“nishmat kol chai”

Dear friendsI am thrilled to attach photos of a unique talisman that I can create personally for each one of you.It is a small vessel made out of silver.The Hebrew engraving outside says “nishmat kol chai”- meaning “the soul of all life”It refers to the Almighty the One Spirit, Source of creation and the idea that we are part of him/her/it. Inside I place a silver plate and I manually engrave it with the name of the owner of the pendant placed between the letters of the Hebrew word “Neshama” (soul).I use the exact sacred letters of the Bible that according to tradition have special meaning and power.This is a powerful talisman and an ancient remedy for protection healing and success.I love the idea of unity that the pendant and process of creating it symbolizes. By taking your name and putting it letter by letter to the NESHAMA letters, we are actually taking our perception of individuality and merge it to the OverSoul!4711_1061802314521_1509841399_30207043_7747873_n.jpg4711_1061965198593_1509841399_30207869_3991966_n.jpg 

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