beauty and elegance as she is elevated by being in her airy Sign of Libra. In this sign Venus is balancing the scales and dispensing the virtues of harmony and proportions, she is softening the touch and sweetening the taste...


New Small Inlaid Merkaba Earrings
New Small Inlaid Merkaba Earrings

The Merkaba is a star tetrahedron, a three dimensional 8 pointed star made from two triangular pyramids, one pointing up and the other down. It harmonizes male and female energy, much like a Yin/Yang symbol.


Chaldean Talismans New Edition
Chaldean Talismans New Edition

New Limited Edition will be assembled on the 13th of August 2018 between 12:30-12:54 GMT+3. This election of the Chaldean Order Talisman takes advantage of a very powerful Sun-Jupiter combination. The Sun in Leo culmination on the Midheaven exactly when Jupiter is rising.


Egyptian Jewelry Special - Ended
Egyptian Jewelry Special - Ended

David's Egyptian jewelry art work is based on a long study of the ancient Egyptian wisdom. The Egyptian jewelry art contains elements from the emerald tablet of Thoth, Egyptian hieroglyph, Egyptian symbols and alchemy.


New Small Inlaid Merkaba
New Small Inlaid Merkaba

The Merkaba symbol is based on the Prana energy field and the aura field. It is one of the most powerful symbols in the world. The Merkaba also helps in our spiritual growth and the connection to the higher self.


The Birth of a Talisman Video
The Birth of a Talisman Video

The artist David Weitzman and the Astrologer Michael Ofek discussing the idea of a personalized Talisman and what it is made for.


New Pendant of Acceptance
New Pendant of Acceptance

The Pendant of Acceptance is based on a design made by Holly Hopkins. Holly received the silver abundance ring as a gift from us and in return, she decided to send us this beautiful symbol. Her beautiful explanation and inspiring story led me to create the Pendant of Acceptance.


New Rare Mars Saturn Talisman
New Rare Mars Saturn Talisman

This unique Mars Saturn Talisman is a special limited edition of a very powerful celestial event, which occurs once around every 30 years. The event is the conjunction of Mars and Saturn In Capricorn. Thank you! Yaron Shaool


Personalized Trinity New Video
Personalized Trinity New Video

Hours and hours of work in one minute. This custom Trinity Talisman was made according to the customer's birth chart. It strengthens the "weak" points in the original chart.


New Drop in the Ocean Pendant
New Drop in the Ocean Pendant

With the Sufi Phrase - “You are not a drop in the Ocean, you are the ocean in a drop”. Experience oneness with the universe and a reminder for your creative abilities


New Equinox Ralisman Ring
New Equinox Ralisman Ring

This year we have a very powerful equinox energy, as the Sun's entry to the first degree of Aries in accompanied by many other powerful planetary placements. Not only is the Sun Exalted in Aries but this time, Mars which is the ruler of Aries is also in its own Exaltation, Capricorn.


2018 Mother's Day Jewelry (Sale Ended)
2018 Mother's Day Jewelry (Sale Ended)

David's Mother's day collection - 15% off. Interesting designs like the Mayan World Tree, Hunab Ku, Seed of Life and many more deep and meaningful designs.


Added Testimonial with Images
Added Testimonial with Images

Every several months I get the pleasure of doing my favorite work of all - adding testimonials from our customers to the website! This is pure joy for me. Both David and I are so truly grateful for having such lovely customers and hope that we manage to touch people’s lives in a positive way. Thank you! Yaron Shaool


New Edition - Ficino Talisman (Image of the Cosmos)
New Edition - Ficino Talisman (Image of the Cosmos)

This Talisman was inspired by the famous renaissance Philosopher and Astrologer Marsilio Ficino. In his revolutionary work (for his times) “De Vita” (the Book of Life) published in 1489 where Ficino synthesizes Medicine, Astrology and Magic


2018 Equinox Talisman Edition
2018 Equinox Talisman Edition

New edition of the Spring Equinox talisman. The design is based on an ancient Assyrian relief of the Winged Sun with the crescent of the Moon in the middle.


Special on Selected designs in the making
Special on Selected designs in the making

a closer look at some of the intricate craftsmanship involves in creating the designs and Talismans. Nowadays when everything seems to move to printed designs and computer-generated art, I find it more important than ever to keep the traditional manmade craftsmanship alive. The idea is that you will send us the day and hour of birth and our astrologer Michael Ofek will create a map for you. After that Michael will search for the right cosmic time in which the Sun, Moon and the dominant planet are in the best place to ideally benefit you.


Jupiter-Venus Talisman New Edition
Jupiter-Venus Talisman New Edition

Assembled on the 1st of March 2018 between 12:00-12:55 GMT+3 Capturing the harmony, beauty, and elegance, of this unique and emotionally colorful Venus and Jupiter trine. This trine is happening on a full moon (in Virgo) which even further raises the energetic power of this talisman, as the magical tradition tells us that the ambient is most charged with the virtues of the sky in the full Moon.


Venus and Lunar New Editions
Venus and Lunar New Editions

Rare and Powerful Exalted Venus in Pisces - Limited Edition Assembled on 21st of February 2018 between 06:32-07:10 GMT+3 during an exact conjunction of Venus with Neptune in the sign Pisces, harmoniously aspecting the Exalted Moon in Taurus.


Emerald Tablet Bracelet Special
Emerald Tablet Bracelet Special

The Emerald tablet bracelet contains the symbols of the ibis bird and the feather of Ma'at. The Ibis bird symbolizes Thoth, known as the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and the scriber of the words of the gods. The feather of Ma'at is the symbol of the goddess of justice, truth and harmony.


Metatron's Cube Special
Metatron's Cube Special

Metatron’s Cube is the name given to a complex three-dimensional geometric figure made from 13 circles of the same size, with lines extending from the center of every circle to the center of all the other twelve circles. It is considered a geometric variant of the ‘Fruit of Life' symbol that is, in turn, derived from the Flower of Life


New Jupiter Mars Talisman
New Jupiter Mars Talisman

We are happy to announce a new and limited edition of a very powerful Talisman. The limited edition was assembled on January the 6th between 7:00-7:50 GMT+3


Short Interview With David Weitzman
Short Interview With David Weitzman

A short two question interview with David Weitzman. What inspired you to become a jewelry designer? Were you always an artist, and how did you learn how to do what you do? Have people reported any interesting effects after wearing your jewelry?


Vesica Pisces Jewelry Special (Ended)
Vesica Pisces Jewelry Special (Ended)

The structure of the Vesica Pisces - the intersection of two circles, the Pythagorean "Monad" that symbolizes the mystical intersection of the spiritual realm with the world of matter, and correspondingly, the beginning of creation.


2017 New Designs Summary
2017 New Designs Summary

Jupiter Spica, Neptune in Pisces, Time and Space pendant, Copper Snake pendant and many more beautiful designs from the year 2017


New Design - Time and Space Pendant
New Design - Time and Space Pendant

The pendant is an octahedron. It represents time and space because it is the basis for 3d space which we experience. It also represents the way the thought form, or as a matter of fact, any creative force takes form. On each facet, I've placed the center of the Seed of Life - the pattern of creation, while in the center there is a diamond in it's rough from which represents the way our basic ideas and thought pattern turns into a reality.


The Mobius Ring
The Mobius Ring

The Mobius ring has only one side. To see it clearly, take a pen and draw a line on the paper ring so that the end of the line reaches the beginning of that same line. You will end up drawing the line on the whole surface of the ring.


30 Gifts for People in Need
30 Gifts for People in Need

We offer 30 items for people in need who cannot afford our jewelry. If you or someone you know is in need for an inspiring symbol or a powerful reminder that will help you to gain strength hope and courage but cannot afford buying one of our items we invite you to visit this project's page and fill the request form.


Unique Sacred Geometry Symbols (ended)
Unique Sacred Geometry Symbols (ended)

A collection of unique Sacred Geometry symbols that are also known Crop Circles formations. 15% off until November 21st


New Design - Jupiter Spica Talismans
New Design - Jupiter Spica Talismans

The long awaited Jupiter-Spica Talismans - once in twelve years! Last week we experienced a very rare and auspicious astrological event, Jupiter was making a conjunction to the fixed star spica, this conjunction happens once in twelve years! Limited Edition was assembled on the 13th and 15th of September 2017


New Eleventh Moon Mansion - Azbora and related Jewelry
New Eleventh Moon Mansion - Azbora and related Jewelry

For Power, glory and prosperity A limited edition was created on 26th of June 2017 between 08:50 -09:07 GMT+3 This Mansion is said to help one gain and maintain high status, honor and respect and the help and support of powerful people. It is also said to bring prosperity and good fortune.


Yin Yang Jewelry Special (Ended)
Yin Yang Jewelry Special (Ended)

The Yin Yang is an ancient Asian philosophical outlook that sees polar opposites or opposite powers as powers that complete and define each other. Opposite powers constitute a point of relationship and they complete and balance each other. Every power grows from the other, for example, light and dark or male and female.


Flower of Life Jewelry Special (Ended)
Flower of Life Jewelry Special (Ended)

The Flower of Life is a powerful Sacred Geometry symbol believed to hold all the patterns of creation. The Flower of Life contains a hidden structure known as the “Fruit of Life” which consists of 13 circles. When one connects all the centers, the result is “Metatron’s Cube”.


New Moon mansions Talismans
New Moon mansions Talismans

This Mansion is considered one of the most healing of the Moon Mansions for every kind of ailment, it helps in protecting, maintaining and restoring bodily, as well as psychic, health, and is also said to help to ease childbirth in women.


Pentalpha (Venus) Ring - New Edition
Pentalpha (Venus) Ring - New Edition

Assembled on the 21st of June 2017 and features the auspicious conjunction of Venus and the Moon in Taurus. This is a Very bright and powerful conjunction, as the both become visible while rising in the east before the Sun. The conjunctions with the Moon directs the Venusian flux to earth very strongly, while both are powerfully placed, as Taurus is the natural abode of venus and the Moon’s exaltation sign.


New Edition Horn of Venus talisman
New Edition Horn of Venus talisman

Based on the famous HORN OF PLENTY, a symbol of good fortune and abundance. New Edition assembled on June 21st 2017


Lunar Phase New Edition
Lunar Phase New Edition

A Rare and Genuine Moon Talisman that is also a Lunar Calendar!! Assembled on the 16th of June 2017 with Venus rising in Taurus while the Moon is in Pisces


Universal Lunar and Solar rings New Edition
Universal Lunar and Solar rings New Edition

New Limited Edition was assembled on the 16th of June 2017 with Venus rising in Taurus while the Moon is in Pisces - this is called a ‘mutual reception by exaltation' which means they are both placed in each other’s exaltation sign (a sign which strongly enhances the expression of a planet's nature).


Pattern of Life Ring Special (Until 24th of June)
Pattern of Life Ring Special (Until 24th of June)

The shape the pattern of life ring consists of is the central pattern of the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life. This geometrical pattern is the basis for all reality and is a part of everything that exists in our world – light, color, sound, shape, molecular structures, electromagnetic fields and many more.


Mercury Practical Wisdom Talisman
Mercury Practical Wisdom Talisman

Assembled on the 25th of May 2017 under a unique timing when the Moon was exactly conjunct Mercury. A Powerful Talisman invoking strong mental powers, practical thinking, retention of memory and technical skills.


Sirius Rising - New Limited Edition
Sirius Rising - New Limited Edition

Limited Edition! Assembled on the 28th of May 2017 between 11:05- 11:28 GMT+3 SIRIUS is a star of success and power, excellence, wealth


Norse Amulet - new gold Version
Norse Amulet - new gold Version

We have just added a new Gold version for our Norse Amulet. Also, managed to find some very nice Emeralds as see in the pictures. This amulet was made for the purpose of finding your own path of freedom and to focus on your own inner fire throughout your life's journey.


New Tree of Life Designs
New Tree of Life Designs

Two new designs of this powerful unity symbol. One design is inlaid with stones and the second has the Ten Sefirot engraved on it. 15% off util June 10th


New Neptune in Pisces Talisman
New Neptune in Pisces Talisman

At last, we are happy to announce that we will be making this unique Talisman of Neptune in Pisces once again, this time while the Moon is in an exact conjunction with Neptune, while both are on the Midheaven. The Moon is also the ruler of the rising sign (Cancer), and the Midheaven falls in the 9 sign (whole sign houses) which further emphasizes the Talisman invocation of spiritual wisdom and inspiration.


Emerald Tablet bracelet Special
Emerald Tablet bracelet Special

15% off until June 1st 2017. The Emerald tablet bracelet contains the symbols of the ibis bird and the feather of Ma'at. The Ibis bird symbolizes Thoth, known as the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and the scriber of the words of the gods. The feather of Ma'at is the symbol of the goddess of justice, truth and harmony.


New Light Pendant Silver and Gold
New Light Pendant Silver and Gold

This structure is known as the Vesica Pisces or the first day of creation. It is a symbol of the infinite consciousness which is in all of us, learning and experiencing itself through creation. This simple structure consists of two crossed circles, by which one can extract the geometrical and mathematical laws that represent our reality.


New Copper Snake Talisman
New Copper Snake Talisman

The symbolism of the Copper Snake Talisman was derived from the ancient biblical story from the Book of Numbers. The story is about a copper serpent on a pole which was erected by Moses in order to protect and heal the Israelites from the deadly fiery serpents in the desert. The "fiery serpents" were sent by G-D to punish them for speaking against G-d and Moses.


The Ana Bekoach Special
The Ana Bekoach Special

Known as the 42 letters name, the ancient and mysterious Ana Becoach prayer (pronounced ANA BE' KO-AA-KH) was written in the 1st century by Rabbi Nehonia Ben Hakana. It is composed of seven lines with six words in each line. When the first letter of each word is taken and composed together, the result is the sacred 42 letters name.


Christ Grid Special (Ended)
Christ Grid Special (Ended)

Plato spoke about this in his work Timaeus as "The ideal body of cosmos" and explains the grid as the synthesis of the platonic solids. The grid that covered the earth was formed of the five platonic solids, as emanation of creation.


A cool collection of beautiful pictures taken by our customers.
A cool collection of beautiful pictures taken by our customers.

Thank you for the lovely images!


Present (now) Ring Special
Present (now) Ring Special

The present ring contains one of the secrets of happiness. Most of human suffering is caused by focusing our thoughts on the past and on the future. Yearning for the past and thinking about what has already happened as well as fearing the future and what may happen, results in a state of "non-existence". We exist in the present which is, in fact, the only reality that exists for us.


Royal Eye of Horus Ring Special (Ended)
Royal Eye of Horus Ring Special (Ended)

A perfect symbol of knowledge and ancient magic Inlaid with Diamonds and a precious stone of your choice. Now 15% off


Windchimes Campaign - a center for mutual rehabilitation
Windchimes Campaign - a center for mutual rehabilitation

All sales profits from this design will be donated to Windchime organization, a center for mutual rehabilitation of children and animals with special needs.


Divine Love Talisman New Edition
Divine Love Talisman New Edition

The Pisces energy is modifying Venus qualities in underlying the spiritual aspect of love, beauty and harmony. It is an Ideal perception of unconditional love and gentle unifying, even cosmic, compassion. In Pisces, Venus is not bound to material needs and satisfactions; it is much more interested in the harmonizing and unification of spirits. It brings out a higher love and receptivity, a real authentic connection.


Venus Jupiter Talisman New Edition
Venus Jupiter Talisman New Edition

The long awaited Jupiter Venus Talisman will be made by the end of this month!! A new limited edition will be created on the 31st of January 2017 between 14:15-14:55 GMT+3


2017 New Designs Summary
2017 New Designs Summary

The wonderful pentalpha ring, the Metatron's cube, New Flower of life collection and many more beautiful designs from the year 2016


The KA Bracelet
The KA Bracelet

The term "Ka" in the ancient egyptian culture meant "life force", which incarnate in the physical body the "Ba". As a Sun cult the Egyptians used the symbol of the Blue Lotus Flower. In ancient Egypt, the Lotus flower was used in many religious rituals probably because of the mild psychoactive properties of this plant...


Powerful and Mind Changing Quotes
Powerful and Mind Changing Quotes

Many of David’s Designs bear powerful and mind changing quotes. Some are known quotes and some are original. Bearing a jewel with a meaningful quote is meant to create a positive thought pattern to aid in your journey to freedom. The jewelry are with 15% off until November 22nd.


New Spica Talisman - Limited Edition
New Spica Talisman - Limited Edition

Contains sage that was I picked and then consecrated on October the 17th between 12:15-12:35 while Spica was in conjunction with the Sun as it was culminating on the Midheaven, further supported by an exalted Moon in Taurus.


7 Metals Chaldean Astrology Talismans - New Edition
7 Metals Chaldean Astrology Talismans - New Edition

A limited number will be assembled on october the 28th 2016 between 10:30 -11:15 GMT+3 While the moon is in conjunction to Jupiter which is rising out of the Sun's rays with Mercury cazimi in scorpio.


