Hunab Ku Pendant

Hunab Ku Pendant
Part of mother’s day specials

The Hunab Ku pendant represents the symbol of the Creator God in the Mayan culture. The meaning of the name Hunab Ku is “The Only God”. In Mayan mythology, Hunab Ku is related to the Creator God – Itzamna. The Mayans were very advanced in mathematics. They also believed that the entire universe is comprised of awareness and consciousness that they called Hunab Ku and it is this consciousness upon which all the mathematical laws of the universe operates.

The Mayans created the symbol of Hunab Ku consisting of a circle and a square similar to that of Pythagorean structures. The symbol represents the Mayan understanding that four elements make up the universe – earth, air, water and fire.

The symbol Hunab Ku represents the cosmic consciousness and that Earth and Man are part of this consciousness.

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