Metatron’s Cube

Metatron’s Cube and Platonic Solids off coupon KAGOLD016

Metatron’s Cube is the name given to a complex three-dimensional geometric figure made from 13 circles of the same size, with lines extending from the center of every circle to the center of all the other twelve circles. It is considered a geometric variant of the ‘Fruit of Life’ symbol that is, in turn, derived from the Flower of Life, a powerful Sacred Geometry symbol believed to hold all the patterns of creation.

Metatron’s Cube is said to contain the five key sacred patterns or shapes that make up all matter in this universe. Known as the Platonic Solids, these shapes are Star Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron.

The Platonic Solids are called the perfect solids because in each of them, every face has equal side length, equal face size and equal angle. Moreover, all these figures fit perfectly within a sphere.

The Star Tetrahedron symbolizes the element of Fire. Made of two tetrahedrons (triangular pyramids), the Star Tetrahedron is a sharp figure that corresponds with the sharp and piercing heat of fire. Its uniform shape also makes it symbolic of harmony, equilibrium, stability and balance.

The Hexahedron represents the element of Earth. It is shaped as a cube and with its regular & straight lines, it is symbolic of solidity and firmness that are the key characteristics of the Earth. Moreover, the Hexahedron sits flat and firmly rooted, just like the earth.

The Octahedron is symbolic of the element of Air. The Octahedron has a smooth shape made of eight equilateral triangles which can be equated with the minuscule components of Air that are so smooth that they can hardly be felt.

The Dodecahedron is associated with Aether, a unique element of the heavens, sky or space. Aether is regarded as the fifth crucial element that combines with the other four classical elements of fire, earth, air and water to make up everything in the universe.

The Icosahedron is equated with the element of Water. The Icosahedron is made of 20 equilateral triangles and is the Platonic Solid with the maximum number of faces. Its smooth and even figure is seen as an apt symbol for water that smoothly flows away when one attempts to pick it up. off coupon KAGOLD016