The Philosopher's Talisman - Mercury Jupiter Conjunction
The Philosopher's Talisman - Mercury Jupiter Conjunction

On October 11th we are having a very auspicious astrological alignments, Jupiter and Mercury will meet for their yearly reunion, this time in the sign of Libra, while helically rising from the rays of the Sun (morning stars - rising in the morning just before sunrise).


Mars Exaltation new Edition
Mars Exaltation new Edition

After two years around the zodiac Mars has finally returned to Capricorn, the sign of its exaltation. The Talisman was made on Mars planetary day (Tuesday) while Mars is rising.


New Double Helix Golden Spiral
New Double Helix Golden Spiral

The Golden Spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the golden mean (phi) spiral and the Fibonacci spiral.


Personalized Sigil Ring
Personalized Sigil Ring

A unique one of a kind jewel that you won't find anywhere else!! Part of our Jewelry for protection collection.


The Philosopher's Ring
The Philosopher's Ring

The ring is a symbol of courage, bravery and self-belief. It is meant to inspire the wearer to be confident and to hold on to his own beliefs (just like Spinoza did in a hostile environment).


Working on New Venus Horn Design
Working on New Venus Horn Design

Stay Tuned...


Merkaba Prana
Merkaba Prana

Check out David's Merkaba Jewelry. Now with 15% off.


Monad Ring
Monad Ring

At the center of the ring appears the symbol of Monad – a circle with a point in the center. Around the ring engraved in archaic Greek the only commandment for the one who is truly awake – "Know thyself".


Vikings Jewelry Creations
Vikings Jewelry Creations

Odin's Knot, Runes Collection, Viking freedom bracelet and Norse Amulet


Unique Viking jewelry creations
Unique Viking jewelry creations

Embrace the Spirit of Adventure with These Unique Viking Jewelry Creations. 15% off until August 15th.


Sun in Leo Talisman Ring - New Edition
Sun in Leo Talisman Ring - New Edition

A limited number will be assembled on the 28th of July 2016 between 05:32-06:30 GMT+3 while the Sun is rising in Leo on the horizon, the Moon is exalted in Taurus and Mars is in Scorpio - extremely powerful! This Talisman is very well documented in many traditional texts, mainly for its great healing powers, but also for its ability to amplify personal strength and self esteem, invoking great success and achievements.


Alchemical Wedding Talisman New Edition
Alchemical Wedding Talisman New Edition

Symbol of Unity and balance between the masculine and feminine. The talisman is a combination of the metals ruled by the lights: gold- Sun, silver- Moon, and their ancient astrological glyphs, and are made ('born') under specific astrological times to draw out, intensify, reinforce and bring to life those symbols.


The Sun Talisman - New Edition
The Sun Talisman - New Edition

A limited number will be assembled on the 28th of July 2016 between 05:32-06:30 GMT+3 while the Sun is rising in Leo on the horizon, the Moon is exalted in Taurus and Mars is in Scorpio - extremely powerful! The Sun is the center of the solar system and it is the life giver and power source of this physical existence. The Sun symbol is the ultimate symbol of the Greek 'NOUS' or mind/spirit which is the driving force of the soul.


Emerald Tablet Mercury New edition
Emerald Tablet Mercury New edition

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is one of the most mysterious, cryptic and enigmatic texts. The texts are a combination of the Egyptian god of wisdom, Thoth and the Greek god Hermes. In these texts Hermes discuss with his disciples, the true nature of the cosmos, nature, the mind etc.


The Four Winds Ring
The Four Winds Ring

This ring is created especially for truth seekers and travelers. The Hebrew engraving around the stone means - "Father of the four winds fill my sails across the sea of years", a sentence taken from the Led Zeppelin song - Kashmir. The font used in the engraved Hebrew letters is taken from the style used in The Dead Sea Scrolls. On one side of the ring appears the phrase "The further one travels the less one knows" (written in Hebrew). This phrase was taken from the book of the "Tao te ching" written by the famous ancient Chinese truth seeker Lau Tsu. Th ring always remind me this wonderful quote - "At the end of your journey you will discover that you have never moved at all..."


Ring of Courage - Now on Discount
Ring of Courage - Now on Discount

Have you ever felt paralyzed by fear? Your thoughts just wonder in the darkness of all the bad things that can happen? I designed this ring few years ago after experiencing the true nature of fear and the way out of it. The ring is engraved with a unique text in Hebrew. The text translation is: "Cowardness is the worst of all measures. Fear is the gate that the fool opens and the wise locks. When fear sneaks behind you, know it is a creation of your thoughts. Clean your thoughts and fear will vanish. Only then will your life become valid. What is within you will bring you life. What is not within you will bring you death."


New Over Soul Ring - Engraved with the wearer's name
New Over Soul Ring - Engraved with the wearer's name

The ring has the name of the bearer inscribed in Hebrew letters (in genuine Assyrian fonts - the letters of the Torah). The name itself is merged with the Hebrew letters of the word "Neshama" (soul). These letters represent the Superior Soul or the creator himself who protects the bearer of the ring. The idea that I am most fond of in this ring is inscribing the name of the bearer, an independent entity and fusing this individual with the collective soul in order for one to achieve unity, balance and fulfill his/hers destiny..


Working on the New Over Soul Ring
Working on the New Over Soul Ring

This ring contains engraving of the bearer's name in Hebrew. In between the letters of the name, the letters of the Hebrew word for soul – “Neshama” - are engraved.


Just Finished the New Metatron's Cube Design
Just Finished the New Metatron's Cube Design

New wonderful and complex design of the Metatron's Cube. The Metatron's Cube is considered a geometric variant of the ‘Fruit of Life' symbol that is, in turn, derived from the Flower of Life


Wonderful New Pythagorean (Venus) Ring
Wonderful New Pythagorean (Venus) Ring

Made according to ancient Scripts. Set with a diamond which is the stone of Venus. With Pendad and Greek Writings on the sides of the ring. The top of the ring is the Pattern of Venus movement.


Working on a new three layers Metatron's Cube
Working on a new three layers Metatron's Cube

Working on a new three layers Metatron's Cube


Another finished Solar Power talismanic Ring from the limited edition on it's way to Australia
Another finished Solar Power talismanic Ring from the limited edition on it's way to Australia

Another finished Solar Power talismanic Ring from the limited edition on it's way to Australia. was assembled on 15.04.2016 12:20-12:55 GMT+3 These rings were made when the Sun is culminating on the Midheaven and the Sign Leo is rising. A beautiful image of the solar rays at their pick, Being embodied through the Moon and rising sign (both signifying different dimensions of embodiment) This Talismanic Ring is very well documented in many traditional texts, mainly for its great healing powers, but also for its ability to amplify personal strength and self esteem, invoking great success and achievements.


A finished limited edition gold Solar Sower ring
A finished limited edition gold Solar Sower ring

A finished limited edition gold Solar Sower ring on it's way to Spain. Only one left! The symbol on the top is the ancient Mesopotamian symbol of the Sun or the Sun god Shamash and on both sides of the ring there is the ancient Egyptian Solar Disk .The Ruby is considered in ancient traditions as the stone that symbolizes the Sun, life and strength


New Solar Power Talisman
New Solar Power Talisman

As always I’ve been trying my best to bring you the most unique and original concepts possible and these time after a long research I came up with the new Solar talisman. The talisman itself is a combination of ideas, perceptions, beliefs and ancient remedies that were used thousands of years ago.


New Solar Power Ring (Pre Order)
New Solar Power Ring (Pre Order)

Limited Edition will be assembled on 15.04.2016 12:20-12:55 GMT+3. Wonderful Symbols of the power of the Sun. Great healing powers, but also for its ability to amplify personal strength and self esteem, invoking great success and achievements


New Sun Talisman Edition - April 2016
New Sun Talisman Edition - April 2016

Assembled on April the 4th 2016 between 06:05-06:45 GMT+3 during the Sun's exaltation


The Divine Love Talisman new Edition
The Divine Love Talisman new Edition

Pre-order for the special limited edition that will be created during the Venus In Pisces exaltation on March 13th 04:54-05:30 GMT+3 Here's another opportunity to recreate this sold out rare talisman. An exalted placement means that the essential nature of a planet is strongly heightened in all its respects, with an addition of modifying factors that do not exist in its signs of rulership. The Pisces energy is modifying Venus’s qualities in underlying the spiritual aspect of love, beauty and harmony. It is an Ideal perception of unconditional love and gentle unifying, even cosmic, compassion.


Planetary Exaltation NEW Edition
Planetary Exaltation NEW Edition

The pendant itself contains all the signs of the zodiac and the seven classical planets of the ancient Chaldean Order. Beneath each sign and symbol, I have placed a different type of metal, corresponding to a star or a sign in ancient traditions. The result is a genuinely amazing talisman representing the different stars and signs and their exact astrological ascensions.


New Editions - Chaldean Order Talismans
New Editions - Chaldean Order Talismans

According to the tradition of alchemy the seven stars parallel and are reflected purely in seven metals. These metals are raw material and stages in the creation of gold/ the philosopher’s stone. The metals are actually material expressions that reflect essential principles of creation and of the spirit. The metals evolve alchemistically towards, gold- in the same way, the human being evolves towards spirit. According to the Chaldean order the star relate to metals like this: Saturn- lead Jupiter- tin Mars- Iron The Sun- Gold Venus- Copper Mercury- Mercury The moon- silver


NEW! The Divine Commandment Pendant
NEW! The Divine Commandment Pendant

I’ve created this pendant as a powerful symbol and message. The two cherubs are holding the “Divine Commandment” which simply states “Love!” and is written in the traditional Assyrian Hebrew fonts of the Torah. The two cherubs are based on ancient Assyrian and Egyptian motifs which were common in the ancient Middle East.


New Edition - The Lunar Phases Talisman
New Edition - The Lunar Phases Talisman

A talisman that is also a Lunar calendar!! Assembled on February 2nd between 12:50 -13:46 GMT+3, when the Moon was exalted at Cancer- it's own sign and in a trine with Neptune at the 9th house which will bring out it's most beneficial, and protective aspects.



Descartes declared “I THINK THEREFORE I AM”. Do you agree? Click to learn more.


Venus in Pisces Creation
Venus in Pisces Creation

In Pisces, Venus is not bound to material needs and satisfactions; it is much more interested in the harmonizing and unification of spirits. It brings out a higher love and receptivity, a real authentic connection.


The AHAVA ring and pendant
The AHAVA ring and pendant

The symbol of AHAVA is a perfectly harmonious symbol that can be reversed and still appear the same. It teaches our consciousness the nature of sanctified love where the creator and the created, the container and the contents together create and balance one and the other in perfect harmony.


A showcase of the new Wonderful Flower of Life Designs
A showcase of the new Wonderful Flower of Life Designs

Combinations of the most known Sacred geometry symbols.


Working on the new Flower of Life with Gold Seed of Life in the Center
Working on the new Flower of Life with Gold Seed of Life in the Center

When I made these pendants I’ve decided to use different combinations of gold and silver since this was part of ancient Hermeticism practice to use gold as the symbol of the Sun or the masculine while using silver as emphasizing the feminine side of creation, or the moon in ancient alchemy. In this way “these forces of creation dwell in perfect balance”...


Working on the New Inlaid Flower and Seed of life
Working on the New Inlaid Flower and Seed of life

The Flower of Life can be found in most major religions of the world. In Egypt the "Flower of Life" can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. In Israel, you can find it in the ancient synagogues of the Galilee and in Mesada.


Ouroboros Pendant Gold With Diamonds Powerful Symbol of Renewal, Creativity and Endless Change
Ouroboros Pendant Gold With Diamonds Powerful Symbol of Renewal, Creativity and Endless Change

The Ouroborus is the ultimate symbol of renewal, creativity and endless change. The Ouroboros symbol has accompanied me for many years and represents for me the courage to accept life changing decisions. The Ouroboros often represents self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, and other processes perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end . It can also represent the idea of unity. The Ouroboros has been important in religious and mythological symbolism, but has also been frequently used in alchemical illustrations, where it symbolizes the circular nature of the alchemist's opus.


A gold lotus ring set with peridot
A gold lotus ring set with peridot

In the East, the lotus flower is viewed as a symbol of spiritual unfoldment. The lotus has its roots in earthly mud, but as it grows upward in aspiration toward the light, its petals open out into a beautiful flower. Om Mani Padme Hum, meaning, "Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus" is the sacred mantra of the Tibetans. The lotus ring contains the lotus flower symbol on both sides of the ring. The Hebrew engraved translation is: "Life flows within you and without you". This sentence holds the secret of unification with the One. When our false ego dissolves we enter the state of unification with the whole - hence life flows within you and without you.


a finished Planetary Exaltation Pendant (*Pre Order*) Genuine Astrology talisman, that was made at optimal star alignment
a finished Planetary Exaltation Pendant (*Pre Order*) Genuine Astrology talisman, that was made at optimal star alignment

The Planetary Exaltation (star of Magi) is one of the most complex projects I have ever done. The pendant is designed together with the Astrologer, Michael Ofek. This is a rare and one of a kind talisman that I have made as THE GENUINE THING. In this pendant, each planet lies within the sign of the zodiac , according to ancient doctrine, to be in its exaltation. The term “exaltations” is part of an ancient astrological concept that Is mostly known today as 'essential dignities' which classifies the essential qualitative strengths of the planets in accordance to their place in the signs of the zodiac


Sun in Leo Talisman
Sun in Leo Talisman

One of the last remaining limited edition Sun in Leo silver and gold talismans that were assembeled on July the 28th getting some final touches before leaving the workshop. New Limited Edition was Assembled on July 28th Between 5:35-6:18 GMT+3 . Inlaid with Ruby. This Talisman is very well documented in many traditional texts, mainly for its great healing powers, but also for its ability to amplify personal strength and self esteem, invoking great success and achievements. “...Renders him that wears it to be renowned, amiable, acceptable, potent in all his works, and equals a man to kings, and princes, elevating him to high fortunes, allowing him to do whatsoever he pleaseth..." Cornelius Agrippa- Three Books of Occult Philosophy


A gold Genesa Pendant set with Citrine-the stone of happiness and abundance
A gold Genesa Pendant set with Citrine-the stone of happiness and abundance

"Genesa is the coded matrix of your own life force" Derald G. Langham, Ph.D. The Genesa Crystal is actually a spherical cube octahedron. The idea of the Genesa Crystal was developed in the 1950's by Dr. Derald Langham, an agricultural geneticist. He found that the crystal reflects the cellular pattern of an embryonic living organism: "Genesa is the coded matrix of your own life force and is directly related to the living energy moving in spirals in all forms of growth, development, and change". "Genesa is a 13-dimensional process involving step-in-to crystals of simple geometrical forms similar to those that living energies spiral through in natural growth patterns. Through precise, meaningful movements within their energysms (life force fields), they learn to harmonize physical, emotional, mental and vital aspects of living and tune into their greater selves". Langham also said that the Genesa Crystal is "The full potential for infinite love, for infinite wisdom, for infinite form, for infinite energy, for infinite power, for the Soul, for eternal time, for infinite velocity, for infinite faith. It has all your goals, your desires, your motivations – even life itself." Derald G. Langham, Ph.D.


A finished The Royal Eye Of Horus Ring
A finished The Royal Eye Of Horus Ring

The Royal Eye Of Horus Ring -gold and silver , set with emerald and diamonds. A perfect symbol of knowledge and ancient magic.


A finished unique gold and silver version of the Yin Yang symbol
A finished unique gold and silver version of the Yin Yang symbol

The Yin Yang is an ancient Asian philosophical outlook that sees polar opposites or opposite powers as powers that complete and define each other. Opposite powers constitute a point of relationship and they complete and balance each other. Every power grows from the other, for example, light and dark or male and female. This philosophy appears also in Taoism that talks about these powers as dynamic powers between movement and rest, when one of the powers reaches the pinnacle of its strength, it changes into a different power.


Journey of Life Key-chain from brass
Journey of Life Key-chain from brass

an antique style brass key-chain. It will be sent as a free gift for orders above $400 but also be available in special price for orders below $400.


Working on these gold and silver Rune pendant
Working on these gold and silver Rune pendant

You choose the Rune that will be incorporated into your ring or pendant. The Runic letter is made of brass and the surrounding material is made of silver or gold according to product name.


Final touches on this Cosmic Sigil Ring
Final touches on this Cosmic Sigil Ring

At the time of ordering the Talisman, you will send us your date, time and place of birth as accurate as possible, and your category of choice from the list above. Our in-house astrologer - Michael Ofek prepares your birth chart for the Talisman. Michael analyzes the chart to find the exact time that the configuration of the planets is in it's most balancing, empowering and strengthening state in correlation with your birth chart.


Assembling the Cosmic Sigil Talisman
Assembling the Cosmic Sigil Talisman

An image of the birth chart, without it being a talisman made at a specific moment, yet with the symbolic power of the reflection (like cures like) of one with his natal chart.


Working on the I love Therefore I Am Ring
Working on the I love Therefore I Am Ring

The "I love therefore I am" ring is my revision/take on the famous quote from the well-known philosopher, Descartes, who declared “I think therefore I am”. Descartes was trying to logically prove his existence. The popular phrase is also well known in it's Latin rendition – “Cogito ergo sum”.


I Love Therefore I Am Ring Gold
I Love Therefore I Am Ring Gold

The "I love therefore I am" ring is my revision/take on the famous quote from the well-known philosopher, Descartes, who declared “I think therefore I am”. Descartes was trying to logically prove his existence. The popular phrase is also well known in it's Latin rendition – “Cogito ergo sum”.


The Water Element Pendant
The Water Element Pendant

The water element represents the second Chakra. Among the five platonic solids, it is parallel to the Icosahedron. From an astrological point of view, water is related to Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.


Galaxy Ring With Cubic Zirconia
Galaxy Ring With Cubic Zirconia

The thing I found compelling in the ring (and that was also my intention when I designed it) was the sense of proportion that one feels when he stands in front of something so huge. Suddenly, we begin to understand our place in the monumental formation that is the universe…


Star Children Pendant Silver and Gold with Turquoise
Star Children Pendant Silver and Gold with Turquoise

Comes with Moldavite Tektite or Turquoise or Tektite. Symbol of pure consciousness (Mayan World Tree) and Spiritual abilities (Tektite Stone).


Dune Ring
Dune Ring

Inspired by the Book Dune by Frank Herbert. The hawk that appears in the center of the Dune ring is the emblem of the house of Atreides, from whom the "Qwitzat Haderach" emerges, is derived. The Dune ring's color combination of the green emerald stones mounted on a blackened surface.


creating a gold version of The Emerald Tablet Pendant
creating a gold version of The Emerald Tablet Pendant

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is one of the most mysterious, cryptic and enigmatic texts. The text is actually derived from the Hermetic tradition - an ancient Greek and Egyptian philosophical texts which are attributed to the mysterious figure known as Hermes Trismegistus. The texts are a combination of the Egyptian god of wisdom, Thoth and the Greek god Hermes. In these texts Hermes discuss with his disciples, the true nature of the cosmos, nature, the mind etc.These teachings can be found in the ancient texts of the Corpus Hermeticum.These texts are dated back to the 2nd and 3rd century AD and their origin is probably Egyptian.


Ficino - Image of the Cosmos Talisman
Ficino - Image of the Cosmos Talisman

The Talisman is set with traditional stones ruled by the different planets: Moon - Moonstone Mercury - Emerald Venus - Peridot Sun - Pink Tourmaline Mars - Amethyst Jupiter - Yellow Topaz Saturn - Sapphire.


A finished 14k rose gold version of "King Solomon's Ring" on it's way to Spain...

King Solomon's ring with the G-D four letters name on it. A powerful ring for protection and a reminder of the true nature of life. Recently I have encountered an article about archaeologists from the Tel Aviv university who discovered an ancient ring (back at 2013) with engravings of the sacred name of God in ancient Hebrew letters - the original phoenician fonts. One of the things that always fascinated me was the parallel between the "revealed name" of G-d in Judaism, the tetragrammaton - name with the four letters YHWH and the tetractys of pythagoras. The tetragrammaton incorporates basically the abstract idea that G-d is space time itself, existence and consciousness. The explanation of this is that these four letters in Hebrew make up the word “being”, meaning to be, and also the words : was, is, will be-HAYA, HOVE, YEEHIYE. These ancient amulets were used for protection. The belief in forces that can bring negative influence into your life is as old as human history.The uncertainty in our lives, the lack of ability to comprehend different phenomenons and our fragile existence, led our ancestors to lean on such things as divination, the belief in the existence of dark forces and the ability to control these forces by using different amulets.


A finished "This Too Shall Pass" Ring in 14k gold now with 15% discount
A finished "This Too Shall Pass" Ring in 14k gold now with 15% discount

This Ring is based on the legend of King Solomon, wisest of men. This tale appears in many different versions in many cultures all over the world, due to the fact that the principle that lies behind the ring is a principle that is relevant to all our lives as human beings. On the center of the ring appears the three letters ג.ז.י while on the length of the ring is engraved the following verse from Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 verse 9 translated into English: “That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.”


Two "Diligo ergo Sum" rings that were created for a couple in Australia
Two "Diligo ergo Sum" rings that were created for a couple in Australia

The "Diligo ergo sum" ring is my variation/take on the famous quote from the well-known philosopher, Descartes, who declared “I think therefore I am”. Descartes was trying to logically prove his existence. The popular phrase is also well known in it's Latin rendition – “Cogito ergo sum”. In this ring the phrase was modified from a mere logical claim to a statement that sums up the essence of the entire creation – “I love therefore I am” or in Latin – “Diligo ergo sum”. Human thinking with it's limitations cannot grasp the entire universe and its essence. However the search for love and compassion characterizes the human experience. Decartes searched for a logical path , one that can be found in a cold, static unchanging universe. However , creation itself is pure conciousness seeking ways to learn , understand and experience itself. Since we are this same universe rising to awarness, the higher goal of our human journey is to experience love. This is a powerful reminder of what life is all about .


Recreating King Solomon's Ring
Recreating King Solomon's Ring

One of the things that always fascinated me was the parallel between the "revealed name" of G-d in Judaism, the tetragrammaton - name with the four letters YHWH and the tetractys of pythagoras. The tetragrammaton incorporates basically the abstract idea that G-d is space time itself, existence and consciousness. The explanation of this is that these four letters in Hebrew make up the word “being”, meaning to be, and also the words : was, is, will be.


King Solomon's Ring
King Solomon's Ring

Creating the top of The legendary, King Solomon's Signat Ring. According to legend , the ring had an engraving of the "Revealed Name" of God. One of the things that always fascinated me was the parallel between the "revealed name" of G-d in Judaism, the tetragrammaton - name with the four letters YHWH and the tetractys of pythagoras. The tetragrammaton incorporates basically the abstract idea that G-d is space time itself, existence and consciousness. The explanation of this is that these four letters in Hebrew make up the word “being”, meaning to be, and also the words : was, is, will be.


Setting diamonds with a garnet as a center stone in this Royal Eye of Horus Ring
Setting diamonds with a garnet as a center stone in this Royal Eye of Horus Ring

The Eye of Horus also known as The Eye of Ra, is an ancient Egyptian symbol, of protection, health, royalty and sovereignty. The Eye was a representation of the goddess wadjet, protector of lower Egypt, and after the unification of the two kingdom, she became the patron of Egypt, and the eye became a symbol of royal power.


Finishinig a gold Alchemy pendant
Finishinig a gold Alchemy pendant

This structure is called a Vector equilibrium. It was buckminster Fuller who believed that everything can be found in the structure of the Cuboctahedron which he called The Vector equilibrium. I designed this pendant as a stellated cuboctahedron in order to emphasize the endless change and different perspective that can be seen by looking at this structure from different angles and it's connection to the Platonic Solids - the building blocks of our reality. Fuller actually called it the "Wellspring of Reality" and in his own words "The integration of geometry and philosophy in a single conceptual system providing a common language and accounting for both the physical and metaphysical. "The vector equilibrium is the zero starting point for happenings or nonhappenings. It is the empty theater and empty circus and empty universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience" Buckminster Fuller


A finished First Day of Genesis bracelet on it's wat to France
A finished First Day of Genesis bracelet on it's wat to France

The two winged images are called the Cherubim and represent the male and female and the perfect balance between the two forces composing reality. The Cherubim were found upon sacred artifacts in ancient Egypt and of course the Ark of Covenant. The Vesica Pisces sketches were also found in ancient Egypt with ancient greek writings which indicate that it was probably made by disciples of Pythagoras the ancient philosopher who used these mathematical/geometrical structures as the building blocks of reality,harmony and music.


Newsletter about Platonic Solid
Newsletter about Platonic Solid

The Flower of Life contains a key structure known as the Fruit of Life from which one can derive all the platonic Solids. These structures were studied by the ancient Greek philosophers, especially Pythagoras and his followers the secret society of the Pythagoreans. So my personal theory is that the Flower of Life in the Abydos temple was made by none other than the Pythagoreans.


Sphere of Consciousness
Sphere of Consciousness

Increase sense of connectedness and unity. Awake our Consciousness to the universe and our role in it.


Jupiter Exaltation Talisman - for Abunadance
Jupiter Exaltation Talisman - for Abunadance

This is THE Talisman for success and prosperity, guidance, healing and spiritual truth. Jupiter has always been considered to be the ‘great benefactor’. It is the largest planet in our solar system and presides over the principles of expansion growth and synthesis. Jupiter brings us the gifts of abundance and success, and provides us with spiritual guidance, support and protection.


Personalized Trinity Talisman Silver And Gold
Personalized Trinity Talisman Silver And Gold

Now in 15% off for Abundance Jewelry. Personalized astrology talisman that made according to the clients birth chart.


Abundance (SHEFA) Pendant
Abundance (SHEFA) Pendant

The Shefa symbol was received in direct transmission from Archangel Metatron by Dvora Pearlman. It was received as a teacher and a tool to learn, to use and to connect with the great divine.


Ka Bracelet - Now 15% off
Ka Bracelet - Now 15% off

The Ka bracelet contains elements from the emerald Tablets and the culture of ancient Egypt. A translation of the hieroglyphs engraved on the bracelet is: "Rise up and awaken, you are not dead, your Ka will remain within you for eternity".


New! Nefertity Lotus Earrings
New! Nefertity Lotus Earrings

The sacred blue lotus is one of the most common symbols in the Egyptian art. It can be found in ancient temples and tombs of the ancient kingdom. Most of the times the blue lotus can be found in scenes of celebrations, dances, religious ceremonies, religious festivals and spiritual and sacred contexts.


Working on the New Nefertiti Lotus Earrings
Working on the New Nefertiti Lotus Earrings


Inlaid Merkaba in Silver
Inlaid Merkaba in Silver

This is a Silver version of the inlaid Merkaba pendant. The Merkaba pendant is based on the flow of Prana energy (life force energy) in our body. By utilizing the ancient Prana breathing technique, we are able to restore the Prana flow through the pineal gland at the center of our brain.


New Talisman - The Seven Become One
New Talisman - The Seven Become One

On the outer circle of the Talisman we see all the planetary glyphs individually and inside the inner circle they are all superimposed on one another, making an intricate and complex synergetic symbol of their combined forces.


New Edition -  Chaldean Order Talisman
New Edition - Chaldean Order Talisman

The Chaldean order is really a hierarchy of the forces represented by celestial bodies. This order expresses itself in a timeline and is taken from the orbits of the seven visible planets, and their relative distance, therefore every one of the planets in its turn rules a stage in the linear process of time. The hierarchy is from the slowest of the visible seven – Saturn, all the way through to the fastest and closest - the moon.


Eye of Horus Jewelry 15% off
Eye of Horus Jewelry 15% off

The Eye of Horus also known as The Eye of Ra, is an ancient Egyptian symbol, of protection, health, royalty and sovereignty. The Eye was a representation of the goddess wadjet, protector of lower Egypt, and after the unification of the two kingdom, she became the patron of Egypt, and the eye became a symbol of royal power.


New Royal Eye of Horus Ring
New Royal Eye of Horus Ring

A perfect symbol of knowledge and ancient magic Inlaid with Diamonds and a precious stone of your choice.


Present (Now) Ring 15% off
Present (Now) Ring 15% off

The present ring contains one of the secrets of happiness. Most of human suffering is caused by focusing our thoughts on the past and on the future. Yearning for the past and thinking about what has already happened as well as fearing the future and what may happen, results in a state of "non-existence".


Vikings Freedom Bracelet

This bracelet was made for the purpose of finding your own path of freedom and to focus on your own inner fire throughout your life's journey.


Rebels Ring and pedant
Rebels Ring and pedant

Based on an ancient coin from year 67 - second year of rebellion against Roman empire. This is the reason I decided to design the Rebel pendant and ring. The pendant and ring symbolize the personal yearning of each and every one of us for freedom, justice, and self actualization. The intention of the pendant and ring is to inspire and encourage rebelling against convention, and to promote the quest and aspiration for freedom and self-actualization.


Bulgakov Ring
Bulgakov Ring

based on one of the greatest novels ever, the Master and Margarita, by the Russian novelist Mikhail Bulgakov. The novel encourage the reader to raise questions regarding his own freedom, truth, courage, his role/destination and the ambition to fulfill his own free will and destiny while facing the hindrances of a corrupted regime and an hypocritical society. The great thing about this book is the two level story, that illustrates how one must face up the truth of oneself.


Sirius Rising Talisman Silver
Sirius Rising Talisman Silver

Limited Edition! Assembled on July 6th 2015 12:30-12:58+3GMT. SIRIUS is a star of success and power, and it appears to heighten the beneficial qualities of that planet it is affiliated with, in this case brilliance and magnanimity.


Freedom Jewelry - Norse Amulet
Freedom Jewelry - Norse Amulet

This amulet's design is inspired by Viking culture. The Vikings symbolize freedom and true social equality. The Vikings pioneered trade, exploration and colonization of new lands for over 300 years before any other European power. Despite being pirates and adventurers, they were the first white people to arrive in America, long before Columbus.


New Jupiter-Venus Talisman Limited Edition
New Jupiter-Venus Talisman Limited Edition

Rare limited edition was assembled on the 20th of June 2015 between 18:20-19:10 GMT+3 during the alignment of Jupiter, Venus and the Moon


Universal Solar Talisman - Pre Order
Universal Solar Talisman - Pre Order

On the 30th of June, During the exact bodily conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, I will create a number of the Lunar and Solar rings as Universal Love Talismanic rings. The powerful conjunction of the two benefics while they are highly visible evening stars (setting after the Sun) while the Moon is harmoniously aspecting them (trine aspect) from Sagittarius, a sign ruled by Jupiter, is a pretty rare event!


Universal Lunar Talisman - Pre Order
Universal Lunar Talisman - Pre Order

On the 30th of June, During the exact bodily conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, I will create a number of the Lunar and Solar rings as Universal Love Talismanic rings. The powerful conjunction of the two benefics while they are highly visible evening stars (setting after the Sun) while the Moon is harmoniously aspecting them (trine aspect) from Sagittarius, a sign ruled by Jupiter, is a pretty rare event!


Added Roberto Saviano Image
Added Roberto Saviano Image

famous Italian writer and journalist Roberto Saviano with the ring of courage. In his writings, he portrays the real story of the Cammora (Gomorra in Italian) - a powerful Neapolitan mafia - like organization), exposing its territory and business connections.


Pattern of Life Ring 15% off
Pattern of Life Ring 15% off

The pattern symbolizes all the knowledge, love and wholeness that exist in the universe and allows us to step out of the perception of separation that brings only destruction and chaos, and to experience unity.


Flower of Life Jewelry 15% off
Flower of Life Jewelry 15% off

The Flower of life pendant is excellent for healing, and it helps you connect to your higher self.


The Finished Dharma Ring and a Turtle Story
The Finished Dharma Ring and a Turtle Story

The Lotus Flower on both sides of the ring is a powerful symbol in Buddhism. It grows in muddy water and it is rising and blooming above the murk to achieve enlightenment. It resembles the purifying of the spirit which is born into murkiness. The Lotus Flower represents one symbol of fortune in Buddhism.


15% Discount on Buddhist Jewelry
15% Discount on Buddhist Jewelry

Buddhist Jewelry collection to cultivate Buddhist insight to your life to find peace, harmony and ever lasting happiness.


Sri Yantra
Sri Yantra

Sri Yantra Mandala - is the most powerful sacred symbol used in India and Tibet since thousands of years. Sri Yantra is known to usher in peace, prosperity, harmony and good luck.


Dharma Pendant
Dharma Pendant

The symbol inside the leaf of the pendant is the 'Dharma wheel', also known as 'The Noble Eightfold Path'. The ancient path Siddhartha found as the way leading to the cessation of suffering (dukkha) and the achievement of self awakening.


Buddhi Ring - Part of Buddhist Jewelry Collection
Buddhi Ring - Part of Buddhist Jewelry Collection

I've used the leaves of the "Ficus Religiusa" - the sacred fig tree. Prince Siddhartha Gautama sat under this tree and meditated for 40 days in order to discovered the source and the cause of all suffering; attained full awakening and became the Buddha.


Personalized Magical Couples Rings
Personalized Magical Couples Rings

Personalized Astrology Talismanic Rings made According to Couple’s Birth Charts. These rings are intended to strengthen the bond of love and compassion, helping couples unite and act together in harmonious partnership, while maintaining each person's uniqueness and individuality.


Personalized Cosmic Sigil Talisman - 15% off
Personalized Cosmic Sigil Talisman - 15% off

This Talismans, is our way to recreate this almost lost art of individualized Talismans. The result is a unique one of a kind jewel that you won't find anywhere else!!!


Ka Earrings Gold With Gemstones - Mother's Day Specials 15% discount
Ka Earrings Gold With Gemstones - Mother's Day Specials 15% discount

Ancient symbol of creation, fertility and creativityץ The basic motif in these earrings is the basic structure of The Seed of Life. The seven intersecting circles creating this pattern contains the blueprint of creation; as also the mathematical and geometrical laws of the cosmos.This structure also represents the seven days of Genesis.


The Mayan World Tree - 15%off
The Mayan World Tree - 15%off

The World Tree, is a very widespread motif in the pre-Columbean Americas. It appears often in Creation myths, in the ancient cosmology and as an important iconographic element in the artwork of varied cultures across America. The use of the tree as a cosmic symbol exists on a wide and diverse scale in cultures from the Viking World Tree (Yggdrasil) - as well as in the Jewish Tree of Sephirot. The Mayan World Tree represents the four directions of the world, where the tree itself is the center -The Mondi axis is the point where earth and sky meet with the perpendicular and horizontal axis of the world.


Mother's Day Specials-The Tree of Love
Mother's Day Specials-The Tree of Love

Mother's Day Specials- from the original creations of the award winning artist David Weitzman-The Tree of Love now at 15% discount. The image of the branches and the roots hides within it the ancient Yin Yang symbol. The Yin Yang is an ancient Asian philosophical outlook that sees polar opposites or opposite powers as powers that complete and define each other. Opposite powers constitute a point of relationship and they complete and balance each other. Every power grows from the other, for example, light and dark or male and female. In Taoism, the Yin Yang is represented by the classical symbol that is called Tajitu. Yin represents softness, slowness, passive power, dispersing and cold. The Yin is a female power that is connected to water, earth, to the moon and night.


Jewelry for Mother's Day 2015 - 15% off
Jewelry for Mother's Day 2015 - 15% off

David's meaningful jewelry collection for celebrating motherhood and mother's day.


Ka Bracelet 15% off
Ka Bracelet 15% off

Ka, in the ancient Egyptian culture, is the life force or the nature of the human. The Ka bracelet contains elements from the emerald Tablets and the culture of ancient Egypt. A translation of the hieroglyphs engraved on the bracelet is: "Rise up and awaken, you are not dead, your Ka will remain within you for eternity".


Not just a Jewelry Artist! The Amazing Little Sister Guitar
Not just a Jewelry Artist! The Amazing Little Sister Guitar

I want to share with you a project which I started four years ago and now coming to realization. It is a new creation but something else. A very special guitar. I invite you to a journey with the Little Sister Guitar...


Ana Bekoach Jewelry 15% off
Ana Bekoach Jewelry 15% off

The combination of Ana Bekoach is hidden in the first 42 letters of the book of Genesis (From the word BERESHIT to the word VAVOHOO). The letters are translated using a secret Kabbalistic calculation.


Alchemical Wedding Talisman Ring- silver and gold set with emerald Only 4 left!!!  A limited number were made on11.12.2014  10:03 - 10:43,  during a special configuration of Mercury , the Sun and the Moon, in order to balance the opposites of our nature
Alchemical Wedding Talisman Ring- silver and gold set with emerald Only 4 left!!! A limited number were made on11.12.2014 10:03 - 10:43, during a special configuration of Mercury , the Sun and the Moon, in order to balance the opposites of our nature

The talisman of the 'alchemical wedding' ring is a paraphrase of the alchemical trinity of the Sun the Moon and the hermaphrodite Mercury (which is considered their mediator). Mercury which is symbolized by the 'staff of Mercury/Hermes, or Caduceus) with his glyph embedded in the center serves as the connective tissue and reconciling energy of the Sun and Moon. Being the most androgynous planet Mercury has a pronounced solar and lunar side, which is symbolized by the two snakes.


Sun in Leo Talisman Pendant Silver and Gold -15% discount for the last pieces until April the 10th
Sun in Leo Talisman Pendant Silver and Gold -15% discount for the last pieces until April the 10th

This Talisman has the power to rejuvenate body and mind, to give one a strong positive and inspired attitude. Helping one to get in touch and exercise personal power and expression, and gravitate to places of honour and recognition.


Finishing the final parts for the gold version of the Sun Talisman limited edition
Finishing the final parts for the gold version of the Sun Talisman limited edition

Sun Talisman Gold (*Pre Order*) Pre Order Now! New Limited Edition will be made on the 9th of April between 6:11-6:30 GMT+3 Made during the Sun's exaltation. The Sun is the center of the solar system and it is the life giver and power source of this physical existence. The Sun symbol is the ultimate symbol of the Greek 'NOUS' or mind/spirit which is the driving force of the soul. In each living being the Sun represents the core underlying energy around which all of the personality traits, needs, passions, and experiences revolve. The Sun animates our being in the physical world, the more we connect to our Sun and its powers, the more fulfilled we feel, and the more we actualize our soul through the mind/spirit intent. The Sun talisman brings the fire and light into your life. It is a symbol of optimism, creativity and success. The Sun talisman sharpens the mind and strengthens your life force.


Sun Talisman Silver And Gold (*Pre Order*) Pre Order Now! New Limited Edition will be made on the 9th of April between 6:11-6:30 GMT+3
Sun Talisman Silver And Gold (*Pre Order*) Pre Order Now! New Limited Edition will be made on the 9th of April between 6:11-6:30 GMT+3

This solar Talisman invokes similar powers as the Leo Talisman. It brings life’s fire and light into your heart. It is a symbol of optimism, creativity and success. The Sun Talisman sharpens the mind and strengthens your life force. The Sun is the light of consciousness, therefore invoking the Sun into our life, enhances consciousness awareness and mental focus.


Image of The Cosmos Talisman - New Limited Edition!
Image of The Cosmos Talisman - New Limited Edition!

This Talisman was inspired by the famous renaissance Philosopher and Astrologer Marsilio Ficino. In his revolutionary work (for his times) “De Vita” (the Book of Life) published in 1489 where Ficino synthesises Medicine, Astrology and Magic, In the chapters dealing with the subject of magical Talismans he suggests a Talisman for the cosmos


Planetary Exaltation Pendant (*Pre Order*) Pre Order Now! A limited edition will be made on the 9th of April between 12:47-13:20 GMT+3
Planetary Exaltation Pendant (*Pre Order*) Pre Order Now! A limited edition will be made on the 9th of April between 12:47-13:20 GMT+3

Making preparations for the new edition of "The Planetary Exaltation Talisman", which will be made on March 26th. In this pendant, each planet lies within the sign of the zodiac, according to ancient doctrine, to be in its exaltation. The term “exaltation” is part of an ancient astrological concept that Is mostly known today as 'essential dignities' which classifies the essential qualitative strengths of the planets in accordance to their place in the signs of the zodiac.


Soon! New Limited Editions
Soon! New Limited Editions

Equinox - March 20th Venus in Taurus - March 23rd Planetary Exaltation and 7 Metals Chaldean Astrology Talismans - March 26th


The 5000 Light Years Away from Home pendant
The 5000 Light Years Away from Home pendant

Got the idea from Kathy Kirk who posted a photo of this formation on this page a few weeks ago. Many of the Crop Circles pieces are a brilliant form of art, and it usually revolves around Sacred Geometry. This one resonates and looks to me like a star system.


Crop Circle Jewelry
Crop Circle Jewelry

Ever since the first one was sighted in the 1960s, crop circles have held the fascination and curiosity of the public. Almost always, the appearance of new crop circles gets attention from the media, the scientific community and New Age believers. Crop circles even became the subject of many fictional works.


Crop Circle Jewelry
Crop Circle Jewelry

In the next two days we will upload the new crop circle design. In the meanwhile enjoy 15% off for our crop circles related jewelry.


New Article - Metatron’s Cube and The Platonic Solids
New Article - Metatron’s Cube and The Platonic Solids


Ancient Wisdom Jewelry
Ancient Wisdom Jewelry

David Weitzman's Wisdom Jewelry Designs and bring motives from ancient culture to give each jewel a unique meaning and the power to effect the wearer in the conscious and sub-conscious levels.


Genesa Crystal - the coded matrix of your own life force
Genesa Crystal - the coded matrix of your own life force

The shape of this pendant is called The Genesa Crystal and it is actually a spherical cube octahedron. The idea of the Genesa Crystal was developed in the 1950's by Dr. Derald Langham, an agricultural geneticist. He found that the crystal reflects the cellular pattern of an embryonic living organism. Dr. Langham saw this eight cell cluster as a point of full, infinite potential.


Venus in Pisces (Exaltation) Talismans
Venus in Pisces (Exaltation) Talismans

A Year has passed since Venus had last visited Pisces, the sign of her exaltation. Last week (27/1/2015) she entered it once again, giving us the opportunity to celebrate and invoke her heightened virtues of love, compassion and beauty. This time around, while Venus is moving through Pisces she makes some challenging aspects, so finding the right time for the Talisman was very challenging. But we did find a very auspicious window, as Venus culminates at the Midheaven exactly in the middle of Pisces (the 15th degree), while the Moon is in Libra (Venus ruled sign) making an exact trine to the Sun in Aquarius, from the 5th house of love and creativity.


Our Valentine's Day special...
Our Valentine's Day special...

The Love Jewelry you will find on this page are not the normal jewelry you will find elsewhere. Behind each jewel exists a powerful meaning, a strong intention and the endless love of the artist that makes it. Each jewel is crafted with great Diligence and care to make sure your love will flow from it when you give it to your loved ones!!


What were you made for?
What were you made for?

What Were you Made For? Inside the gold octahedron there is a question mark and on it engraved the sentence - What were you made for?


The Earth Element Ring
The Earth Element Ring

Earth Element Ring The earth ring contains the symbol of tree with fruits. The earth represents the solid, earthy ground and known to be related to the first Chakra. Among the five platonic solids, it is parallel to the cube. From an astrological point of view, earth is related to Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.


The Tree of Love
The Tree of Love

Tree of Love pendant The image of the branches and the roots hides within it the ancient Yin Yang symbol. The Yin Yang is an ancient Asian philosophical outlook that sees polar opposites or opposite powers as powers that complete and define each other. Opposite powers constitute a point of relationship and they complete and balance each other. Every power grows from the other, for example, light and dark or male and female.


The Entangled Pendant
The Entangled Pendant

Based on the powerful Yin Yang symbol this design incorporates the third force that binds everything in this reality - LOVE.


The Vector Equilibrium
The Vector Equilibrium

"The vector equilibrium is the zero starting point for happenings or nonhappenings. It is the empty theater and empty circus and empty universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience" Buckminster Fuller About a year ago I created the Sphere of Consciousness pendant which was based on the philosophical, spiritual ingenious concepts of Buckminster Fuller with his understanding of the Geodesic dome. I still remember the first thing that came to my mind when I first saw this structure. I thought that this is “consciousness”. I had no idea why this structure represented to me the concept of “consciousness” and as a matter of fact I completely forgot that this thought had ever come to my mind.When you study this structure and you realize that this molecular structure is part of the basic structures of every living being here on Earth you come to the realization and understanding that we are actually the universe itself learning and experiencing itself. Every atom in our body was created in the furnaces of long gone supernovas in the far regions of space.


A finished Ancient Egyptian Talisman for Childbirth Protection
A finished Ancient Egyptian Talisman for Childbirth Protection

A finished Ancient Egyptian Talisman for Childbirth protection. Ancient Egyptian Talisman for Childbirth protection In ancient times, childbirth and early infancy were considered to be life threatening for both mother and the baby. In ancient Egypt, magic played a significant role in countering these threats, and was used to offset the evil that could hurt a mother and child. Amulets of Taweret (Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility) were popular, and were used by pregnant women to protect their pregnancies and to invoke Taweret's aid in a successful birth. She was believed to assist women in labor and scare off demons that could harm the mother or child.


The Chariot Card
The Chariot Card

The Chariot card The seventh card in the Major Arcana. It usually marked as card number 7. The chariot card is a triumph and victory card. It originates in the ancient customs of victory parades from ancient roman times. The card symbolizes the battle in which one can achieve victory through great will power and the ability to overcome obstacles and gain control over our inner powers. The battle may be an internal or external one. Victory requires self confidence, sureness and hard work. These are the keys for achieving victory.


The Star Tarot Card
The Star Tarot Card

The Star Tarot Card -based on the Tarot Cards deck of Karyn Easton. It is the eight card in the Major Arcane. Usually numbered 17. The card of hope and healing, clear sight, spiritual insight and inspiration.


Three Rings
Three Rings

I've received this photo from one of my devoted clients-Melissa Kriger. The three rings are The Vesica Pisces Ring-the symbol of light, The Dune Ring inspired by Frank Herbert's novel-Dune ,and the Ka Ring which bears the symbol of the Seed of Life -the pattern of creation and consciousness .


What were you made for?
What were you made for?

Here's a glimpse inside this pendant seconds before I solder it and create a perfect ocrahedron. Inside you can see a question mark with the most important question one can ask: What were you made for? I heard this phrase from Haim Algranati (a great luthier who crafts brilliant guitars who lives in London) In a documentary movie, he said that each day he stops for 5 minutes and focuses on those five words - What were you made for? This ritual helps him find happiness and meaning in his life. The question mark inside the octahedron creates a beautiful delicate chime sound that acts from time to time as a "bell of awareness" The happiest among us are the ones who managed to give their life meaning. Some people see this approach as a deterministic; one that says each one of us was made for a purpose. I prefer the perception that people are the ones who cast meaning on their life through self realization, creativity and courage. The Octahedron structure gives a definition of time and space and symbolizes consciousness. The Octahedron also represents the beginning of creation or the universe.


The Mayan Venus talisman Ring silver and gold set with diamonds
The Mayan Venus talisman Ring silver and gold set with diamonds

Mayan Venus Talisman Ring - Limited Edition!!! This model was used for the rare and sold out edition of the Venus transit talisman That were made on the 6th of June 2012. After many requests I'm finally have a rare opportunity to recreate it as powerful Venus-Jupiter Solar talismans . These limited edition unique talismans will be assembled on December the 4th between 21:11-22:13 GMT+3.


The Venus Mayan Talisman silver  set with rubies and diamonds.
The Venus Mayan Talisman silver set with rubies and diamonds.

Mayan Venus Solar talisman-Limited Edition!!! This model was used for the rare and sold out edition of the Venus transit talisman That were made on the 6th of June 2012. After many requests I'm finally have a rare opportunity to recreate it as powerful Venus-Jupiter Solar talismans . These limited edition unique talismans will be assembled on December the 4th between 21:11-22:13 GMT+3.


Meaningful Gift for Meaningful Life...
Meaningful Gift for Meaningful Life...

David Weitzman is a Cosmic Jewelry artist. His work harnesses the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry from around the world to bring those wearing the sacred jewelry happiness, vitality, excitement, and love. Each jewel is meticulously crafted to work on conscious and subconscious levels to inspire people’s lives.


Enduring Symbols as Meaningful Gifts
Enduring Symbols as Meaningful Gifts

David's designs make a perfect and loving gift to show someone how much you care. The enduring sacred symbols will be treasured for years. By choosing symbols with meaning to your loved ones, you will be giving a thoughtful, inspiring gift of hope, love, and well-being.


Mars Talisman - Pre Order Now
Mars Talisman - Pre Order Now

A silver and gold Mars Talisman. Pre Order Now! New Limited edition, will be assembeled on December the 1st 2014. A powerful Talisman to enhance the wearer’s energy and focus. After two years, Mars has returned once again into its exaltation sign of Capricorn. This sign enhances the Martian energy to its most productive, powerful and controlled expression. There will be a rare and extremely powerful limited time window (only 42 minutes!!!) on December the first between 9:12- 10:00 GMT+3 to create a limited number of talismans, so here’s your opportunity to get a rare and genuine Warrior pendant and ring. This is a powerful symbol for focusing energy and achieving ones aims. It gives power over matter, and the force of putting words and ideas into action. It is also a strong protective Talisman. Mars Pendant Elements The image in this talisman, is of Mars rising in the triangle which is the ancient alchemical symbol of the fire element. This symbolizes the rising of the fire of action and willpower. We have added gold flames to represent the fires of the spirit/Sun .


A silver Merkaba pendant set with Emerald

Emerald-the ancient symbol of wisdom and one of my favorite stones. Has a tranquilizing hypnotic effect...


A 14k gold Mars warrior Ring.
A 14k gold Mars warrior Ring.

Mars In Capricorn Talisman Ring Gold (*Pre Order*) Pre Order Now the limited edition-will be made on December the 1st! Mars Talisman - The Warrior Ring After two years, Mars has returned once again into its exaltation sign of Capricorn. This sign enhances the Martian energy to its most productive, powerful and controlled expression. There will be a rare and extremely powerful limited time window (only 42 minutes!!!) on December the first between 9:12- 10:00 GMT+3 to create a limited number of talismans, so here’s your opportunity to get a rare and genuine Warrior pendant and ring. It is the archetype of the disciplined warrior that learns to control his impulses and inner fire, and to direct it willfully to achieve his goals. This placement also gives a powerful protection against any intrusive energy. This specific Talisman is made at a very auspicious time during this mars movement in capricorn. It is made when mars is in his exaltation degree (28) while at the same time it is exactly aspecting Saturn (its ruler) in Scorpio (mars sign) with a sextile (harmonious aspect). This is a a very strong mutual reception! As each planet is in the other planets sign, while making an except aspect. When Mars is in Capricorn (Saturn’s earth sign) it sharpens his expression of energy and gives it a strong focus perseverance and determination. Mars fiery energy becomes a strong building force with an enduring stamina and disciplined control of Saturn. Energy does not get wasted. It is stabilized and has a long-term purpose. This shows up in the chart of doers and makers, people with drive and ambition, people in managerial positions, who are independent and have strong determination and ability.


Pre order the silver limited edition Warrior Mars talisman
Pre order the silver limited edition Warrior Mars talisman

A silver Mars Talisman. Pre Order Now! New Limited edition, will be assembeled on December the 1st 2014. A powerful Talisman to enhance the wearer’s energy and focus. After two years, Mars has returned once again into its exaltation sign of Capricorn. This sign enhances the Martian energy to its most productive, powerful and controlled expression. There will be a rare and extremely powerful limited time window (only 42 minutes!!!) on December the first between 9:12- 10:00 GMT+3 to create a limited number of talismans, so here’s your opportunity to get a rare and genuine Warrior pendant and ring. This is a powerful symbol for focusing energy and achieving ones aims. It gives power over matter, and the force of putting words and ideas into action. It is also a strong protective Talisman. Mars Pendant Elements The image in this talisman, is of Mars rising in the triangle which is the ancient alchemical symbol of the fire element. This symbolizes the rising of the fire of action and willpower. We have added gold flames to represent the fires of the spirit/Sun .


A 14k gold Mars Talisman.
A 14k gold Mars Talisman.

A 14k gold Mars Talisman. Pre Order Now! New Limited edition, will be assembeled on December the 1st 2014. A powerful Talisman to enhance the wearer’s energy and focus. After two years, Mars has returned once again into its exaltation sign of Capricorn. This sign enhances the Martian energy to its most productive, powerful and controlled expression. There will be a rare and extremely powerful limited time window (only 42 minutes!!!) on December the first between 9:12- 10:00 GMT+3 to create a limited number of talismans, so here’s your opportunity to get a rare and genuine Warrior pendant and ring. This is a powerful symbol for focusing energy and achieving ones aims. It gives power over matter, and the force of putting words and ideas into action. It is also a strong protective Talisman. Mars Pendant Elements The image in this talisman, is of Mars rising in the triangle which is the ancient alchemical symbol of the fire element. This symbolizes the rising of the fire of action and willpower. We have added gold flames to represent the fires of the spirit/Sun .


Mars in Capricorn Ring - Pre Order Now
Mars in Capricorn Ring - Pre Order Now

It is the archetype of the disciplined warrior that learns to control his impulses and inner fire, and to direct it willfully to achieve his goals. This placement also gives a powerful protection against any intrusive energy. This specific Talisman is made at a very auspicious time during this mars movement in capricorn.


Odin's Knot - Ancient Nordic symbol of power courage and devotion
Odin's Knot - Ancient Nordic symbol of power courage and devotion

The pendant is based upon a design made by a designer named Kai. The design won David’s jewelry design contest. Odin’s knot pendant is the symbol of the god Odin which appears in the Nordic mythology. The pendant is composed of three triangles joined together. Odin’s knot is based upon a well known geometric symbol called Borromean rings – structure related to geometrical mathematical equations that encompass the whole creation.


Strengthen you will power to find success in life
Strengthen you will power to find success in life

The will power pendant is meant to strengthen the wearer’s will power while keeping the balance and harmony with the world around. The bent spoon symbolizes the power of the consciousness and its influence on the materialistic world.


First Day of Genesis Bracelet
First Day of Genesis Bracelet

The basic motif of the First Day of Genesis Bracelet. I've made it as a combination between the Assyrian and the ancient Egyptian styles with the Vesica pisces symbol at the center.


New Journey of Life Pendant
New Journey of Life Pendant

At the center there is a replica I've made of the ancient Roman coin from my private collection. The writing around it is in Hebrew and I actually took it from Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir". It says: “Father of the four winds, fill my sails across the sea of years". The meaning of the four words in Hebrew on the outer frame is " The further one travels the less one knows" taken from the Tao te Ching.


Renewed Journey of Life Ring
Renewed Journey of Life Ring

The Journey of life ring is created especially for truth seekers and travelers. The Hebrew engraving around the stone means - "Father of the four winds fill my sails across the sea of years", a sentence taken from the Led Zeppelin song - Kashmir. The font used in the engraved Hebrew letters is taken from the style used in The Dead Sea Scrolls.


Thousand Miles Journey Ring
Thousand Miles Journey Ring

The ring is meant to encourage you - the wearer for will power and determination and to experience effortless action (Wu Wei). The Journey of A thousand Miles ring is another collaboration with my young brother master engraver Jonathan. It is another homage to my favorite life changing book and one of the best books ever written - the book of Tao, attributed to the Chinese philosopher Lao Tse.


Final touches on this new Journey of Life pendan
Final touches on this new Journey of Life pendan

It's a combination of different cultures , different styles , different times all encapsulates the essence of the human voyage.At the center there is a replica I've made of an ancient Roman coin from my private collection. The writing around it is in Hebrew and I actually took it from Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir"-it says: Father of the four winds , fill my sails across the sea of years". The meaning of the four words in Hebrew on the outer frame is " The further one travels the less one knows" taken from the Tao te Ching.


The Emerald Tablet Talisman Silver and Gold
The Emerald Tablet Talisman Silver and Gold

Emerald Tablet Pendant Silver and Gold - Mercury Version (*Limited Edition*) The Emerald Tablet Talisman Limited edition- only 5 left!! This limited edition was assembeled on August the 5th between 13:17-13:56 GMT+3 while Mercury was in his own sign (Gemini) Essentially this is a Mercury Talisman, Invoking the power of Mercury in his own sign of Gemini highlighting acute mental functions, learning, speech and memory. This talisman is VERY powerful, especially for mental clarity, focused and piercing intellect, and speech. It strengthens the minds perception, and memory, and helps learning, understanding, and communicating.


14 k gold Alchemical Wedding Talisman Ring set with emeralds
14 k gold Alchemical Wedding Talisman Ring set with emeralds

The talisman of the 'alchemical wedding' ring is a paraphrase of the alchemical trinity of the Sun the Moon and the hermaphrodite Mercury (which is considered their mediator). Mercury which is symbolized by the 'staff of Mercury/Hermes, or Caduceus) with his glyph embedded in the center serves as the connective tissue and reconciling energy of the Sun and Moon. Being the most androgynous planet Mercury has a pronounced solar and lunar side, which is symbolized by the two snakes. This talisman is made at an astrological time that enhances the “cooperation” of the Sun and Moon (trine configuration while waxing). The talisman offers the opportunity to balance the opposites of our nature and 'alchemize' them together. This causes the emergence of our most pure, essential self, and acts to transform the raw and chaotic material - attached self (prima materia) into gold (spirit) by way of purification and unification of our basic elements.


Almost finshed the new Alchemical Wedding Ring
Almost finshed the new Alchemical Wedding Ring

Almost finshed the new Alchemical Wedding Ring. It will be a combination of gold and silver and set with emeralds...


First Day of Genesis Bracelet
First Day of Genesis Bracelet

To all of you out there who ordered the First Day of Genesis Bracelet-I'll finish everything by the end of this week-Thank you


Working on trinity Talisman for someone special
Working on trinity Talisman for someone special

This is a very unique, one of a kind individualised Talisman that can’t be found anywhere else...


upcoming Alchemical Wedding ring...
upcoming Alchemical Wedding ring...

A finished engraving of a medieval Sun and Moon for the upcoming Alchemical Wedding ring...


Setting a large Chrysocolla stone in this Viking's Freedom Bracelet.
Setting a large Chrysocolla stone in this Viking's Freedom Bracelet.

This bracelet was made for the purpose of finding your own path of freedom and to focus on your own inner fire throughout your life's journey. This bracelet design is inspired by Viking culture. The Vikings pioneered trade, exploration and colonization of new lands for over 300 years before any other european power. Despite being pirates and adventurers, they were the first white people to arrive in America, long before Columbus. The meaning of the name Vikings in old Nordish is Pirates and indeed robbing was a way of life for them.


New - Genesis Bracelet!
New - Genesis Bracelet!

Finished the new Genesis bracelet.


Horeb Unification - Now 14% off
Horeb Unification - Now 14% off

This piece was designed by Milton Thompson and it won David's jewelry design contest. Here is what Milton wrote about the design: “I designed this as my Egyptian trinity, incorporating the left eye for mind, the right eye for body, and the ankh for spirit in the third eye position. I included a representation of a Died column and three holy conical breads of white powdered gold.”


A silver and gold Yin Yang pendant
A silver and gold Yin Yang pendant

The Yin Yang is an ancient Asian philosophical outlook that sees polar opposites or opposite powers as powers that complete and define each other. Opposite powers constitute a point of relationship and they complete and balance each other. Every power grows from the other, for example, light and dark or male and female. This philosophy appears also in Taoism that talks about these powers as dynamic powers between movement and rest, when one of the powers reaches the pinnacle of its strength, it changes into a different power.


Five Metals Rings Sale
Five Metals Rings Sale

A Powerful Symbol of Success and Wealth The design of the five metals ring (5 metals ring) is based on an ancient kabbalistic formula for protection and success found in the Sefer Refuah ve Hayim (The Health and Life Book). The ring is made only once a month (or twice depends on the month);


Gold Metal and related Jewelry
Gold Metal and related Jewelry

Special Sale on selected gold jewelry. The ancients used gold as the symbol of infinity, the symbol of the divine and also the spiritual and the sacred. In alchemy the symbol for “Gold” is the same symbol of the Greek Monad a circle with a point at it’s middle.


The Bulgakov Ring
The Bulgakov Ring

This ring is based on one of the greatest novels ever, the Master and Margarita, by the Russian novelist Mikhail Bulgakov. The novel encourage the reader to raise questions regarding his own freedom, truth, courage, his role/destination and the ambition to fulfill his own free will and destiny while facing the hindrances of a corrupted regime and an hypocritical society.


An inlaid Mobius Ring
An inlaid Mobius Ring

There is no difference between the inside and the outside of the Mobius ring. This is a representation of the mysterious one, the creative force that exist in everything and is everything . Man perceives reality in a dualistic manner of good and evil. The dualistic perception of reality does not recognize the one force behind existence. The Mobius ring is a beautiful reflection of this simplistic, yet hidden truth.


12000 tree donation Certificate
12000 tree donation Certificate

We just received the certificate for 12000 trees from treesforthefuture.org We donated $1200 from the eco jewelry project. Thank you all wearing those lovely jewelry!!!


New Improved Alchemy Pendant
New Improved Alchemy Pendant

"The vector equilibrium is the zero starting point for happenings or nonhappenings. It is the empty theater and empty circus and empty universe ready to accomodate any act and any audience" Buckminster Fuller.


Sphere of Consciousness
Sphere of Consciousness

Buckminsterfullerene (Buckyballs) Symbol and Seed of Life - Symbol of Cosmic Consciousness.


The Egyptian Zodiac Necklace
The Egyptian Zodiac Necklace

The ancient Egyptian symbols depicted in the jewel are the Egyptian zodiac signs. The ancient Egyptians used Decanic Astrology in which the zodiac signs were further subdivided into periods of 10 days. Small planetary changes in these periods hold special astrological significance. The symbols and the horoscope as we know it today, make use of the specific time of birth and the astral configuration at the time of birth. This concept was brought to Egypt in the first century from Greece and from there spread to the rest of the world.


An 18k gold Ouroboros Ring
An 18k gold Ouroboros Ring

This is one of my favourite symbols - the Ouroboros or the dragon that eats his own tail. The Ouroborus is the ultimate symbol of renewal, creativity and endless change. The Ouroboros symbol has accompanied me for many years and represents for me the courage to accept life changing decisions.


Working on the upcoming The Sun in Leo Talisman
Working on the upcoming The Sun in Leo Talisman

This Talisman is very well documented in many traditional texts, Mainly for its great healing powers, But also for its ability to amplify personal strength and self esteem, invoking great success and achievements. “..Renders him that wears it to be renowned, amiable, acceptable, potent in all his works, and equals a man to kings, and princes, elevating him to high fortunes, allowing him to do whatsoever he pleaseth..."


A finished 18k winged Egyptian Scarab set with moonstone
A finished 18k winged Egyptian Scarab set with moonstone

The Scarab Beetle is one of the most common symbols in ancient Egyptian amulets and art works. The scarab has a famous habit of rolling balls of dung into small holes in the ground, laying its eggs inside the balls so that the larvae can use them for food. When the dung was consumed and the young beetles came out the Egyptians considered it a "spontaneous creation" thus worshiping this beetle as the god "Khepera", meaning "The one who came forth" – the creator god Atum.


The Dune Pendant
The Dune Pendant

A few days ago I've watched the story of the Chilean filmaker Alejandro Jodorovsky and his ambitious project to create the film "Dune" , the sci-fi/ philosophical novel by Frank Herbert. Unlike the terrible (in my opinion) version that was later on made by David Lynch,Jodorovski took it to the spiritual realm. Years ago after reading Dune I felt that Mr. Herbert created a brilliant Novel that in many ways is also prophetic.One of my favorite ideas in the novel is the use of water as a powerful symbol of life and expanded consciousness. The design of this pendant was inspired by the book “Dune” by Frank Herbert. The meaning of the Hebrew words written on the pendant is “from the waters shall come all life”.


New Personal Cosmic sigil talisman ring
New Personal Cosmic sigil talisman ring

Another small progress in he making of the new Personal Cosmic sigil talisman ring. Iv'e based the ancient Egyptian zodiac on the famous ancient zodiac that can be found in the ancient temple in Dendera.


Working on new Cosmic Sigil talisman Ring
Working on new Cosmic Sigil talisman Ring

Working on new Cosmic Sigil talisman Ring that will be made at a specific time according to your own birth charts.


15% Discount for Graduation Jewelry
15% Discount for Graduation Jewelry

This time of year is the graduation season. A time for many of us to face the real challenges of life and the real world outside the protective walls of academia. We've gathered here some unique and wonderful designs that symbolize success, courage, abundance, creativity and personal growth. I hope that these designs will give all of you strength, courage and inspiration.


Personalized Trinity Talisman
Personalized Trinity Talisman

This pendant is a genuine Talisman made according to the wearer's birth chart to encapsulate and reflect who they really are and what they can become. It is a powerful tool to focus oneself and serves as a constant reminder for the wearer's possibilities. The idea is that you will send us the day and hour of birth and our astrologer Michael Ofek will create a map for you. After that Michael will search for the right cosmic time in which the Sun, Moon and the dominant planet are in the best place to ideally benefit you.


New Venus in Taurus Talisman
New Venus in Taurus Talisman

On 19.6.2014 there was be a beautiful and rare planetary alignment. Venus, which has entered her own sign of Taurus last month, will be emitting a ray of affection to the exalted Jupiter (in Cancer) with an exact sextile aspect (harmonious configuration). This sextile will be active for a few days, but what’s unique to this day is the the Moon will also be joining this beautiful and auspicious meeting. The Moon will send an harmonious and supporting ray to Jupiter and Venus (trine to Jupiter, sextile to Venus) further reinforcing their celestial union. This three planet configuration is called a B-sextile, with Venus on the apex.


Last Chance to make Jupiter Ring
Last Chance to make Jupiter Ring

Jupiter Exaltation Talismanic Ring Silver And Gold Limited edition! Last chance to make it for the next 12 years.


Collection of Astrology Talisman
Collection of Astrology Talisman

Here's a collection of some of the talisman designs from the past few weeks. The pieces of jewelry displayed here are real talismans that represent ancient traditions. A genuine talisman is a jewelry/an object made according to the movements of the planets at a specific time and usually combine different symbols metals and precious or semi precious stones. The talismans displayed here are genuine since they are made at specific and unique times. Each piece of jewelry, at the time of its “birth”, traps and preserves within it the unique state of the heavens that is designed to give power to the wearer.


The Dharma Pendant
The Dharma Pendant

The Dharma Pendant design incorporates the Sacred Fig leaf which is known as the Buddhi Tree. Prince Siddhartha sat under this Tree for 49 days, attaining full awakening and liberation and became the Buddha. The symbol inside the leaf of the pendant is the 'Dharma wheel', also known as 'The Noble Eightfold Path'. The ancient path Siddhartha found as the way leading to the cessation of suffering (dukkha) and the achievement of self awakening.


Working on new Venusian design
Working on new Venusian design

Here's my new Venusian design for the upcoming cosmic configuration on 06.19.2014....


The Finished Cosmic Motto pendant
The Finished Cosmic Motto pendant

The basic idea is that each one of you will choose a word or a pharse/sentence that has a great significance and meaning. My brother Jonathan, the master engraver, will engrave it on a small plate of silver or gold, and it will be placed inside the pendant. the symbol and image I chose for this one are the two cherubs representing the male/female aspect of creation, holding the Vesica Pisces structure -the foundation of creation consciousness and existence.I've made this symbol for the Vesica Pisces Ring and also The First Day of Creation pendant, and I find it perfect for this purpose and this design since it represent in an immaculate way , how your motto, intention, purpose or source of inspiration become a reality.


The Pendant that launched 30000 trees.
The Pendant that launched 30000 trees.

Over the past few years we've donated all the profits from "The Mother Earth Pendant" to the "Trees for the Future organization". The result is 30000 trees that were planted all over the world!!! The mother earth pendant was created to express and strengthen the connection between us, humanity and the only home we have, Earth. The systematic destruction and devastation of natural resources are interfering with the delicate ecological balance of the planet. We are seeing rapid climatic changes taking place these days, damage to nature, to rain forests, destruction of coral reefs and the disappearance of millions of species in a matter of decades. The resources of Planet Earth are being destroyed – water, earth, the air we breathe, trees and the oceans. Large parts of humanity are today awakening to this fact and understanding the desperate need for change.


Ficino's Image of the Cosmos New Video
Ficino's Image of the Cosmos New Video

This Talisman was inspired by the famous renaissance Philosopher and Astrologer Marsilio Ficino. In his revolutionary work (for his times) “De Vita” (the Book of Life) published in 1489 where Ficino synthesises Medicine, Astrology and Magic, In the chapters dealing with the subject of magical Talismans... Click to read more.


Emerald Tablet/Mercury Talisman Version
Emerald Tablet/Mercury Talisman Version

Will be assembled on May 8th between 13:17-13:56 GMT+3 of May while Mercury is in his own sign (Gemini). The front side the outer “frame” is composed of the four classical elements (water, air, earth and fire) and I’ve used the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs for each one of them. The center of the pendant is set with an emerald stone and the whole structure of the pendant, the circle with the point in it’s center is actually the ancient symbol of the Monad.


Sirius Jupiter Talisman (Pre Order Now)
Sirius Jupiter Talisman (Pre Order Now)

Limited Edition! Jupiter Exalted Degree and Great Proximity to Sirius the brightest star in the sky! SIRIUS is a star of success and power, and it appears to heighten the beneficial qualities of that planet it is affiliated with, in this case Jupiter which is in itself the planet of success, benefit and abundance.


Jupiter-Venus Talisman New edition
Jupiter-Venus Talisman New edition

New edition from 18th of April!!! Made during the Trine of Venus and Jupiter This combination of the two 'benefic' planets makes a very strong Talisman for protection, happiness, love, joy, optimism, and healing of the heart


Jupiter Exaltation Talisman Silver And Gold (Pre Order)
Jupiter Exaltation Talisman Silver And Gold (Pre Order)

Pre-Order the New April 2014 Limited Edition: Will be assembled on April 29th between 9:10-9:48 GMT+3. “He who uses it will be loved by all people, who will praise and compliment him. If you have a dispute with an adversary you will be able to dominate him and yet also be on good terms with him. It is powerful in controlling judges and religious men. Whoever uses it will conquer anything he is confronted with, be saved from any danger and even in transactions of great risk he will gain."


A small silver and gold Consciousness Grid pendants
A small silver and gold Consciousness Grid pendants

A small silver and gold "Consciousness Grid" pendants. This beautiful sacred geometry structure is a combination between two of the Perfect Platonic Solids the Icosahedron and the Dodecahedron. Each facet of a dodecahedron is actually a pentagon/pentad. The pentad was so revered to early Greek philosophers and the disciples of Pythagoras that it’s construction and it’s divine proportions were kept secret. The pythagoreans used it as a symbol to recognize one another.


A Mokume Ring
A Mokume Ring

I've made this from copper and silver. I've created this one from 13 layers of copper and silver. The Mokume Gane technique was developed in 17th century Japan, following the example of the layered metal technique found in the "katana" Samurai's sword. The technique allows the forging of metal that looks actually like wood. The literal meaning of Mokume Gane is "Metal that looks like knots in wood"


Riding the night sky with Sirius. Coming soon.4.25.14.........
Riding the night sky with Sirius. Coming soon.4.25.14.........


Personalized Cosmic Sigil Talisman

Flames surrounding this Personalized Cosmic Sigil Talisman as I solder the final piece at exactly 10:40 GMT. The cosmic chart on this pendant is the actual star alignment at that time! love it!


Mercury Talisman New edition (Pre order now)
Mercury Talisman New edition (Pre order now)

Pre Order Now - will be assembled on the 8th of May between 13:17-13:56 GMT+3 while Mercury is in his own sign (Gemini). Essentially this is a Mercury Talisman, Invoking the power of Mercury in his own sign of Gemini highlighting acute mental functions, learning, speech and memory.


New Uranus in Aries Talisman Ring
New Uranus in Aries Talisman Ring

Assembled On April the 2nd 2014 between 6:15 - 06:55 AM. Talisman was be made when Uranus was strongly triggered by different astrological configurations while in the sign of Aries, and by planets that are reinforcing its unique quality. The ancient coin on top of the ring is an accurate replica of an ancient Roman coin bearing the Image of Sol the Roman Sun god with the "Sol Invictus"- Sol the Unconquered" symbolising the rebellious spirit of the Uranus/Sun combination.


Pre Order the Uranus In Aries Talisman Silver and Gold
Pre Order the Uranus In Aries Talisman Silver and Gold

Pre Order The Sun- Uranus Talisman-New Limited Edition! This Talisman will be made when Uranus is strongly triggered by different astrological configurations while in the sign of Aries, and by planets that are reinforcing its unique quality.


One of a Kind Rare Limited Edition "Ficino's Image of the Cosmos Talisman"
One of a Kind Rare Limited Edition "Ficino's Image of the Cosmos Talisman"

The Talisman can be assembled only at the ingress of the Sun into Aries on March the 20th therefore only a limited number of this rare talisman can be made.


Genesa pendant set with an uncut rough ruby
Genesa pendant set with an uncut rough ruby

"Genesa is the coded matrix of your own life force" Derald G. Langham, Ph.D. The Genesa Crystal is actually a spherical cube octahedron. The idea of the Genesa Crystal was developed in the 1950's by Dr. Derald Langham, an agricultural geneticist. He found that the crystal reflects the cellular pattern of an embryonic living


Women Empowerment Famulet
Women Empowerment Famulet

Celebrating the International Women's Day with the Women Empowerment symbols (discount valid until March the 9th) Women Empowerment Famulet (Feminine Amulet). Made according to a Design by Nona-Lila Megged & Iris Yotvat The ancient symbol of the triple spiral is found in many Goddess sites around the globe. The Spiral symbolizes the three faces of the Goddess: child, woman, crone, and the eternal cycle of Birth, life, death and rebirth.


Alchemical wedding Talisman
Alchemical wedding Talisman

The talisman is a combination of the metals ruled by the lights: gold- Sun, silver- Moon, and their ancient astrological glyphs, and are made ('born') under specific astrological times to draw out, intensify, reinforce and bring to life those symbols. The talisman of the 'alchemical wedding' is a paraphrase of the alchemical trinity of the Sun, the Moon and the hermaphrodite Mercury (which is considered their mediator).


A silver Torus tube Ring set with Citrine.
A silver Torus tube Ring set with Citrine.

The Torus tube is a shape created out of the basic structure of creation called The Seed of Life. It is a 3-D shape that looks like a ball with its surface going in and out of its center. It is one of the basic shapes of the universe and is considered as the ultimate sign of unity. The Torus tube has no inner or outer side and so it symbolizes for the wearer the unity between what you are experiencing as the outer world and as your inner world.


The New Emerald tablet Pendant
The New Emerald tablet Pendant

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is one of the most mysterious, cryptic and enigmatic texts. The text is actually derived from the Hermetic tradition - an ancient Greek and Egyptian philosophical texts which are attributed to the mysterious figure known as Hermes Trismegistus- a combination of the Egyptian god of wisdom, Thoth and the Greek god Hermes. In these texts Hermes discuss with his disciples, the true nature of the cosmos, nature, the mind etc.These teachings can be found in the ancient texts of the Corpus Hermeticum.These texts are dated back to the 2nd and 3rd century AD and their origin is probably Egyptian.


Ring of Eternal Flow
Ring of Eternal Flow

The ring is a reminder for the true nature of all things - Change & Flow The eternal flow ring is based upon the ideas and concept of the philosopher Heraclitus - one of the ancient greek philosophers from the era before socrates. Heraclitus was one of the most important philosophers who based the idea of Logos - a vague term literally meaning- "word", "reason", or "account".


A silver Ouroboros/ Torus Knot Dragon Pendant
A silver Ouroboros/ Torus Knot Dragon Pendant

An alchemical alegory of the Prima Materia


Our daily 20% discount for the Ring of Eternal Flow.
Our daily 20% discount for the Ring of Eternal Flow.

The ring is a reminder for the true nature of all things - Change & Flow The eternal flow ring is based upon the ideas and concept of the philosopher Heraclitus - one of the ancient greek philosophers from the era before socrates. Heraclitus was one of the most important philosophers who based the idea of Logos - a vague term literally meaning- "word", "reason", or "account".


Silver Egyptian Lotus Earrings
Silver Egyptian Lotus Earrings

The Lotus earrings are engraved with the symbol of the lotus flower. The Lotus flower is a symbol of the sun, of creation and rebirth, because at night the flower closes and sinks underwater and at dawn it rises and opens again. According to one creation myth, it was a giant lotus which first rose out of the watery chaos in the beginning of time.


A silver Fibonacci Pendant
A silver Fibonacci Pendant

The Fibonacci Sequence is a portal to the cosmic laws of existence itself.This Fibonacci sequence pendant was designed by Gary Meisner who won David's jewelry design contest for April-May 2007. And here is how Gary describes it: "The first numbers of the Fibonacci Series (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8) joined to form a solid chain, with the 0 serving as the eye of the pendant."


A silver Runes Ring
A silver Runes Ring

The meaning of the word “rune” is “secret” or “whisper”. In Nordic mythology, the runes were accorded great magical powers and their use was known only to an elite few. In ancient Nordic poems, the runes are seen as a means for healing, prediction and soothsaying and as a means of receiving information from the world beyond. The poems tell of Odin who wanted to get transcendental knowledge and who hung himself upside down from the “Tree of the World”, the “Yggdrasil”. After nine days and nights the runes were revealed to him and he absorbed their powers.


Upcoming Emerald Tablet Pendant
Upcoming Emerald Tablet Pendant

The outer front and back frame of the upcoming Emerald Tablet pendant.One of the most important mysterious and elusive texts of ancient hermetica and philosophy. The text was also translated by none other than Isaac Newton , one of the greatest scientists of all time and a huge fan of fallen apples. The four symbols at the lower circle are the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs for the four classic elements- earth , water , air and fire.


An engraving of Metatron's Cube in 14k gold.
An engraving of Metatron's Cube in 14k gold.

A known harmonious structure from sacred geometry named after the Archangel Metatron. Metatron appears in Jewish tradition, Christian tradition, and in some aspects of Islam. Metatron is in charge of all of creation and is considered an Arch angel as well as a judge.


The karma Pendant
The karma Pendant

This pendant was created to imprint its possessor with the understanding that his thoughts and every decision you make aware or unaware has massive power and the ability to create a reality. The idea behind the pendant is treating ideas as a seed planted in the earth. If this seed is nurtured, respected and cared for it will grow to be a massive tree that is strong and difficult to deforest. This principle is relevant to positive as well as to negative thoughts or decisions.


A sketch for the Emerald Tablet pendant....
A sketch for the Emerald Tablet pendant....

The Emerald tablet jewel was inspired by "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean" that were written by Thoth. The seed of life that appears on the bracelet symbolizes the seven lords that dwell in the Halls of Amenti that Thoth refers to in the "Emerald Tablets".


The Galaxy Purity Ring
The Galaxy Purity Ring

The Galaxy ring is based on the spiral structure of the M51 galaxy. The M51 galaxy is one of the better known galaxies and can be seen with relative ease from the Earth. M51 has a spiral structure similar to our own Milky Way galaxy.


The Vesica Pisces Ring in silver
The Vesica Pisces Ring in silver

The structure in the ring is known as the Vesica Pisces or the first day of creation. It is a symbol of the infinite consciousness which is in all of us, learning and experiencing itself through creation. This simple structure consists of two crossed circles, by which one can extract many geometrical and mathematical laws that represent our reality. It is an ancient symbol of knowledge, wisdom and love.


A silver Yin Yang cranes pendant. One of my favorite designs....
A silver Yin Yang cranes pendant. One of my favorite designs....

The Yin Yang Pendant The Yin Yang is an ancient Asian philosophical outlook that sees polar opposites or opposite powers as powers that complete and define each other. Opposite powers constitute a point of relationship and they complete and balance each other. Every power grows from the other, for example, light and dark or male and female. This philosophy appears also in Taoism that talks about these powers as dynamic powers between movement and rest, when one of the powers reaches the pinnacle of its strength, it changes into a different power.


A 14k gold "Diligo ergo sum" ring
A 14k gold "Diligo ergo sum" ring

Latin for "I love therefore I am...." (my own take on Descartes' "Cogito ergo sum"-"I think therefore I am".... The ring is set with Moonstone; the stone of love.


Queen Alexandra Shlomzion Earrings in silver set with emeralds and pearls
Queen Alexandra Shlomzion Earrings in silver set with emeralds and pearls

The earrings are an exact copy of earrings that were discovered in Archaeological excavations in the city of David in Jerusalem in the year 2008. The earrings that were discovered were gold earrings inlaid with emeralds and pearls. This design was customary with aristocratic families at the time of the Roman Empire between the first century BC up until the fourth century AD.


Japanese Crane Ring
Japanese Crane Ring

The Japanese crane ring contains two beautiful Japanese symbols – the crane and the cherry blossoming. The crane is a symbol of inner peace, beauty, loyalty and longevity. In some Asians cultures the crane represents eternal life.


A silver Tree of Love pendant
A silver Tree of Love pendant

I've actually based it on the Yin Yang symbol and use it as a symbol of perfection , love and balance.


Setting a brilliant green Emerald in a Norse Amulet talisman
Setting a brilliant green Emerald in a Norse Amulet talisman


Mars Talisman silver and gold
Mars Talisman silver and gold

Mars is sheer energy, it is the burning fire of action and desire, it is bursting and thrusting, it is associated with war, strife, and conflict, because of its powerful explosive burning and cutting energy, which in its most crude manner manifests as violence and aggression.


Spirit of the Wind pendant in silver....
Spirit of the Wind pendant in silver....


A 14k gold Buddhi Ring
A 14k gold Buddhi Ring

I've used the leaves of the "Ficus Religiusa" - the sacred fig tree for this design. Prince Siddhartha Gautama sat under this tree and meditated for 40 days in order to discovered the source and the cause of all suffering; attained full awakening and became the Buddha.


A silver Torus Knot ring set with Citrine
A silver Torus Knot ring set with Citrine

The Torus tube is a shape created out of the basic structure of creation called The Seed of Life. It is a 3-D shape that looks like a ball with its surface going in and out of its center. It is one of the basic shapes of the universe and is considered as the ultimate sign of unity.


A silver version of the Genesis Pendant set with green Tourmaline.
A silver version of the Genesis Pendant set with green Tourmaline.

I used different symbol to depict each day. The first thing that was created was the light, which also symbolizes consciousness and life, so for the first day I’ve used the vesica Pisces symbol (the two intersecting circles) which symbolize light, and also the source of creation from which any mathematical/geometrical law can be derived...


12% discount on Genesis Pendant and related Jewelry
12% discount on Genesis Pendant and related Jewelry

As always, for the past few weeks I've been looking for a new and powerful symbol for 2014, and since I've decided to dedicate this year for creative ideas and new enterprises I came up with the Genesis Pendant.


Coming soon! The Genesis pendant.
Coming soon! The Genesis pendant.


Silver small Christ Consciousness pendant ready.
Silver small Christ Consciousness pendant ready.

This beautiful sacred geometry structure is a combination between two of the Perfect Platonic Solids the Icosahedron and the Dodecahedron.


Added a silver version of The Star Children pendant-set with moldavite
Added a silver version of The Star Children pendant-set with moldavite

The Image of the Mayan World Tree is an accurate depiction of the Ceiba Tree with it’s bottle like trunk covered with thorns which reminded the ancient Mayan people the body of a crocodile. The crocodile tree became a symbol of the cosmos or the Milky way and the reason that I chose this symbol is because it is one of the first human symbols of the cosmos and because we are all eventually Starchildren. Every atom in our body came straight out of the furnaces of long forgotten supernovas in the far regions of space.


A sketch for the new Genesis Pendant
A sketch for the new Genesis Pendant

a new design for 2014. Each part symbolizes another aspect of creation.


Working on a new video for The Lunar Phases Talisman .
Working on a new video for The Lunar Phases Talisman .

It is an authentic Moon Talisman, and like all my Talismans it is created and consecrated at auspicious times when the Moon is at its most beneficial, and protective aspects. Moon talismans are considered to have a very general range of helpful and supportive influences. The moon is mostly known to represents emotional tides, and biological rhythms, but it’s much much more than that. The Moon is the connective tissue of our nature and it acts as a basic matrix for all other influences in all levels: physical, emotional and mental. It is the container, and maintainer of life (the light of the Sun) for the Earth, like a mother protecting and nurturing her child.


A silver Tesseract pendant. A journey to the 4th dimension.
A silver Tesseract pendant. A journey to the 4th dimension.

"Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation? The gods are later than this world's production. Who knows then whence it first came into being? He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it, Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not." The Rigveda 1700-1100 BC


The Chaldean Order/ Seven metals Astrology Ring.
The Chaldean Order/ Seven metals Astrology Ring.

"Seven are the passages to perfection of matter" Count Allessandro Cagliostro The Chaldean order, is essentially a hierarchy of powers that are represented by heavenly bodies (the stars), this order of powers is expressed on the axis of time as orbits of the seven discovered planets - Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, The Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. Each of these controls a stage in the linear process of time. From the furthest and slowest- Saturn, till the nearest and fastest, the moon.


A silver Native American Eagle pendant
A silver Native American Eagle pendant

A powerful symbol of the Great Spirit. It is interesting to see the western and Middle Eastern use of this symbol as a symbol for power and totalitarian control while the Native Americans use it as a symbol of freedom and spirituality and as the messenger of the Great Spirit.


Destiny Ring
Destiny Ring

Destiny Ring in 14k gold set with Lapis Lazuli. The Hebrew engraving says “Arise, go to Nineveh” The ring of Destiny symbolizes the destiny of each human being as part of the whole creation. The Hebrew sentence engraved on the ring is “Arise, go to Nineveh”, taken from the book of Jonah. The book of Jonah tells the story of the prophet Jonah, son of Amittai, sent by g-d to the city of Nineveh whose people have sinned, to warn them that their city would fall if they will not change their ways.


New Mayan World Tree Video
New Mayan World Tree Video

The World Tree, is a very widespread motif in the pre-Columbean Americas. It appears often in Creation myths, in the ancient cosmology and as an important iconographic element in the artwork of varied cultures across America. The use of the tree as a cosmic symbol exists on a wide and diverse scale in cultures from the Viking World Tree (Yggdrasil) - as well as in the Jewish Tree of Sephirot. The Mayan World Tree represents the four directions of the world, where the tree itself is the center -The Mondi axis is the point where earth and sky meet with the perpendicular and horizontal axis of the world.


Some positive vibes in this Ring of Love
Some positive vibes in this Ring of Love

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. The Hebrew Sentence on the Ring of Love says “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”. This sentence appears in Leviticus 19/18 among other social commandments. This sentence is famous because of Rabbi Akiva who lived in the Land of Israel under the reign of the Roman occupation . Rabbi Akiva considered this saying/teaching as the highest of all commandments.


14k Tibetan Knot earrings
14k Tibetan Knot earrings

The Tibetan knot (Srivatsa or the endless knot) is one of the eight symbols of the Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan knot can stand for karmic consequences: pull here, something happens over there. It is an apt symbol for the Vajrayana methods: Often when we tug at one part of a knot while trying to loosen it, another part gets tighter. You have to work with the knot to get it to come undone. In its endless configuration, it evokes the cyclic nature of rebirth and also calls karmic connections to mind.


The Divine Reflection pendant
The Divine Reflection pendant

The structure in the Divine reflection pendant is called Rhombicuboctahedron and it appears in the book de divina proportione by Luca Pacioli. The book was illustrated by Luca's friend – Leonardo De Vinci. The Rhombicuboctahedron structure is one of the 13 Archimedean solids. The Divine proportion refers to the Golden mean, that same mysterious proportion that exists as one of nature's fundamental structures.


Star Children Pendant Silver and Gold
Star Children Pendant Silver and Gold

The Star Children pendant set with a genuine Moldavite is available! The Star Children pendant set with a genuine Moldavite is available! As always, for the end of 2013 I’ve decided to create something meaningful for my friends from all around the world. So, this time my dear global friends from our global village I chose again the Image of the Mayan World Tree. The Mayan world tree is one of my favorite cosmic symbols, derived from the Mayan cosmology.


18k gold Karma Pendant
18k gold Karma Pendant

Here's an 18k gold Karma Pendant-An interesting concept I came up with after reading an article about a 2000 year old palm/date tree that grew from a 2000 year old seed that was discovered during the excavations conducted during the 50's in Massada.


Japanese Stork pendant
Japanese Stork pendant

My workshop is located close to the area where I grew up. I have childhood memories of wild expanses of golden sands and pine trees, of walking among wildflowers looking for turtles, toads and lizards. I once kept a turtle I found as a pet. Today in those same fields there are apartment buildings and a monstrous shopping mall and instead of the open wild field with the pine trees, bushes, wildflowers and animals,there is a parking lot sprouting… cars.


The Over Soul Talisman
The Over Soul Talisman

This pendant contains a small plate engraved with it's bearer's name in Hebrew. In between the letters of the name, the letters of the Hebrew word for soul – “Neshama” - are engraved.


Ancient Egyptian Motherhood
Ancient Egyptian Motherhood

An authentic replica in silver of an ancient Egyptian Motherhood/Childbirth talisman for protection. Ancient Egyptian Talisman for Childbirth protection In ancient times, childbirth and early infancy were considered to be life threatening for both mother and the baby. In ancient Egypt, magic played a significant role in countering these threats, and was used to offset the evil that could hurt a mother and child. Amulets of Taweret (Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility) were popular, and were used by pregnant women to protect their pregnancies and to invoke Taweret's aid in a successful birth. She was believed to assist women in labor and scare off demons that could harm the mother or child.


Star Children Pendant
Star Children Pendant

Work in progress-the new Star children pendant based on an ancient Mayan wall painting of the world tree cosmology.


The Phi pendant. Golden Mean in it's purest form
The Phi pendant. Golden Mean in it's purest form

The Phi pendant was designed by Joe Zastrow who won David's jewelry model designing contest for February-March 2007. Phi pendant contains one of the methods to sketch the Golden Mean of Phi (1.618….). It also contains (on top) the Greek letter Phi, representing the divine proportion.


A silver Double Headed Serpent/Aztec Ouroboros set with diamonds
A silver Double Headed Serpent/Aztec Ouroboros set with diamonds

The Double-headed serpent is the Aztec ancient symbol of the Ouroboros. In ancient times it was made as a statue, composed of mostly turquoise pieces applied to a wood base. It came from Aztec Mexico and might have been worn or displayed in religious ceremonies. It is possible that this sculpture may be one of the gifts given by the Aztec emperor, Moctezuma II, to Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés when he invaded in 1519.


14 k Gold Winged Scarab Set with Carnelian
14 k Gold Winged Scarab Set with Carnelian

The Genuine Scarab beetle design is an accurate and luxurious representation of the ancient Egyptian belief in the after life and the eternity of the soul. It is also a a perfect and unique symbol of the ancient creation Egyptian myth and religion. The Scarab Beetle is one of the most common symbols in ancient Egyptian amulets and art works. The scarab beetle has a famous habit of rolling balls of dung into small holes in the ground, laying its eggs inside the balls so that the larvae can use them for food. When the dung was consumed and the young beetles came out the Egyptians considered it a "spontaneous creation" thus worshipping this beetle as the god "Khepera", meaning "The one who came forth" – the creator god Atum. In ancient Egypt they used amulets depicting the beetle, placing them on the chest of mummies, close to the heart.


A silver Winged Egyptian Scarab set with turquoise
A silver Winged Egyptian Scarab set with turquoise

The Scarab Beetle is one of the most common symbols in ancient Egyptian amulets and art works. The scarab has a famous habit of rolling balls of dung into small holes in the ground, laying its eggs inside the balls so that the larvae can use them for food. When the dung was consumed and the young beetles came out the Egyptians considered it a "spontaneous creation" thus worshipping this beetle as the god "Khepera", meaning "The one who came forth" – the creator god Atum. In ancient Egypt they used amulets depicting the beetle, placing them on the chest of mummies, close to the heart.


The seven fold Labyrinth
The seven fold Labyrinth

This labyrinth is an ancient symbol and can be found in many places in the world. Spiritually, this labyrinth symbols the growth and development of men. The seven stages of the labyrinth represent the stages in spiritual development


Lioness/ Motherhood Pendant
Lioness/ Motherhood Pendant

For me the lioness has always been the ultimate symbol for motherhood. The devoted mother protecting her children, teaching and guiding them with infinite support and wisdom. A symbol of true strength and power.


An Egyptian "Ka" bracelet
An Egyptian "Ka" bracelet

An Egyptian "Ka" bracelet set with turquise. The engraving of the ancient hieroglyphs says: "Rise up and awaken, you are not dead, your Ka will remain within you for eternity".


Jupiter Exaltation Talisman limited edition
Jupiter Exaltation Talisman limited edition

Three weeks ago I received an email from our wandering Astrologer Michael Ofek, finally he was able to find an online connection from the Himalayas…. He told me that there will be another fantastic opportunity to create the Jupiter Talismanic ring and pendant that were sold out. I was glad since we’ve received many requests from clients who wanted me to recreate these pieces. So, I’ve made all the different parts of the ring and the pendant and waited. It differs from Talisman to Talisman, but In most instances I have around a 40 minutes time window in which there is the optimal star alignment.


Mayan Venus /Sun transit talisman
Mayan Venus /Sun transit talisman

The original model was created for the Venus tranzit on the 5-6th of June 2012. This piece was ordered by acustomer who wanted me to recreate this sold out design ' though of course, it wasn't made during the transit.


A 14 k gold Ben Porat Hamsa set with green tourmaline
A 14 k gold Ben Porat Hamsa set with green tourmaline

The term Ben Porat Yosef is taken from Jacob’s blessing on his death bed to his son Joseph. Before Jacob passed away he bestowed his blessing upon Joseph - it’s an ancient blessing for abundance, fertility, protection and strength. The Hebrew original words are “BEN PORAT YOSEF, BEN PORAT ALEY AIN, BANOT, ZAADA ALEY SHOR”. “BEN PORAT” means - a son of a fruitful tree, which is a symbol of abundance and fertility. “ALEY AIN” the tree is depicted as standing near a spring or a fountain - again a symbol of longevity and abundance. ”BANOT ZAADA ALEY SHOR” the tree’s branches are curved or becoming entangled on a wall - a symbol of strength and protection. The BEN PORAT blessing is also considered a powerful protection against Evil Eye since Joseph was protected and blessed against the people’s envy.


Silver Japanese Tsuba with Cranes
Silver Japanese Tsuba with Cranes

The Tsuba is actually the hand shield from the Samurai swords. In the 17-18th century when there were periods of peace in Japan, the Tsuba, like the Samurai sword itself, became a decorational symbol used in various ceremonies. Skilled Artists and jewelers produced breathtaking models according to demand. The Tsuba reflected Japanese tradition and included traditional Japanese geometric models. The Tsubas included images from nature in accordance with Haiku poetry that describes a moment in time and traditional symbols that reflect courage, fidelity, diligence and clarity of thought.


The Victory Ring
The Victory Ring

At the centre of the ring appears the symbol of Victoria – the goddess of victory (She is the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Nike). The engraving on the side of the ring states one thing- "Dare to be great!"


Egyptian Sun and Ankh Gold Pendant
Egyptian Sun and Ankh Gold Pendant

The Egyptian Ankh symbol is also known as the key of life. The middle piece is the ancient symbol of the Aten-the Sun Sphere - the source of all life which became the only symbol of religious significance during Amenhotep IV, who later took the name Akhenaten in worship and recognition of Aten. In his poem "Great Hymn to the Aten", Akhenaten praises Aten as the creator, and giver of life. The sun wheel in the necklace appears in the form of the seed of life which is the geometric pattern of creation itself.


The Philosopher's Ring
The Philosopher's Ring

The ring is a symbol of courage, bravery and self-belief. It is meant to inspire the wearer to be confident and to hold on to his own beliefs (just like Spinoza did in a hostile environment). The Known philosopher Baruch Spinoza wore a ring, one on which he personally engraved a rose and the latin word - Caute (watch out). The rose symbolized himself since the name Spinoza is a variation of the the Spanish word for thorn. Spinoza was well aware that he was considered a thorn among the Jewish community in Amsterdam. His ideas irritated the Christian authorities and the Jewish community was afraid that anger will be pointed to them. So the jewish community banished him (although his ideas appeared centuries before him by kabbalistic figures).


The Dharma Pendant
The Dharma Pendant

A reminder of the ancient path that exists outside the cycle of aging, death, suffering, and rebirth. The Dharma Pendant design incorporates the Sacred Fig leaf which is known as the Buddhi Tree. Prince Siddhartha sat under this Tree for 49 days, attaining full awakening and liberation and became the Buddha. A Buddhi tree actually grows outside the courtyard wall of my workshop. My neighbor once tried to destroy the tree, an example of great human ignorance which is the cause of all suffering… but the tree only grows bigger and stronger....


First Double Headed Serpent ready
First Double Headed Serpent ready

Thanks everyone for the flood of orders of the Aztec Ouroboros/double headed serpent. The first ones will be sent on Monday, so you can wait impatiently......


Working on Star Children with Moldavite
Working on Star Children with Moldavite

I was looking for another unique pendant for December, and since my Mayan World Tree was such a success last year I've decided to add a special new one which will be called "Star Children" and will include a genuine Moldavite tektite. Here's the diagram.


Pattern of Mars pendant.
Pattern of Mars pendant.

Here's the Pattern of Mars pendant. The structure of the talisman is the actual pattern of planet Mars in relation to our planet.It is made only when Mars is in it's the peek of it's power/positive influence and the middle piece is actually a piece of iron which is the metal that represents Mars. it is a powerful symbol meant to strengthen one's willpower.....


Aztec version of the Ouroboros
Aztec version of the Ouroboros

Been working on the Aztec version of the Ouroboros. this version of the double headed serpant is a fantastic symbol of rebirth and also in my opinion of the greatest journey ever-the cosmic journey of time and space. It will be available by the end of this week.....


A 14k gold Pattern of Life Ring
A 14k gold Pattern of Life Ring

A 14k gold "Pattern of Life " ring. The Cosmic Pattern of endless love and wisdom.


Working on Genesa Crystal with Crystal
Working on Genesa Crystal with Crystal

"Genesa is the coded matrix of your own life force" Derald G. Langham, Ph.D. The Genesa Crystal is actually a spherical cube octahedron. The idea of the Genesa Crystal was developed in the 1950's by Dr. Derald Langham, an agricultural geneticist. He found that the crystal reflects the cellular pattern of an embryonic living organism: "Genesa is the coded matrix of your own life force and is directly related to the living energy moving in spirals in all forms of growth, development, and change". "Genesa is a 13-dimensional process involving step-in-to crystals of simple geometrical forms similar to those that living energies spiral through in natural growth patterns. Through precise, meaningful movements within their energysms (life force fields), they learn to harmonize physical, emotional, mental and vital aspects of living and tune into their greater selves". Derald G. Langham, Ph.D.


Creating another Sphere of Consciousness pendant
Creating another Sphere of Consciousness pendant

Continue the building of "The Sphere of Consciousness" pendant. This "football" structure is the Fullerene molecule, a form of pure carbon that was also been found on meteorites.


Ben Porat Yosef Talisman
Ben Porat Yosef Talisman

A Replica of a Genuine Antique Kabbalah Talisman with Ben Porat Yosef and ana bekoach Blessings. 12% discount on related Jewelry


The Sphere of Consciousness
The Sphere of Consciousness

"The Sphere of Consciousness" pendant is finally ready. Buckminsterfullerene (Buckyballs) Symbol and Seed of Life - Symbol of Cosmic Consciousness. This "football" structure is the Fullerene molecule, a form of pure carbon that was also been found on meteorites.


18k Personalized Cosmic Sigil
18k Personalized Cosmic Sigil

An 18k gold Personalized Cosmic Sigil


Egyptian Scarab Amulet
Egyptian Scarab Amulet

The Genuine Scarab beetle design is an accurate and luxurious representation of the ancient Egyptian belief in the after life and the eternity of the soul. It is also a a perfect and unique symbol of the ancient creation Egyptian myth and religion. The Scarab Beetle is one of the most common symbols in ancient Egyptian amulets and art works. The scarab beetle has a famous habit of rolling balls of dung into small holes in the ground, laying its eggs inside the balls so that the larvae can use them for food. When the dung was consumed and the young beetles came out the Egyptians considered it a "spontaneous creation" thus worshipping this beetle as the god "Khepera", meaning "The one who came forth" – the creator god Atum. In ancient Egypt they used amulets depicting the beetle, placing them on the chest of mummies, close to the heart. The image of the beetle itself rolling the ball was a perfect depiction for the ancient Egyptians of the movement of the sun and therefore of the cycle of life and creation.


The Alchemical Wedding
The Alchemical Wedding

The Alchemical Wedding Talisman The talisman of the 'alchemical wedding' is a paraphrase of the alchemical trinity of the Sun, the Moon and the hermaphrodite Mercury (which is considered their mediator). Mercury which is symbolized by the 'staff of Mercury/Hermes, or Caduceus) with his glyph embedded in the center serves as the connective tissue and reconciling energy of the Sun and Moon. Being the most androgynous planet Mercury has a pronounced solar and lunar side, which is symbolized by the two snakes. This talisman is made in an astrological time that enhances the “cooperation” of the Sun and Moon (trine configuration while waxing). The talisman offers the opportunity to balance the opposites of our nature and 'alchemize' them together. This causes the emergence of our most pure, essential self, and acts to transform the raw and chaotic material- attached self (prima materia) into gold (spirit) by way of purification and unification of our basic elements.


ancient Persian royal symbol of two tigers/lions
ancient Persian royal symbol of two tigers/lions

Finished the basic motif for this pendant. It's based on an ancient Persian royal symbol of two tigers/lions. I've used the ancient eastern repousse technique for this one and I intend to set a beautiful turquise in it's almost rough form with some granulation technique as well, and since it's the Hebrew new year it's a great symbol for the ancient Hebrew saying "Shenihye lerosh velo lezanav" -May will be the head (the leader/the lion) and not the tail-meaning may we will lead our lives and not led by circumstances. Shana Tova. May peace will dwell on Earth.


Authentic Kabbalah Talisman
Authentic Kabbalah Talisman

About a week ago a client of mine from France came to the workshop and brought this talisman. He wanted to know what it is, so after a quick glance I've realized it's an antique kaballah amulet. On one side there was the tetragrammaton surrounded by an engraving of Jacob's blessing to his son Joseph on his deathbed. On the other side there are names of angels , on around the talisman there is the entire "Ana be'koakh" prayer -the sacred 42 letters name.After I gave him a brief explanation about the meaning of the amulet he asked me if I could create a replica for him-I told him that I'll do it for free if he will let me use it as a model for my clients -he agreed , so at the moment my brother, master engraver Jonathan weitzman is re engraving the model so that it will be an exact replica of the original one.


14% Discount on Sun Talisman and Related Jewelry
14% Discount on Sun Talisman and Related Jewelry

14% off until 26th of August 2013 Sun Talisman and Related Sun Jewelry


New Egyptian Ankh and Sun pendant
New Egyptian Ankh and Sun pendant

The Egyptian Ankh symbol is also known as the key of life. The middle piece is the ancient symbol of the Aten-the Sun Sphere - the source of all life which became the only symbol of religious significance during Amenhotep IV


Beautiful Chorus to Wear David’s Gordian Knot Pendant
Beautiful Chorus to Wear David’s Gordian Knot Pendant

Beautiful Chorus is a 12-woman ensemble that made their public debut in Orlando, Florida at the April 2011 Festival of Light and Sound. Each of the ladies of Beautiful Chorus will be wearing a Gordian Knot Pendant especially crafted for them by David Weitzman


Comming Soon - Grand Sextile
Comming Soon - Grand Sextile

Star of David/Hexagram in the sky. By the end of this month there will be another cosmic celebration. The current Grand Trine of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune together with a second Grand Trine of Venus, Pluto and the Moon will form a perfect Star of David/hexagram!


Grand Trine - Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn 12% discount
Grand Trine - Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn 12% discount

Limited Edition! Assembled on 19/7/2013 between 10:52-11:38 GMT. Rare Grand Trine of Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. In case you haven't heard there is a rare cosmic Triangle floating above our heads these days. Jupiter who just recently entered Cancer, formed the third corner of a Grand Trine (a complete equilateral triangle) with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This Grand Trine between the biggest planets in our solar system is extremely rare and carries great importance as a reflection of our era.


12% Discount on Jupiter and Moon Talismans
12% Discount on Jupiter and Moon Talismans

12% off until 15th of July 2013 Jupiter and Moon related Talismans - See more at: http://www.ka-gold-jewelry.com/p-categories/special-sales.php#sthash.YhVI5iX7.dpuf


Jupiter Exaltation Talisman Ring Silver
Jupiter Exaltation Talisman Ring Silver

Limited edition! Assembled on 7/7/2013 between 11:40-12:27 GMT at the time when the Moon was conjoining Exalted Jupiter in its own sign of Cancer. Enjoy the powers of the ”Great Benefactor“ - Jupiter, giving us abundance, success, guidance and support in every action


The Hypercube/Tesseract pendant
The Hypercube/Tesseract pendant

The new Tesseract pendant


Working on the Tesseract/Hypercube
Working on the Tesseract/Hypercube

Next week we are going to take a multidimensional journey; and it's going to be a bumpy ride!!! Enjoy!


A 14k gold Genesa Crystal set with Ruby
A 14k gold Genesa Crystal set with Ruby

This is a powerful symbol for healing balance and the Ruby is considerd a remedy for strength and fertility. This specific pendant was brought back to the workshop for some modifications after five years. It was bought by a nice couple as a symbol of fertility and now after three daughters the wife wears it on a daily basis


A new Cosmic Grid pendant
A new Cosmic Grid pendant

A smaller version of the wonderfull Christ Grid Pendant. This structure is considered by many as the structure of what is known as “The Human Consciousness Grid” and over the years I’ve received many responses and stories from all over the world telling me that the structure radiates subtle harmonious vibration and many claim that it has excellent healing characteristics


A gold and oxidized silver "KA" ring set with emeralds
A gold and oxidized silver "KA" ring set with emeralds

The basic motif in this ring is the basic structure of The Seed of Life. The seven intersecting circles creating this pattern contains the blueprint of creation; as also the mathematical and geometrical laws of the cosmos.This structure also represents the seven days of Genesis . The structure begins as two circles crossing each other and creating the Vesica Piscis pattern which is the symbol for consciousness and light and it ends as the sevenfold circles structures which is the Seed of Life. This pattern can be found all over the world in ancient monuments and temples. It is a symbol of creation, fertility and blessing. The term “Ka” is in ancient Egyptian and it means “life force” or “the source of life” or “the spark of life”. The symbol in the middle of the ring is part our logo! The ring is meant to empower the wearer for creativity, fertility and increase life forces.


Just Finished the Light Pendant 14k gold Rose
Just Finished the Light Pendant 14k gold Rose

This structure is known as the Vesica Pisces or the first day of creation. It is a symbol of the infinite consciousness which is in all of us, learning and experiencing itself through creation. This simple structure consists of two crossed circles, by which one can extract the geometrical and mathematical laws that represent our reality. It is an ancient symbol of knowledge, wisdom and love.


Mercury Ring and Pendant New Edition
Mercury Ring and Pendant New Edition

he talisman was made during the rare triple conjunction of Mercury Jupiter and Venus on May the 27th between 12:48-14:03. Essentially this is a Mercury Talisman, Invoking the power of Mercury in his own sign of Gemini highlighting acute mental functions, learning, speech and memory. But in this cosmic "coincidence" this Talisman enjoys the additional energetic reinforcements of the two most benific planets in the sky; Venus adds the aesthetic impulse, harmonizing and adding an artistic touch, with mercury she fuses mental and sensual pleasure, curiosity and excitement.


Genuine Eclipse Talisman recreation
Genuine Eclipse Talisman recreation

On the 10th of May between 5:40-6:12 I was able to recreate a limited edition of the unique genuine Eclipse Talisman. This talisman symbolizes the acceleration of powerful changes and the courage to implement them.The inner symbol is made from gold and is the ancient Egyptian symbol of the Sun while the outer symbol that creates an image of the crescent of the Moon is made from silver thus creating an alchemical balance.


EinSof Pendant
EinSof Pendant

The circle and dot in the center are made in 14k Gold. Expand our consciousness through the unimaginable concept of infinity.


And if not now, when? Ring
And if not now, when? Ring

The meaning of the Hebrew saying is "And if not now,when?" - the full phrase is "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And when I am for myself, what am 'I'? And if not now, when?". I believe that this phrase is the most important key for gaining control over our lives and for success.


Let There Be Light Ring
Let There Be Light Ring

A new ring with the translation of the Hebrew engraving "Let there be light" in the original Assyrian fonts from the Torah.


Equinox Creation Video
Equinox Creation Video

The video of creating the equinox talisman


The Ouroboros Ring
The Ouroboros Ring

A silver Ouroboros Ring. Made this ring as the ultimate symbol of renewal, creativity, endless change and MAGIC, in order to empower the wearer with courage to accept life changing decisions and to awaken creativity and renewal.


Custom Engraved Rings - New!!
Custom Engraved Rings - New!!

David Weitzman, the artist behind Ka Gold Jewelry invites you to find the words that deeply resonate with your inner being and make a ring from it. Wearing your own words (or favourite quote) can remind you of what is truly important for you in your life. Wearing such a ring will have positive effect on your mindset and in turn, on your whole life.


A silver Egyptian Ankh and Lotus necklace.
A silver Egyptian Ankh and Lotus necklace.

Finished an Egyptian silver Ankh and Lotus necklace.Enjoy!


Lunar Phase Talisman - Exciting new design!
Lunar Phase Talisman - Exciting new design!

Rare and genuine beautiful Lunar Phases Talisman which was assembled as a limited edition on April the 11th between 11:42-12:35 gmt. A Rare and Genuine Moon Talisman that is also a Lunar Calendar!! Talisman is for general protection and increasing wealth. Induce emphatic communication and perception


Runes Ring
Runes Ring

Finished a Runes Ring-love the dragons!


Mother's day newsletter

On the 12th of May 2013, all around the world, Mother’s day will be noted. This is a wonderful opportunity to thank our mothers and to remember all those countless hours they spent for us changing diapers, losing hours of sleep, worrying infinitely that we would eat enough, journeying through the childhood diseases, providing infinite number of hugs, warmth and love, stories before bed, worrying for our education and our future and countless other tasks. Some of them extremely exhausting, that we don’t always remember or appreciate.


New Products Queen Alexandra Shlomzion earrings
New Products Queen Alexandra Shlomzion earrings

Replica of Ancient Earrings found in Archaeological excavations in the city of David in Jerusalem. Made with Pearls and Emeralds.


The Monad Ring
The Monad Ring

The Monad Ring-The ancient cosmic secret of the source of creation and our true self.


The Sun Mars Talisman
The Sun Mars Talisman

Sun-Mars Talisman Silver 925 and 14K Gold New Limited edition - March the 14th 2013 A powerful Talisman to enhance the wearer’s energy and focus. Made at a time when Mars is aligned/in a conjuction with the Sun, which together create a razor sharp focused energy that can move mountains.


The Sun-Uranus Talisman-Powerful Symbol of Rebellious spirit and Individualization
The Sun-Uranus Talisman-Powerful Symbol of Rebellious spirit and Individualization

The Sun- Uranus Talisman-Limited Edition! This Talisman is being fashioned when Uranus is strongly triggered by different astrological configurations while in the sign of Aries, and by planets that are now reinforcing its unique quality. On March the 22nd 2013 between 06:22-06:50, I was able to recreate the talisman when the Sun, after entering Aries , made a bodily alignment (conjunction) with Uranus in the same degree. This alignment activated its potential with solar force, which is also very strong in Aries, a place of exaltation of the Sun. It was made after the spring Equinox when the day triumphs over night and darkness.


The Sun Talisman
The Sun Talisman

The Sun Talisman - Limited Edition Made during the Sun's travel in it's sign of exaltation (Aries). The recreation of the sold out Sun talisman. On March the 22nd 2013 between 11:42-12:40, the Sun travelled in its sign of exaltation (Aries). During this time, the Sun was at the peak of its essential power. I was able to assemble a limited number of talismans and as always, I apologize that I cannot create a larger number. The talisman can be made only twice a year.


The Mobius Ring
The Mobius Ring

Finished a 14k rose gold Mobius ring.Due to it's meaning and symbolism I refer to it as the Cosmic Joke. It is a perfect symbol of our true self and the real nature of reality.


The Alchemical Wedding Talisman
The Alchemical Wedding Talisman

The Alchemical Wedding Talisman - New edition 925 silver and 14k gold Limited edition will be assembled on March the 22nd between 08:45-09:50 gmt.


Flower Of Life with diamonds
Flower Of Life with diamonds

A diamond setting session on a 14k gold Flower Of Life Pendant...


The Journey Of Life Ring
The Journey Of Life Ring

Finished another Journey Of Life Ring set with Garnet.he Journey of life ring is created especially for truth seekers and travelers. The Hebrew engraving around the stone means - "Father of the four winds fill my sails across the sea of years", a sentence taken from the Led Zeppelin song - Kashmir. The font used in the engraved Hebrew letters is taken from the style used in The Dead Sea Scrolls. On one side of the ring appears the phrase "The further one travels the less one knows" (written in Hebrew). This phrase was taken from the book of the "Tao te ching" written by the famous ancient Chinese truth seeker Lau Tsu. The ring is meant to remind the truth seeker of the illusions and the deceptions of the outside world: "At the end of your journey you will discover that you have never moved at all..."


The Dune Ring
The Dune Ring

inished a "Dune Ring"- That which submits rules.... The Dune ring is inspired by the book Dune, authored by Frank Herbert. The translation of the Hebrew phrase engraved on the ring is: "That which submits rules" - A line taken from the book. These words hold the secret to true human enlightenment. The hawk that appears in the center of the Dune ring is the emblem of the house of Atreides, from whom the "Qwitzat Haderach" emerges, is derived. The hawk represents the higher self, the witness who always sees the entire scene, "The big picture" It symbolizes the perception of the "Cosmic Thought". The Dune ring's color combination of the green emerald stones mounted on a blackened surface, represent the black and green flag of the house of Atreides. The green emerald also symbolizes the center and compassion of the heart. The inscription in Arabic (actually a "futuristic Arabic") writing on the Dune ring is a variation of Paul Atreides' Arabic nickname "Lisan il Gayeb", meaning "The language of the one who will arrive".


The Equinox Talisman
The Equinox Talisman

Here's a sketch for the new special Equinox Talisman.It is based on an ancient Assyrian Sun glyph.I will finish the model this week and will assemble the pre ordered talismans on March the 20th between 12:15-13:13 during the time of the Equinox.


New Tibetan Knot Pendant
New Tibetan Knot Pendant

The Tibetan knot can stand for karmic consequences: pull here, something happens over there. It is an apt symbol for the Vajrayana methods: Often when we tug at one part of a knot while trying to loosen it, another part gets tighter. You have to work with the knot to get it to come undone. In its endless configuration, it evokes the cyclic nature of rebirth and also calls karmic connections to mind. The Tibetan knot pendant helps the wearer to realize the natural rule of cause and effect. It also reminds the wearer the need to let go and work with the knot and not against it.


Tsuba renewal
Tsuba renewal

Finished working/carving a model of a Japanese Cranes Tsuba pendant. The Tsubas from my point of view represent the symbol of “The Diamond sword” from Zen philosophy. The very sword that metaphorically cuts the world of illusion, the superfluous thoughts and feelings that mislead the human being and prevent him from seeing and accepting the reality as it is. The Tsuba is a symbol of courage, fidelity and diligence.


Newsletter February 2013

The signs were evident - the computers stopped working, devices broke down without any visible reason, emails were lost and these endless viral epidemics brought everyone down. I didn’t understand what was happening.Then, while I was working on the new design I got a phone call from none other than our astrologer Michael Ofek: “We will have to postpone the release of the new Moon Phases Talisman”. He said....


Venus Ring - New Design
Venus Ring - New Design

The top of the ring is a replica of an ancient relief of Venus with a body of a fish holding a mirror as a symbol for beauty. On one side of the ring there is the sign of Venus and on the other the sign of Pisces.


Finish upload 40 new testimonials with Images
Finish upload 40 new testimonials with Images


February 5th Newsletter - Meaningful Love Jewelry
February 5th Newsletter - Meaningful Love Jewelry


New Product - Light Bliss pendant
New Product - Light Bliss pendant


New Product - Tree of Love pendant
New Product - Tree of Love pendant


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Ka Gold Jewelry Features David Weitzman Spiritual Jewelry Artwork.

David's Jewelry harness the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry to bring those wearing them happiness, vitality, excitement and love. We invite you to join us on a journey full of Harmony, Beauty, ancient wisdom and symbolism.

Jewelry at Work

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